The lovely Sarah at Cottage Garden Studio passed the very special Deborah Award on to me and several other blogs. In Sarah's words, "one common virtue, they are loyal friends regardless of race, creed, political affiliations and geography. To honor womanhood and friendship and there is nothing more wondrous a blessing for anyone than for a friend who came and never left your side." I hope I can live up to this award. Deborah is described as someone who is "perpetually pleasant and cheerful, kind and gentle, diplomatic and tactful. She exudes courage, hope and faith." Oh, my! Thank you, Sarah!

The Sugar Doll award came by way of McGillicutty. I love reading her "Inner Ramblings of a Mid Life Momma". She's a wife, mother, photographer and she's been to Blog Camp! Sounds like someone everyone should meet.
The Dragon's Loyalty Award came from Alicia at Boylerpf. I've been reading Alicia's beautiful and fun blog for awhile now. It's always interesting. I think she gave me this award because I'm a dragon!!!!!!
A big think you to all you lovely ladies. Please forgive me for not passing them on, on being slow about acknowledging your awards to me. Please drop by and visit these wonderful ladies and say Hi!
That's alot of love! You deserve every drop, Snap. I see your thanksgiving is coming up, big celebrations and the official kick off to the holiday season. I can hardly believe it's 47 days to Christmas. Thanks to your widget I have started my shopping and crafting, I am not lulled into the myth that I actually have a lot of time!
Congrats, Snap, on the awards. You deserve each one of them.
Congrats to you on all of the awards! I chuckled AFTER I gave you that award realizing it was a dragon! No pun intended..just well deserved!
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