I pulled out my copy of The Druid Animal Oracle and found the hawk card with his key words of nobility, recollection and cleansing. It was the last line in the four page spread that got my attention: "It is considered lucky to see a hawk first thing in the morning". We are grabbing the good omens where ever we can find them and thank our feathered friend for his visit.

Mr. Dragon finished his first week of treatment and so far so good. Five more weeks to go and then a break and then surgery. Keep those good vibes, juju, thoughts, prayers coming. We really do appreciate them.
A little fun for you! I found the link for Refrigerator Soup several weeks ago and WOWOWOW. Those of you who love to cook must visit this site. I can't keep up with all the great sounding recipes I want to try or visiting all the blogs! There's something here for everyone. Enjoy!
what a sight!!! hope your birdy friends return soon!
Thoughts and prayers for both of you
on this snowy Sunday up north.
Love the red tail hawks, we see them
almost every day, we have a pair here.
They are truly magestic.
What a good omen! Always lots of good thoughts going your way....I'm still a little under the weather but slowly coming back.
Now I'm off to check out the link. Sounds interesting!
Neat link, Snap. Thanks. I'm also glad that Mr. Snap is doing well so far.
YES---that hawk would definitely keep the birds out of your yard. They are beautiful --but the little birds have to 'beware'...
Have a great Sunday.
Oh well that explains it! They are beautiful..will continue to send good vibes his way!! Hugs to you hon and happy Sunday!
Love, Sarah
Don't you just love it when you spot a new bird...I know I do...
They are a sight to behold. We have several around the area, but I'm never quick enough to get a picture.
Thinking of you both, and wishing you a happy holiday.
Snap, I am ALL about the good omens, and the good ju-ju...and seeing this hawk in the morning and what it means?? It fills me with hope...carry on Mr. Dragon...we're with you!
I love omens and symbols, and I so believe in our animal totem.
I am so sorry to hear about Mr. Dragon, I will say a prayer that everything goes well.
I wanted to thank you for those wonderful postcards inside the Christmas card. What a lovely surprise. I put a bit of glitter on one of them and it's sitting on my mantle with my Santas.
Thank you so much.
We've got some nesting hawks in our tree, and it's a wonderful sight. They don't stay still long enough to see whether they are red-tailed, or red-shouldered, though. I suppose if I notice the squirrel population depleting then I'll have my answer!
Thanks for the link to the recipe site - I'm off to visit now...
OH! And I wanted to let you know I've transferred all my "what's cooking sunday" posts to a second blog. It was too hard to find the recipes on the original one. Now I can organize them much better. The address is: http://whatscookingsundayrecipes.blogspot.com/
all my new recipes will get posted there...
Merry Christmas and crossing fingers for Mr Dragon.
Red Tailed Hawks are so majestic!
When we kayak, we see a bald eagle that we're lucky enough to have in our area. He's amazing. We also get to see blue herons and egrets and all sorts of animals.
OH!!!! What a wonderful sign indeed! Good wishes sent to you and the Mister. I am always humbled by the sign of a hawk. Each and every time. xoxo <3
I associate the hawk with my father's spirit. He loved them so when we was alive and when I see one fly overhead, I always think of it as a hello from up above.
I love that your red tailed hawk in the morning is a good omen. May they keep coming...
Much Love !
Sending good vibes * ~ * ~ ~
Last night, a really big fox walked past my window. In the middle of town. Probably not an omen like yours but kind of unusual to see a fox here with no real forests nearby.
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