Friday, March 14, 2014


St. Patrick's Day Postcard

This vintage looking postcard was printed in China for the Lillian Vernon Corporation.
I think dancing sounds like a good way to welcome St. Patrick's Day!


Sometimes ....
it's just nice to kick back and nap!
I was up early as usual, had breakfast, sat down on the couch with the kitties and fell asleep! After I hit publish for this post, I think I'll go back and try a nap again.

I'm celebrating....
the sun!
The sun is shining.
It's not too cold or too hot.
It's work in the garden time!

I love ....
Every March I watch the advertisements waiting for daffodils to appear in the ads at the supermarket.
I was so excited when I saw them appear this week.
I went over and, talk about disappointment, no daffodils.
They hadn't arrived yet.
I almost cried! 
I'll try again next week.

Easter 2013

I'm sharing ...
I think I've shared the link to Poppytalk before,
but I want to share again.
I was visiting over the weekend and was reminded of all the 
beautiful colors and wonderful features.
Founded in 2005, Poppytalk is a lifestyle blog dedicated to supporting the beautiful, the decayed and the handmade. More about Poppytalk here.

Away ....
The Rice Owl Baseball team is away this weekend for three games in Florida.
Good luck Owls!

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Thank you to Nancy for hosting.


Viv@Thoughts from the Desktop said...

Cute little rabbit and you can't beat Daffodils so happy...

Postcardy said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day.

Beth Niquette said...

Oh, I do LOVE this postcard! I adore the idea of dancing in the morning.

Happy St. Patrick's Day and happy PFF! (grin)

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love your header photos, the daffodils & all the springy-ness you have on your blog. just want i needed today. we are back in the low 30s ... what happened to my 70s on Tuesday. so wild. ( :

have a great weekend.

Ingrid said...

Spring is moving in here slowly ! It's about time ! Love the old postcard !

Lynn said...

This is a lovely postcard, I've been taking more note of them when out and about since seeing your PC posts. Our daffodils are all still leaf but hubby found a bouquet this week, the do make one feel totally happy...have a lovely weekend.

Karen Lakis said...

I love daffodils, too. They're such a fantastic cheerful yellow! I would love to take naps every day - but I'm pretty sure my boss would object - sigh... Have a great day!

Barb said...

Snap - I saw that little rabbit at a gift shop in Denver - he was planted with tiny succulents. I bought the small tea candle bunnies instead! Lots of people here from TX - I met several from Houston riding the lift. It must be empty in your city!

abrianna said...

It is easy to nap with kitties! Especially when they curl up right next to you.

I like the joy in that postcard!

The sun is shining here too but it seems hot...maybe it is the humidity that is making it feel hot.

Unknown said...

What a cute post card.. So sorry to hear your Daffodils did arrive yet, But that photo from last year sure does look pretty...

Hope you have a happy weekend.


Mascha said...

Lovely old postcard (I'm dancing too, in my blog - )
Wish you many sweet fragranced Daffodils. Here in my garden they begins just to bloomin.
Have a great and sunny weekend :-)

Dotti said...

That postcard is awesome! And so timely. Yes, dafs are wonderful. Ours are trying to bloom but it just hasn't gotten quite warm enough, won't be long.

Claire said...

Daffodils ARE Spring, aren't they? A great Random 5 and have a fab Friday :)

Icy BC said...

Daffodils and tulips are my favorite spring flowers. They are pretty!

If you can take a nap, take one! I do that some times :)

Happy weekend!

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

I love the cheerful St Patrick's Day card. We've had daffodils for several weeks now, thanks to a very mild winter, even if an extremely wet and windy one.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Love daffys and your Easter bunny dish is so cute!

Lynne said...

Love the yellow . . . in flower and in sunshine, a definite bit of cheer!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Well daffodils are seasonal and we are all in a hurry :)

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Oh, no! No daffodils when you were waiting so patiently is just wrong :)

I like naps too! Don't think I could get through life without them!

Sharon said...

Love those cheerful, bright daffodils!

KathyB. said...

Our first daffodil opened today, and after days and days of cold rain , the sunshine and the daffodil made my heart sing with joy. New lambs too.

I remember the Lillian Vernon Corp. The post card is perfect for St. Pat's day >

Unknown said...

Stopped by Poppytalk and enjoyed the visit. Have seen many post with lovely daffodils, yours are no exception. Thank you for sharing.

Unknown said...

I hope you get your daffodils. They are so cheerful. Thanks for popping into my blog.

Nancy said...

I do believe Spring is here! Many geese flying north overhead. xo

Jill Foley said...

Daffodils are so happy! I have been fortunate to find them in our local grocery the past two weeks. And now they are blooming in my yard. Hope you find some soon!

Vee said...

Well I must follow your lead both in visiting the recommended blog and in taking a nap. A happy weekend to you!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Snap! I tried to leave a comment here yesterday and Blogger wouldn't let me. It must be something I am doing wrong. Thought I was having trouble at Barb's but she said they came through.
I love a morning nap, especially with kitties! Love Daffies too but I haven't seen any yet. 70 degrees here today, snow and sleet tomorrow with a high of 26. The Daffies that are trying to pop up aren't going to like that!
Enjoy your weekend!

Bonny Bonafilla said...

I love your card; it's gorgeous!
Sorry about the daffodils. I'd send you a few of mine if we were a bit closer.
Happy St. Patrick's Day for Monday!
Bonny @ just saying ...

Irene said...

Great card, happy napping, it must be the time of year, but that's all I feel like doing too. Of course the alternative for me is alteration, not much fun, but necessary.

Anonymous said...

It's so nice here today, in the high 50's and the birds are singing away.....but it's been a busy week and your nap sounds good about now. Maybe after I walk the furry ones. Happy Daffodil Days. xox

Pat - Arkansas said...

Although it's chilly and raining at present, it's been a bit more Spring-like here for the last few days, and my daffodils are in bloom. I swear they're coming up in places I didn't plant. It's so nice to see a bit of color. Our grass is still brown, brown, brown; only a few weeds here and there are green.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I'm also a daffodil admirer! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Michelle said...

I also keep looking for Daffs and they are not appearing yet!

Ida said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day.
Daffodils are pretty and make wonderful cheery bouquets.