I do love to crochet. I find it very meditative and relaxing. I finished my Christmas doily and have enough yarn to make another. While reading blogs the other morning, I headed over to see what Julie at Moments of Perfect Clarity was up to. She mentioned her friend Beth who was learning to crochet. So I headed off to meet Beth at A Measure of Things and found something that was truly amazing and was crochet -- a coral reef! ( You can read about the Coral Reef project here.) I think I'm going to start my own coral reef. I have left over wool yarn (it felts) in various colors. What fun!
Because of Beth, I also found Ted.com and I'm going to share with you the video Beth has on her blog. When I started watching the video -- geometry and all its glory (don't let that frighten you) -- ( I have to share that I didn't do well in geometry in school -- way back in the medieval ages) -- I was fascinated and I knew I had to stop the video and go find Mr. Dragon because he would find this as fascinating as I did (math major and medical physicist) ... and he did! So enjoy the video and learning something new that I hope is fun for you!
Loved it!!!
Boy, we must be on the same wavelength today. I also wrote about changing the way you do thngs that are routine. You said socks and I said shoes! Your Christmas doily is gorgeous!
wowowowowow!!! That was not only facinating but stretched my gray matter abit too!! Loooove this kind of thing. Abstract concepts made concrete!!! Loved the coral loved your doily!! I wanna go crochet now! Thanks for sharing that hon, Sarah
Hi Snap... Isn't it just amazing what all we learn from blogging???? I have met so many wonderful people --and learn something from them almost every single day. Amazing!!!
Glad you have met some fellow-chochet-friends.
I love Ted, and the inspirational videos. I have to watch this one. My grandmother crocheted everything, hats, afgans, doilies. She made the best pompoms ever for the hats that she made. Learn something every day...if I am not up to something new, I feel hungry for that thrill.
Great post, now I am off to watch that video.
Your Christmas Doily is sweet - for yourself or gift giving? I picked up a crochet project myself yesterday - been years - and blogged about THAT today. Ripple effect in the blogland pond? http://studiolakeside.blogspot.com/
Here is a link you might enjoy: http://www.theiff.org/oexhibits/05b.html
It has lots of photos of the hyperbolic crocheted pieces. I have a friend who has made one.
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Cheers from Brisbane Down Under!
Your piece is very pretty, and reminds me of the crochet my mom used to do.
She tried in vain to teach me. I can't crochet much beyond the straight stitch, though did teach myself a couple more stitches for an afghan I made a few years ago. And I recently crocheted a wire flower which turned out pretty good for a first try. lol
Incidentally, there was a project here last year for knitting/crocheting sea life. It went on 'tour' at various stores across the state, and will have a permanent display eventually.
Hi Snap, Sorry I have only realised that you mentioned now. BIG THANK YOU. I'm glad that you enjoyed the coral reef video.
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