Thursday, April 10, 2014

Little Things

It's the Little Random Things:

-Comfort food like Mushroom Risotto with Peas.

- A trip to the bookstore -- browsing heaven.

- Lunch with my "sister by choice".

- Friends who wait with you while the locksmith drills out the locks so you can get into your house after you lock yourself out and can't find the key.

- A rose blooming in Musashi's Garden


It's the Little Things.

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Little by Little
Thanks, Kim!

Thanks, Nancy!


Vee said...

Oh dear. Time to visit the hardware store and have an extra key made. ☺ Oh it's the little things that annoy that become the things we laugh about in years to come.

Nancy said...

Oh my that rose is breath-taking!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hey, locksmiths have to eat too and you're just doing your bit to support the local economy.

Kim said...

Such wonderful little things to celebrate! Beautiful rose!

tiarastantrums said...

oh darn to the locked out!

carol l mckenna said...

Gorgeous shot ~ and the little things ~ sacred in the ordinary ~ Happy Day to you ~ xoxo

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

Pat - Arkansas said...

Beautiful rose! Sorry about your locking yourself out; been there, done that, but was able to contact a family member with a key, so no locksmith needed.

Dotti said...

It is the little things ... Did you really lock yourself out of your house? We always use our garage doors but one time during a storm, the electricity went out and we didn't have access to our keys so we spent the day at my daughter's. Now we keep a house key in each car.

My Little Home and Garden said...

Oh, I came dangerously close to the locks being drilled out here when the locksmith couldn't "break in" with his other tools. In my case, it was a step-niece to the rescue.

Rosemary and Thyme said...

Oh, I couldn't agree more. It always about the simple things in life. Lovely rose. And mushroom risotto??? It is my very favorite. I add chicken to mine and it is heavenly. Thanks for visiting me. Your sweet words are appreciated.


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Lovely little things, except for the lock out! Glad the locksmith was able to help you :)

Kmcblackburn said...

You had me at "mushroom risotto" :)

Stephanie said...

I agree about the bookstore browsing. That's exactly where I am headed today for that very purple. It's like a treat myself kind of day. Locked out --- just be glad you weren't in your pajamas as I once was.

Unknown said...

Going to the library or bookstore is a treat. Last night I ordered books for my kindle. It's fun but just not the same.

Never underestimate time with good friends. We need them more than we realize.

Thanks for sharing the rose picture. Gorgeous!

Bonny Bonafilla said...

What a glorious summer rose! It's the perfect image of summer. Have a lovely weekend, Bonny

The Artful Diva said...

love that blushing rose!

Ingrid said...

We always have a spare key left with our neighbor, and I have 4 neighbor keys. It happens that they can't get into the house !
Beautiful rose !

Karen said...

A beautiful bloom. I'm going to try that risotto!

Lulu said...

Little things, we just have to be careful not to overlook them. This morning I sat on the porch, sipping coffee and taking all the little things in.

Ida said...

Great things to be thankful for.
I once locked myself out of my car with the Engine running.
I'm so glad you were able to get someone to help you get back into your house.
The comfort food sounds good.
Time spent with family is nice.
That rose is divine looking.

simply bev said...

You have a lovely list of little things! And what a gorgeous bloom!

Veronica Roth said...

Oh I shouldn't be laughing, but I did exactly the same thing in a past house...repeatedly! Thank goodness I live in a 100yr old house which has such old door locks that you need keys on both sides. I resorted to buying on of those fake rocks and hiding a key in it in the garden. By the way, lucky girl for having such beautiful roses! Hope your weekend is tranquil and lovely. :)

Viv@Thoughts from the Desktop said...

Pretty and bookstores sigh...

Linda Stoll said...

just simply gorgeous ...

abrianna said...

Beautiful rose. Sorry about you locking yourself out of the house.

Wildflowerhouse said...

Locking your self out is a habit I need to break, especially when it's raining and Im in my nightgown. Climbing a ladder to the second floor in your night in the rain.... never again. The door was locked up there too. :-(
Love the rose.

Renee said...

Beautiful pic! Browsing in a bookstore + meeting a friend for lunch = great day--in spite of the unfortunate incident with the key :) Thanks for visiting me at Doorkeeper. Blessings!

Suburban Girl said...

Love the little things. Your mushroom risotto sounds tempting.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, locked out, yup been there. Mushroom risotto with peas, heaven....xox

Tanya Breese said...

oh that rose is gorgeous...ahhhh i can spend hours in a book shop!

Latane Barton said...

Such great randoms today. Sorry you got locked out. But, it happens to us all I am afraid.

Sarah Huizenga said...

I always leave a window on the porch unlocked so I can climb the deck and remove the screen and open the window if this happens, which obviously has since I am telling this story.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Exactly! I had to laugh about you locking yourself out...we did that at the lake...whoo- those locksmiths are expensive!

Catherine said...

Beautiful rose! Love the light surrounding it...

Alexa T said...

So nice and funny things... plus "Rules of Chocolate Easter Eggs"... wow!! great posts...I Love them all!!