What did you do this weekend?
It was too hot to do much of anything at Twisty Lane except for relaxing,
reading, doing some art, playing with some paint,
and loving on the furbabies.

This is Mr. Dragon's first art piece since his cancer diagnosis.
I'm so happy he is getting back into the swing of things.
The oriole was done from a photograph and is color pencil.
He's working on one now in watercolor.

I've finally returned to the journal, mushing paint around.
My journal is a standard composition book and I use it to try new techniques
and write down any wild hairs (ideas) I might have!
I want to use my photographs in my art work and printed out a photo of a buddha in
black and white (in draft on scrap paper -- the final will be done on photo matte paper and not in draft.)

Then I added part of a photo of our garden kitty to the Buddha --
now known as Karma Kitty.
I think I'm going to add a bird photo or a fish (I have lots of clip art fish).
Then I'll start on the color part -- adding color pencil.
At least, that is the plan!

And, "what might this be?", you ask!
It's three standard envelopes pasted together to make a book.
Here's the link to the instructions on You Tube.

Here it is all folded.
Yes, I think I know how I'm going to decorate.
I started pasting papers on the envelopes and decided I really needed to beef up
the envelopes (for the plans I have) and went back and gessoed all the pages.
Thankfully, I remembered to place freezer paper between the pages and in the pockets so that they didn't stick together.
Practice makes perfect!!!
Wishing you well!
We relaxed too! There was a lot of reading and napping going on over here!
What creative work! Beautiful bird piece - and I love the collages you are working on!
Beautiful oriole and kitty buddha!
Bonjour dear Snap
I hope all kitties are okay and enjoyed the weekend with you.
Thanks so much for giving ideas for my mommy, she really appreciates artwork and your book is adorable.
Have a blessed week
purrs and love
We love Luna
Loved the peek into your studio--nice work, both Mr. and Mrs. D. Glad you like sweetpeas too, the illusive little buggers!
I'm off to read about envelope art. Thank you, my friend.
How wonderful that you and Mr. Dragon are finding your way back to creating art work! Love the sweet oriole and it looks like your pages are off to a fun beginning !
Enjoy the creating, Lovely Ones !
Hi Snap, You and Mr. Dragon are BOTH so creative... WOW--I'm so impressed....
Our weather here is horribly hot also... We had such a wonderful trip with mild weather on the Blue Ridge Parkway.... I miss that weather SO much... Am ready to move!!!! ha
Thanks for showing us all of your beautiful creativity --with the art work, journal, etc.... Keep it up!!!! I'm proud of both of you.. I couldn't do either.
Love Mr. Dragon's beautiful Oriole and can't wait to see how your Karma Kitty page turns out - such beautiful creativity!!
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