Friday, October 16, 2009

Camera Critters Halloween Party!

There's so much excitement in Blogland. Halloween is coming and there are parties everywhere. The lovely Ms. Vanessa at A Fanciful Twist is the hostess with the mostess for her annual party. It just so happens that it falls on Camera Critters day, so I have combined these two fun events. I hope you'll visit Ms. Vanessa and all the other party goers and visit Camera Critters to see all the wonderful critters around the world!

The candles are lit.


The witch is busy cooking up something defrightfully good.

And, Snoopy has decided he had so much fun last year
he's back for another year.
He's all ready to look into the future and
he invited a few of his friends to join him.
The only catch -- they had to bring Halloween jokes for you!

Here's Snoopy with his crystal ball and tarot cards.
It wouldn't be fair if he didn't bring a joke, too.

"What happens when a ghost gets lost in the fog?"
"He is mist."

This is Jack The Jester.
He'll do tricks and tell a few jokes.

"What kind of tie does a ghost wear to a formal party?"
"A boo-tie."

"Where do vampire children eat their lunch?"
"At the school casketeria."

Ms. Abracadabra is all dressed up and plans on doing
a few magic tricks. Until then -- a joke?!!

"Why did the skeleton cross the road?"
"To go to the body shop."

"How do ghosts take their coffee?"
"With scream and sugar."

Merlin the Magician is happy to join us.

"Where do goblins get their lottery tickets?"
"At the ghastly station."

And, last but not least (!!!)

"Why don't ghosts like to play sports?"
"Because they get booed."

Here's hoping you have a wonderfully delightful day

Happy Halloween!!!


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute post, Snap.... Those little jokes are just so cute... AND I love your 'characters'.... Ms. Abracadabra is just so pretty.. AND I love Jack the Jester and of course, Snoopy... Too Cute!!!

Happy Halloween to you also.

LiT Web Studio said...

this is such a fun post! i live in italy and halloween is far more low-key here...

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

What fun! We started decorating the house two weeks ago and keep adding little things. This week it was a cauldron full of skulls and eyeballs (from the dollar store). If I'm not careful I will end up with more Halloween decorations than Christmas decorations. Riley is going to love these jokes! Thanks for sharing.

nonizamboni said...

I just woke up my husband in the other room from my 'cackling' at these great one-liners! Snoopy's are always the best this time of year.
Thanks for all the fun today.

Sarah Sullivan said...

Ooooh I love it hon!!! Wonderful ctitter twist for the party!! I loooved all your witchy critters..but you knew I would!! come by mine for a visit!!! Whoo hoo ~
Happy Critter Halloween, Sarah

Anonymous said...


Happy Halloween!

Pixie said...

Love the jokes! Such a fun post and party. Thanks for inviting me.

Kim Mailhot said...

Fun Halloween Silliness, Sweet Snap!

Anonymous said...

Too cute, who doesnt love a good belly laugh for halloween?
YAY!Happy Spooky Day!

Melissa said...

Hello! Happy Halloween! Wonderful Party post!

Quilt Works said...

Awesome photos, my favorite is the witch :-)

laterg8r said...

love all the corny jokes and cutie pics :D

Someone said...

great post, hope you have a wonderful Halloween!!!!!


love that witch's silhouette!

eileeninmd said...

Cute post and photos. The jokes are cute too. Thanks for sharing.

storyteller said...

Fun holiday critter post! I've shared Birds from my Rainy Day walk this week.
Hugs and blessings,

Unknown said...

Cute stuff. Have a fun and safe Halloween!

Maggi said...


hee hee I love the jokes, i'll have to remember those! Thank you for a hauntingly good party!

I'm visiting from Beyond to celebrate the spookiest Halloween blog party ever! I hope you are having a fang-tastic time today! You are cordially invited to share in the celebration at my party HERE. I do hope you'll stop by!

Have a spook-tacular day!

julietk said...

Doing the party round, Great bears Happy Halloween :-)

Linda said...

love the animal halloweeners. Linda, do drop by

Dhemz said...

very cute......nice idea!

btw, this is my first time joining this is my entry

Bloomin'Chick Jo said...

Fun! Fun! Fun! Thanks so much for the smiles! Happy Halloween & Fete!

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

heeeeeeeeeeehehehehe wonderful!!!!

my favourite: he is mist. :D :D :D :D

I'll never look at the Body Shop the same way again and I need to get some shampoo there soon.....

.oOo.☆♥ Maria-Thérèse parties at ♥☆.oOo.

Chrisy said...

What spellbinding little guests you have in here! Thank you for your hospitality! Please come visit at my party for more treats....if you haven't flown in already!

Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween Party to you! :)

Deborah said...

What an adorable group of little trickster you have there! Do stop by and party with Alice and Dead Bob, if you dare! **kisskiss** Deborah

Oskar said...

Ha ha! It looks like a fun party!

AwtemNymf said...

I enjoyed my visit! <{:O)
Be Enchanted!
Opal Moon Enchantments

MJ Ornaments said...

Cute jokes, and love that cut out witchy! Pop over to my place to solve a mystery! Happy Halloweeen! Take care, Martha

Barbara said...

So wonderful, Snap! Love the little animals and Tarot cards. I think I have that same set! (good for plotting. Books, that is.) Have a wonderful party and weekend, dear Snap. hugs, B

Barbara said...

P.S.--OMG, I love your little kitty widget!! I want one!! :p)

Unknown said...

You're a girl after my own heart. I much prefer making Halloween cute than sinister. I love those jokes too, I have to save them up for my nephew, he'll love these.
Happy Halloween!

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm so happy Snoopy was here! I just luv that beagle;)

Kelly said...

Oh yay, more bear posts! I loved it, so cute!

Happy Halloween, Kelly

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Have a happy Halloween and a magical weekend! Twyla

Unknown said...

Hi, Great Halloween post! Happy Halloween to you!

Carolina said...

Happy Halloween to you!

queen-of-nostalgia said...

Love the jokes! I have that same Snoopy :) LOL
I would love for you hop on your broom and fly over for a visit if you haven't already :) My party is here


Jorgelina said...

What fun!
Happy Halloween!!!

Karin van Dam said...

Thanks for the invite, I've had a lot of fun here at your party. Happy halloween!

Calico Crazy said...

I love your Halloween critters, they are just adorable, and your jokes are perfect for sharing with my girl.

Calico Contemplations

Annabelle said...

What a lovely black witch and the teddies are sooo cute!

Happy Hauntings and a Happy Halloween Too!!!
A Witch called Annabelle >^..^< said...

Snoopy and the critters are just adorable!!! I love them and their funnies!!

Bwuahahahaaaaaaaa ~ thank you for being a delightful part of the festivities!!

Julie Ranae said...

FINALLY fell asleep at someone's party last back to make rounds again today...

Thank you for the glad you left the decorations up for me!

Please stop by and see my creative offerings for the party...they're still up, too!

Anonymous said...

Fun pictures, the bears are really cute!

Huzhar said...

Such a fun post.. love it.. Thank you for cheering me up..
Happy Halloween and have a great week..

Weblog Popular 1Malaysia

Sueann said...

Loved the jokes!! Perfect for Halloween!! Just flew by to visit your party. Thanks for keeping the candles lit for me.
Stop by mine

Chie Wilks said...

wow..this is so much fun...i love the story of every critters...and the jokes

mine is here:

Chickenbells said...

What sweet and fun Halloween Bears! Thank you for such a lovely party...Happy Halloween!!

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

What a collection of critters, Happy Halloween to you too!

Sherry said...

I missed your party last Saturday but I'm glad I was able to pop in today - you have some totally adorable Halloween guests!!