Friday, March 28, 2014


Easter Postcard

Easter is just around the corner.
This is reproduction vintage postcard that the Lillian Vernon Corporation offered many years ago. I love the embossing. I happened on this cute card while cleaning out a closet. Wonder what else I might find!? A big thank you to Beth for hosting Postcard Friendship Friday.


It gets quiet around Twisty Lane during college baseball season.
I try to keep up with posting, but I'm not always successful.

I've been watching ....
COSMOS and I'm loving it.
I remember watching the original Cosmos with Carl Sagan ... 
"billions and billions of stars".
Cosmos' "ship of the imagination" -- 
a vehicle to take viewers through wonders large and small -- 
now has a new captain, astronomer Neil deGrasse Tyson.
I could listen to Tyson for days on end. 

I'm reading ...

JOY FOR BEGINNERS by Erica Bauermeister.
Kate has won her battle with a life threatening illness and has invited her six close friends to dinner to celebrate. At the dinner, her friends challenge Kate to go white water rafting down the Grand Canyon. Kate is reluctant and decides she will do it if her friends will do one thing in the next year that scares them. Since Kate didn't get to choose her challenge, she wants to choose theirs. It's agreed and the adventure to experience true joy begins. 
I enjoyed Bauermeister's THE SCHOOL OF ESSENTIAL INGREDIENTS and hope I feel the same way about JOY FOR BEGINNERS. So far so good!

If you've been following the daffodil saga, I'm happy to announce
that I now have a house full of daffodils.
Trader Joe's came through again.
Spring can now officially begin.

Spring Has Sprung!

I was determined I would not miss the azaleas this year.
They were late blooming with all the cold weather so I had no excuse.
Here's some of what I found at the zoo this week:

Houston Zoo

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

A big thank you to Nancy for hosting.


Unknown said...

I like your vintage postcard share. I have my spring and Easter decor out; it makes me feel more cheerful.

I will have to take a look at your reads. I finished The Orphan Train: A Novel last night; it was good.

Yeah for spring daffodils and azaleas. Enjoy them and have a fantastic weekend.

Anonymous said...

The cosmos series are quite interesting and amazing. I've caught a few episodes now.

You daffodils are pretty and cherry looking, but the last photo at the zoo looks amazing. Happy weekend :)

Kim Stevens said...

Do you know we still haven't been to the zoo yet? Well, we attempted it during spring break, I told my hubby it wasn't a good idea, it would be packed...but he didn't listen to me and it was a zoo...we walked around the Japanese Gardens instead, but not everything was in bloom yet.

Anonymous said...

So sweet post card...Love the little peep birds they used to use. I miss Carl Sagan so much, and read everything he wrote. Haven't checked out the new series yet but I hear it's wonderful, so will have to go in to PBS on demand and watch them all. xox

Bonny Bonafilla said...

What a very sweet Easter card. I love your daffodils and azaleas. Over here they're all looking a bit tired now. I'll watch out for Cosmos and the Erica Bauermeister books. Hope you have a lovely weekend, Bonny @ just saying ...

Viv@Thoughts from the Desktop said...

Pretty flowers and I'm off to check out that author, have a great weekend.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

It sounds like you feel about college baseball what I feel for college basketball. :-)

That book sounds good -- thanks for sharing it. I'm always looking for another good book to read.

No azaleas here yet--I guess our season is lagging behind your. Have a great weekend!

Karen said...

Oh, a house full of daffodils! I'm going to see if I can find some this weekend.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Ahhhh I miss azaleas! The deer would eat them here. At least they usually leave daffodils alone. They are g
Beginning to pop up around here. I 'm reading Big Stone Gap by Adriana Trigiani --- older book but a fun read!

Ingrid said...

These azaleas are gorgeous ! I haven't thought about Easter yet, it's still more then a month !

Vee said...

The book has such an interesting premise...
Daffodils are cheery and the azaleas look amazing. Wonder when we can expect either here.

Postcardy said...

It isn't warm enough for any flowers here.

Anonymous said...

I love azaleas and I can't wait to see them around here.

Mascha said...

Nice vintage easter card...
But the picture with Azalee is - ohhhhhhh -
Have a great weekend

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

Our tulips are now starting to come out, the early ones anyway. I love your Easter postcard. It must be even more lovely when you can see the embossing.

Unknown said...

Those daffodils beautiful!! And that book sounds like something I would love to read!! I enjoyed my stop here today!!

EG CameraGirl said...

Beautiful azaleas! Enjoy the college baseball season.

VioletSky said...

I have an original of that card.
Am so jealous of your flowers.

Sarah Huizenga said...

I must check out that book, it sounds right up my alley.

abrianna said...

I was glad our azaleas were late this year-the past two years they were bloomed and done by this time.

They are also staggering their bloom times so more color for longer...yippee!

Ida said...

Oh that Vintage Postcard is cute.
The book your are reading sounds interesting. Will add it to my list of books I'd like to read.
Daffodils here are in bloom and it's wonderful. Loved those Azalea's. I've seen a few blooming here but mine are still in the bud stage.

Beth Niquette said...

I adore the postcard! How perfectly adorable. lol Made me smile--and I dearly needed to smile today.


Happy Postcard Friendship Friday!

Lynne said...

So many I LIKE . . .
college basketball
nancy and random five
to name just a few . . .

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I wish we had a Trader Joe's nearby. The daffodils are gorgeous. Hope to be seeing them pop up before too long. Have a nice weekend!

Margie said...

Love your postcard…haven't thought about Lillian Vernon in a few years - loved their catalog.
Traders is my favorite stop for daffodils too.

Nancy said...

Such a sweet post card -- Easter already? Yikes!

Loving the daffs and azaleas.

Thanks for joining in my friend. Always nice to see you. xo

Tanya Breese said...

i love your postcard and i really really love your little mr bunny and miss chicky! so cute!

Irene said...

Love your SPRING post, we still are seeing no evidence of it here. I'm laying under a blanket now. I suspect we'll have at least one more blast of snow before the buds break. I went out yesterday in search of my crocus, no sign.

Lyneen said...

Sweet Easter card!!!