Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Have you Visited?

Have you visited Craftside?

It is a "behind the scenes look at the crafty world."

I've been following them for a few months now.

If I bought every book that they reviewed
that I was interested in,
the bank would be empty!

Just look at the variety!

Can you believe it? This is just a sample!
A new book everyday.

Check them out.
You'll be reading for days!


Sherry said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!!! I want them all!!!!! Talk about eye candy, but even more...I'm with you. I'd be broke if I bought them all...and this is just a "tease" you've shown!!!

Sarah Sullivan said...

Oh I want them all..the studio spaces one looks amazing!! Thank you to see the blog..Hugs to you hon, Sarah

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Fabulous books and definitely...I would break the bank or more currently over loaded bookshelf! I would love to read that first one. Off to check out the site!

Wildflowerhouse said...

Now I am in trouble. Am I bad.... not yet but when I check this site out, well there is no hope for me, I'm bad, bad to the bone......LOL Darn you Snap.!!!! Sharon (the bad)

Anonymous said...

Books are such temptations. Is it possible to own too many books? (Yes, I suppose it is. But we won't talk about that, will we?)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

For a creative person like you, Snap, I'm sure those books are like a piece of heaven. Since I have NO creativity in me and would rather be outside raking leaves, I think I'll leave all of those things to you and all of the other creative people.

Crafty Christina said...

Wow, I've never heard of this before. I love crafting books. I have way too many!

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

Oh crap! I mean - thanks. Yes, more ways for me to spend my money! That last one - the daily book of art - looks particularly delicious.

Janet said...

Ok, now I'm in big trouble! You've given me even more books to want! Where will I put them all....but first and foremost how will I pay for them all!!!!

nonizamboni said...

Oh, one more obsession for me! Thanks. . .I can't wait to dive into this site.
Hope you week is going well!

Carole said...

Now see, that's where my local library comes in handy.

I see a book I think I might like, I check the library first, review it, then if it's something that I know I'll use, I buy it.

I've seen that first one. It's a fun book.