Monday, October 19, 2009

My World

Be sure to visit My World to see more of our world or to participate yourself.

I love this time of year in Houston.
There's so much to do -- too much!

Last week I went to the International Quilt Festival with
my Sista and god-daughter.
We girls always have a good time together.
We were wowed by what we saw.

It was a hard decision just deciding where to start!
So much to see!

(On the Wings of A Dream by Caryl Bryer Fallert)

This quilt is called On The Wings of A Dream
and was the grand-prize winner.
Caryl Bryer Fallert from Paducah, Kentucky is the artist.
Caryl describes the quilt this way:
"After a major life event, a new life chapter begins, and
there is freedom to make new choices and try new things.
The dancer and the transparent white bird merg
together to represent this freedom. The eagle represents
the past, which must be left behind in order to move forward."
Hand dyed and painted, machine pieced, embroidered, quilted

(Beyond the Horizon by Mary Ann Hildebrand)

I promised Kim over at Calamity Kim's that I would post
this quilt called Beyond the Horizon today.
It is based on one of Kim's favorite woodcuts.
The artist of this quilt called Beyond The Horizon is
Mary Ann Hildebrand of Comfort, Texas.
Mary Ann says " This quilt was made in response to a local
art center's call for quilts based on other art forms and my
husband's challenge to do the design
It is based on an early woodcut."

(Touque - a neat word for a hat, eh? by Victoria Gray)

There was a whole section of quilts made by Canadian artists.
This quilt by Victoria Gray from Heffley Creek, British Columbia, Canada
is called "Touque (tuk) n. a neat word for a hat, eh?"
It made me smile. Fun, isn't it?!!!
I would think a knitted hat would be indispensable in Canada!
Techniques: Hand appliqued, embroidered, braided and distressed,
painted, stuffed, trapunto, machine quilted

This is just a glimpse. There are more for another day!

Click here to view all participants of My World Tuesday.



Jinksy said...

The first prize certainly went to a very accomplished lady, in more ways than one.

Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers said...

Lovely selection of quilts you've shown us. I love going to quilt shows when I get the chance and am always amazed by the artistry of many of the exhibitors.

Martha Z said...

These are great, I love the creativity and look forward to more shots like these.

Sylvia K said...

Those are incredible quilts! Wow! They're creative, stunning! I'm always, delighted and amazed to see peoples artistic talents!

Have a great week!


Alicia @ boylerpf said...

I had no idea that so much could go into a quilt! I certainly understand how the grand prize was chosen...beautiful!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Snap: That is truly art work when they look like this.

Carver said...

Those quilts are works of art. Thank you for showing them to us.

Photo Cache said...

I've always loved quilts altho I can't make them. I thought people who quilt are extremely talented.

I love Beyond the Horizon. Thanks for sharing.

eileeninmd said...

What a lovley time! I love all the quilts, wonderful pieces of art.

Sarah Sullivan said...

Oh wow!! What beautiful work! I love to quilt and would dearly love to create this way!! Wowowo - how fun Snap!! Hugs, Sarah

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

It's hard to believe these are quilts! I knew the last photo had to be a Canadian made quilt - between the word "toque" and the Hudson Bay stripes, it was a dead give-away for this Canuk!

Joe Todd said...

Is it hard to look "Beyond the Horizon" in the great "Hill Country|" of Texas

penny said...

These are all so beautiful. You are very creative in you quilting. I love quilts and have several of my own.

Kate Tracton said...

Oh, yes, I've ALWAYS wanted to see this show! My friend, Glennis Dolce (the other shibori girl) had a booth there where she sold her beautiful ribbons.

Carol Bryer Fallert has been a favorite of mine for years. Her thread painting is phenomenal!


Wendy said...

I just wanted to say that I enjoyed your comment on horse racing at A Canadian Family, and agree with it 100%!

Now back to my cross-stitch project, yup, I have a dragon collection too. LOL

SandyCarlson said...

They are like fabric paintings. I admire the talent and vision behind these.

Barbara said...

OMG, That first one!!! The bird quilted against the woman?? Amazing. And the second was gorgeous as well. I'm in awe of them both. How fun to have gotten to see them close up!

Catherine said...

great quilts...what a creative bunch of people..

James said...

That is some cool stuff. It's amazin how talented people can be.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Houston has the Quilt Show of ALL Quilt Shows I think. I have a good friend --who used to attend the show EVERY year. She lives in Colorado---but I'll bet she was there this year also...I've lost touch with her.

Beautiful quilts...

nonizamboni said...

Wow! this must have been almost a spiritual experience to walk around these quilts. I appreciated the 'wings' and 'horizon' so much. Thanks for sharing the beauty!

J said...

A beautiful selection - the one based on the old woodcut particularly impressed me.

A Palmer said...

Wow, incredible. Quilts sure have changed since gramma's day, huh? What creativity.

Louise said...

I think I need to go to a quilt festival. I don't quilt, but I love quilts, and I've never seen any like any of the ones you showed!

Oman said...

looks like fun. i admire the artistry of those who make quilts.

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

oh wow wow wow. I had no idea quilts could look like that. Then again - why not? It's just that I thought... there had to be squares involved.

Sherry said...

These quilts are awesome. I have always loved quilts but have never done any quilting...I'm not much at sewing and I give full kudos to those who do!