Thursday, April 17, 2014

Little Things

A few little random things:

- I bought two four inch pots of basil at Trader Joe's several weeks ago.
They are ready to be cut and the first batch of pesto made.

- Once I finished reading THOSE ANGRY DAYS by Lynne Olson (it was excellent),
I started to clean my reading palette by reading some chick lit.
JOY FOR BEGINERS by Erica Bauermeister
SHADOW SPELL by Nora Roberts
DEATH COME QUICKLY by Susan Wittig Albert
I enjoyed them all and am now ready to take on another history book.
I just haven't decided which one.

- Early Saturday morning at the Farmer's Market
Smoked Black Pepper Chevre from Blue Heron Farm
Golden beets, turnips, cabbage, cauliflower
Apple cinnamon rolls
Fresh picked strawberries

- Another rose blooming in Musashi's Garden.

Wild Blue Yonder Rose

This one is Wild Blue Yonder.

Wild Blue Yonder Rose

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Little by Little
Thanks, Kim!


EG CameraGirl said...

OOOH! The pesto sounds so mouthwatering!

Suburban Girl said...

The blooms...I can't wait! Those roses are beautiful!

Buckeroomama said...

That rose is all sorts of pretty!

carol l mckenna said...

Great post about little things and gorgeous macro shots of the roses ~ Happy Weekend to you ~ xoxo

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

tiarastantrums said...

oh I can't wait for the farmer's markets to open here!

Vee said...

What a great way to describe a transition out of and back to heavier reading...good idea, too.

Pat - Arkansas said...

Our farmers market won't even open for another three or four weeks. I'm envious of your haul.

Kim said...

Yay for the first pesto bounty! We live off of it in summer. Can't wait to get my first home grown batch! Lovely rose! Love the bright color!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful bloom!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I love farmer's markets. I have hopes of building a greenhouse some day.

Kim Stevens said...

I'm almost sure I can smell that rose - beautiful!

Irene said...

So after you've cut your basil, does it grow again in the pot? Love your rose.

Anonymous said...

You're reading quite a lot! Love the roses:) Thanks for coming by my blog earlier, and have a wonderful Easter:)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

What beautiful blooms! The fresh herbs sound wonderful. And don't you love getting ready for the next book?

Unknown said...

oh I love fresh pesto!! i'm looking forward to warmer weather and going to the farmers market here!
gorgeous photos of your roses!! Have a wonderful Easter!

Catherine said...

Would love to make my very own pesto one day. I admire your appetite for reading (and finishing all those books!). And oh what a lovely rose :)

Lulu said...

I have not been frequenting farmers markets as often as I should. Somehow I always forget times and places for all the different ones we have. I do go to Fresh Market though and like it very much.
Have you read David McCullough's Truman? Very good book.

The Artful Diva said...

I hope you enjoy a Blessed Easter.

Ingrid said...

I love pesto ! Your rose pictures are beautiful !

My Little Home and Garden said...

Books, markets and roses; three of my favourite things! I hope this weekend is filled with springtime delights, Snap.


Viv@Thoughts from the Desktop said...

Love the roses I bet they have a lovely scent. Thanks for the book list.

Tanya Breese said...

beautiful roses! i love basil and pesto....happy easter!

abrianna said...

Those lush. Do they smell as beautiful as they look?