Monday, November 2, 2009

My World Tuesday

Visit My World to see more of our world or to participate yourself!

One more visit to the International Quilt Festival in Houston.

This set of photos with a nature/animal theme.

In Hiding by Barbara Shapel from Washougal, Washington.
This was one of my favorite quilts.
I wish I had taken a photo of the back.
It was a beautiful as the front!

Summer Sanctuary by Ann Fahl from Racine, Wisconsin
Another favorite of mine because of the kitty!
Ann said this is her favorite reading chair and things went from there!

Pup Art by Nancy Brown from Oakland, California
Nancy said she loves bright colors and bouncy puppies
and thought it would be fun to bring the two together.
It sure made me smile!
Hand embroidery, hand quilting, hand applique and machine piecing
100% cotton, most dyed or overdyed by Nancy

The Great Crate Escape by Pauline Salzman from Treasure Island, Florida
This is Ally and Lucy and they are impossible to crate!
Pauline said the howling and barking that ensues is really unbearable.
But, riding in the car - that's another story!

I hope you enjoyed my visit to the International Quilt Festival.
We will all have to wait for next year for more!

Click here to view all participants of My World Tuesday.


This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Snap: Really enjoyed the quilts and liked the Great Blue Heron best.

Inday said...

So much things we can to keep us busy. I have a book in quilting but never tried my hands on it. :) They are even very expensive to buy here. Lovely photos and I sure did enjoy this quilt journey of yours.

On a Hill Far Away is actually a hymnal song from "The Rugged Cross". Thanks. :)

Sylvia K said...

Gorgeous quilts and equally gorgeous captures! So colorful! I, too, love the Summer Sanctuary quilt! Delightful, Snap!

Have a great week!


SandyCarlson said...

Thanks for treating us to another look at these amazing quilts.

Barb said...

I've really enjoyed your quilt posts, Snap! So much creativity and fabulous color. PS - the only snow used in Peppermint ice cream is to pack against the ice cream bucket to keep it cold!

Martha Z said...

Thank you for sharing all these wonderful quilts. I've enjoyed all of your posts about this event.

Anonymous said...

Such talent - I love quilts. Like FG, I like the heron best but they are all so wonderful, I wish I could live in a museum full of them.

Carver said...

I have enjoyed the quilts so much. They are remarkable.

Anonymous said...

The workmanship in these quilts totally astounds me! The artists are amazing--and very patient-- needleworkers.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Gee Snap. Those quilts are so gorgeous. IF I didn't know better, I'd never know they were quilts... Goodness!!!!! I know you are glad you went to that Quilt Festival. Thanks for sharing with us.

Kim Mailhot said...

what incredible art ! thanks for sharing it, lovely Snap !

Martha said...

So pretty! This would be a great entry to link to my Color Carnival! :-)

Tes said...

Hello there neighbor! Beautiful quilts. I missed this exhibit. I've been planning to go, but have forgotten to. Quilts are fascinating artwork, I planned to try a small piece, but decided to paint instead (teehee) Nice clear capture! Thank you for sharing!

Kristin said...

Just discovered your blog and, though, I looked through the whole page, you had me at the quilts! : ) Maybe that was the motivation I needed to get back to work on the one I'm making for my daughter...

Just started my own blog last week, I'd love to have you check it out-

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Snap, lovely photos of very beautiful quilts. I would have enjoyed that show but looking at your photos made me feel like I was there. Thanks for visiting my blog while I was away. I appreciated it very much. It's good to be home catching up with my blogging friends. Have a great week.

Kathie Brown said...

I did enjoy my visit! What wonderful quilts! I love the colors and the artistry!

penny said...

It is amazing to me that they are really quilts. They are beautiful art work and should be hung on a wall.

Oman said...

something different for my world but equally interesting. these quilts are both artistic and lovely. :)

Glennis said...

Amazing quilts, I also love the first one, and am surprised it is even a quilt, it is so perfedct.

Lew said...

Those are beautifully made quilts. Your phots capured them well!

Sherry said...

These quilts are absolutely amazing. Turning something beloved (pets, reading chair..) into a piece of art to remember forever.

Janie said...

Wow, these are so impressive and artistic! I can't imagine creating so much beauty with scraps of fabric.