Mosaic Monday is hosted each week by the lovely Mary.
Each mosaic is different. Each a story to tell.
You'll enjoy visiting. I promise!
"Books are not made for furniture, but there is nothing else that so beautifully furnishes a house." ~Henry Ward Beecher
We love books.
We have art books (including the Dictionary of Art -- all volumes).
Books on Buddhism, Hinduism, novels, mysteries, biographies, physics, crafts,
knitting and crocheting, mythology, fantasy.
We have two book cases filled with cookbooks.
In fact, if you are interested in a book, you might try here before you go to the library!
There are books stacked everywhere.
I've quit trying to put the books in their place because I'm not sure that place exists!
There are books stacked everywhere.
I've quit trying to put the books in their place because I'm not sure that place exists!
But the books I love the most are old children's books.

The library has a book sale every year. We don't always make it as it seems to be scheduled when the Rice University Baseball team has a game.
We hit the jackpot the year we did attend.
We came home with this 10 volume set of books: Journeys Through Bookland by Charles H. Sylvester. The beautiful leather bindings with the words: Imagination, Wisdom, Character, Truth, and Beauty written around the edge.

In the words of Mr. Sylvester, "This series of books is the result of earnest efforts to present to boys and girls the best literature in such a way that it will appeal to their imagination, interest them, and lead them to read for information, enjoyment and inspiration.
It is reading outside of school hours that really fixes the taste of a young person, and if he is left wholly to his own resources, nothing is more natural than that he should read merely for his present enjoyment and for the excitement that the short-lived, modern stories furnish so abundantly. A youthful reader loves to learn, and it is necessary merely to suggest new lines of interest to lead him to follow them joyfully."
The first copyright date is 1909 and the last, 1939.
Then there are the amazing illustrations!
So, as we enter August and temps of 100 or greater (or as a local television anchor woman says UGHust), my plan is to sit down every day and starting with volume one, read a little to see what I missed in my childhood! Reading Cinderella, Hansel and Grethel, Jack the Giant-Killer, The Lion and The Mouse, Nursery Rhymes, The Wind and The Sun and on and on and on.
I hope you have plans for how to spend dog days of summer!
Joy to You!
I wish we lived closer together, then I could visit your library as often as I visit my public library. My life is nothing without a book. When I finish one, I automatically open another - I feel naked without one!
As far as I am concerned I think books are an investment. You can read and reread them as many times as you want. Thanks for your mosiacs of books.
Oh that would so be my cup of tea. Jackpot indeed! Have lots of fun...
I would enjoy visiting your books. They are the best accessory for the house. Take care and have a lovely week reading.
Wonderful pictures. I can almost smell the fragrance of these "old" books. How exciting for you to have these volumes! Cathy
Wonderful topic for your mosaic ... it's so great to see that pages from these old children's boos. It brings back memories of reading similar books at my Grandma's house when I was a child. Enjoy your reading!
Enjoy the reading of your childhood books - my favourite was 'The Wind in the Willows'.
Oh, what a wonderful post. I love books as well, the older the better. I don't have many older children's books, but I look forward to collecting them throughout the years.
I share your love of library sales, as well.
What a wonderful goal, to read through all the children's books you missed reading through as a child.
Thank you so much for this post. It was truly delightful.
Have a wonderful day,
Fabulous post! You must have some amazing collection! Especially the children's books! Those are wonderful! Enjoy your readings days :)
I love books. Beautiful mosaic of books. Once given out to read, you rarely get them back.
What a wonderful windfall this collection of books is for you! They look like they are in fabulous condition.
We read many of those classic stores to our children at bedtime as I bought many books for them as they were growing up. I've saved them all for my grandson
What a lovely set of books. The line drawing illustrations are so beautifully done. Summer is the perfect time to do some extra reading. Thanks for visiting my blog.
What a great set of books you got, Snap.... I know you two will really enjoy ALL of them....
In Ughust, why not just stay cool and READ!!!!
I love the illustrations in that book. Wonderful!!
Thank you for the visit.
Ladybug Creek
Oh, I love children's books, I collect them too. Your treasures sound wonderful. I just missed a library sale in Concord, Massachusetts. I was so upset, I can only imagine the treasures I would have found there.
Sounds like you hit the jackpot. It has cooled off a bit here, so it's pleasant to be outdoors.
Happy Mosaic Monday.
Hello Snap! This is my first visit to your Blog and I am thoroughly enjoying myself. I love books especially the old childrens books and I kick myself for not keeping some of my favorites that belonged to my Dad and his sister. Dad just through them out when the old house was sold! It's funny you should mention that you plan on reading some of the old childrens books...I was just thinking of that the other day. I bet we see them in a different light as an adult. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a was nice to 'meet' you. Enjoy your reading and keep cool! Maura :)
I too love the books. Beautiful to read or just look at.
Great Mosaic.
Hi and thank you for popping in to see me.
Oh, I too love olden books and it looks like you hit the jackpot! What a wonderful thing to do, revisiting these wonderful childhood stories!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
My library is starting to move toward electronic, but there are still certain well-loved books that I just need to hold in my hands. Between your library and mine, we could probably educate the world!!
Great LOVE this quote
"Books are not made for furniture, but there is nothing else that so beautifully furnishes a house." ~Henry Ward Beecher
we are like minded people.
We love books too and have many, many shelves of them in our home.
I can’t believe it....I have that set...mine dates back to my childhood... I am 71. All the covers are a mahogany colored brown, and I gave the set to my daughter when she started having her family. I have always collected children’s books...the illustrations in them are wonderful. I, too, have many that our library at the middle school has thrown away. Thanks for stopping by my blog, looking at my mosaic., and leaving me the kind comment. Please come back.
Genie @
Reading is truly a gift. I have such mixed feelings about the new technology that means we can read without the physical books in hand.
There is just something about turning a page....
Becky K.
Of all the things that make me happy, I'm happiest that my children have a legacy of loving to read, and it is being passed on to my grandchildren. There is no greater window on the world than a book, and like yours, my books are everywhere I can find room.
Love the mosaic, love the children's books (especially such vintage ones) ! Great post, Snap. Happy Monday !
Great mosaics. Very special
Just as I thought - you're a lover of reading. You're rich in books! Those illustrations are wonderful.
I have recently made a list of classic books I want to read and just finished Jane Eyre. My youngest daughter is a avid reader and she wants to read and discuss some together. Our first pick... Hunchback of Notre Dame. I started is but with a crazy busy summer, I think we will put it on hold :)
Great mosaics!
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