That got me to thinking.
Is there such a thing?
Like Vee, when I think of Christmas I think of snow, a farm house,
twinkling lights, carols being sung.
All of those "old-fashioned" things that I used to see on Christmas cards when I was a kid.
While putting up my little tree and looking at "old" ornaments,
I got to remembering Christmas Past.... Christmas at Granny's house.
Her Christmas tree was real. Those were the days long before fake trees.
She had a church under the tree that would illuminate.
It also played silent night.
I would sit on the floor staring at the church and listening to Silent Night.
I wonder what it was that so fascinated me as a very little girl.
Original image from Vermont Country Store. |
Then there were the bubble lights on the tree.
I loved the bubble lights. They made me smile.
My aunt always came with something sweet to eat.
Do you remember the gum drop tree?
Original image from Vermont Country Store |
I remember the gum drops disappearing quickly!
I think I still have my Mother's tree -- somewhere.
This is the modern version of the green ceramic tree that welcomed us as we walked into Granny's house.
Original image from Vermont Country Store.
I have a green tree that my Mother-In-Law gave me.
It welcomes one and all when they enter my home.
That's about all I remember.
The most important part -- it was a happy time, full of magic and wonder for a little girl.
Another one of my memories is of one Christmas when my Daddy came home with a big box marked Christmas Tree.
I had horrible allergies as a child and was allergic to the "live" Christmas trees.
He brought home one of the first metal trees, with the revolving light.
We had all blue ornaments on the tree.
This is the modern tinsel version.
Original Image from Vermont Country Store |
I may have to get one of the smaller trees.
My days of putting up big trees are over.
A four foot tall tree looks good to me!
That's my short visit to Christmas past with help from the
Vermont Country Store.
The images belong to them and I did some tweaking here and there.
Wishing YOU well and much joy!
Ho Ho HO and a Merry Merry
Thank you to
Judith for hosting Mosaic Monday.
P.S. Did you watch the Orion launch?
We are off into space once again.
Explorers we are.