It's time to share the February Lesson from Dharma Days 2010 Calendar: Art, Musings, and Meditations for the Spiritual Path by Dairyu Michael Wenger. My homework for this month is to cultivate compassion without falling prey to its near enemies. For instance, feeling sorry for someone is far from feeling close to that person and may give you a sense of superiority. Getting depressed yourself when someone around you is feeling depressed is self-indulgence and helps no one.
I'm still working on January's don't be critical!
Here are a few important dates in the Buddhist calendar for February:
- February 8 (or in some calendars February 15) - Nirvana Day - is the final nirvana, which occurs upon the death of the body of someone who has attained complete awakening. This date celebrates the parinirvana of The Buddha.
- February 9 - Bodhidharma's Birthday - The historical Bodhidharma (known as Daruma 達磨 in Japan) was an Indian sage who lived sometime in the fifth or sixth century AD. He is the undisputed founder of Zen Buddhism 禅 (Ch. = Chan), and credited with Zen's introduction to China during his travels to the Middle Kingdom. (Note: Zen Buddhism is the term used in Japan, but Daruma’s philosophy arrived first in China, where it flowered and was called Chan Buddhism. Only centuries later does it bloom in Japan, where it is called Zen). (For more information on Daruma/Bodhidharma go here.)
- February 14 - Chinese New Year (Lunar New Year 4708) the year of the Tiger. It is also called Losar by the Tibetans (2137). Let's not forget Valentine's Day!
Happy February!
Happy February
Almost spring yeahhhhh....
(Love your new toes profile shot hehehehehehe.......... :-)
Not only do I enjoy myself immensely when I come for a visit, but I always learn something new. I'll be pondering the real vs. misguided compassion...
Happy Tuesday, my friend!
Hi Snap, I enlarged your picture and read about compassion. VERY interesting. I've always thought that having compassion is showing empathy and not just sympathy...
I notice on blogging that some people stay constantly in their grief and misery --while other like-minded people seem to join them. That is not healthy I don't think. I dropped one lady's blog because she wasn't even trying to do something to pull herself out of her misery. Her other followers seemed to be right there with her--and they all grieved in their own misery together. I just couldn't take that--so I dropped out! I don't know if I could have said anything to that person to help.. Maybe I took the 'easy' way out by dropping out. Who knows what is the right thing to do????? I just pray for that lady and her followers..
Happy February! Thanks for the words on compassion. A friend lost her mother recently and I want to be genuinely compassionate, not feel sorry for her. I'll ponder your words to try and do that the best I can.
Loving February and the theme of Compassion. Kelly (at Dragonfly Reflections) was focusing on self-compassion. I am needing that too. So many wonderful tools to help us live a mindful life.
Sending you genuine compassion and much love, Auntie Snap !
I see that practicing compassion can have pitfalls - I think I may have to extend my practice time into March! Hope Mr Dragon is doing well.
I love these monthly lessons. I try to remember, and work on them....sometimes I'm more successful than others! I guess that just means I'm human.
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