Did you know International Peace Day is September 21?

I was visiting Vanessa over at A Fanciful Twist this morning. She mentioned that her friend Rhonda Roo was having a Peace Party on September 21. I don't know about you, but a Peace Party seems like a very good thing to me! Why don't you join us?!
Here's a quote from Rhonda Roo's lovely blog:
"So let's do it! Won't you join me? On September 21st, let's post our little doves, and whatever else means peace to us-a peace symbol out of rose petals or the rose itself, a poem, a song, a person, a quote, a story, or a word, a picture, a moment in time, whatever it is that you see in your mind's eye when you think of peace! It doesn't have to be lavish--or, you can go extravaganza style! Whatever you can spare, so that, for just one day, there are so many people thinking peaceful thoughts a cloud bursts and starts showering us with shimmery love drops!"
Partying for Peace!
(I'm editing this post to include the information that a new book is starting at The Next Chapter (an online book club). The book is The Joy Diet by Martha Beck. It just seems to me that JOY and PEACE go together! )
I enjoyed reading your blog. I, too, have lost a furry companion in the past and know the devastating emptiness it can leave. I am so sorry for your loss and pray soon that your pain will ease.
Saying hello too to my Joy Diet friends. How beautiful to be celebrating Peace and Joy!
Glad you enlightened us all about Peace Day because I didn't know!!!
I'll be dieting along with you and thinking peaceful thoughts.
Kathy C.
Hello there fellow dieter! I'm looking forward to reading your insights in the weeks to come... This will be a great adventure!
Peace party, that matches so lovely with the start of my proect One Tribe- One (He)art.
Check it out here:
So here's to JOY and PEACE!
Snap, we are on the same wavelength these days completely...Super Nova, Joy Diet -- are you doing Spill It with Carmen Torbus too??? :)
A peace party. Now that sounds absolutely divine. And yes, I think joy and peace complement one another beautifully.
That's a wonderful idea.
Thanks for the reminder that the 21st is International Peace Day.. There's nothing more that we all should pray for and want in this life than PEACE on EARTH.
Everybody catch the Peace Train!
Peace Party sounds like a really good thing.
And loved see your Bonanza post. The song just started up before I knew it ;-) and who was my fav...Little Joe, what a cutie. But then how can a girl resist a tall dark handsome guy either. Neighbors like that would be awesome and then we wouldn't need the peace party.
Happy PFF!
Queen of Fabulosity, thats what you are! How sweet to join and shout from the rooftops!
And i "met" Sherry Lee too! I just love the bloggyverse, so many incredible women and peace-and joy!
THANK YOU so much, I am excited and happy to meet your acquaintance, and you are on my Twinklestars list for good now!
See you on the 21st of not before!!
XOXOXO Rhonda Roo
Oh, I was just peeking down below, and I saw Postcard Friendship Friday. I collect antique and vintage ones, and I thought I saw something like this a while back, but I couldn't remember where. Now I will be sure to look for this next week.
I saw a video, I think on You Tube, with Judd Law speaking about Peace and all of us sharing what peace means to us. I must have a peek into Roo's blog. Thank you for sharing this.
Hey, fellow joy dieter! I look forward to this journey with you. Thank you for bringing my attention to the Peace Party. I'm all for that!
My condolences on your loss of Rocky. It's so difficult when our beloved furry family members leave us but I believe we'll meet up with them again. Hugs!
I didn't know about peace day. What a wonderful sentiment.
Gosh, I haven't visited A Fanciful Twist in ages....
I hope you're doing well.
Looking forward to the JOYful journey!
Just stopped by to say Hi! I look forward to our new adventure into Joy. Have a great week.
Yes..peace and joy definately go together. So glad we're on this journey together. Love your blog,it's just fantastic.
peace & joy... if everyone sought just these 2 things the world would be such a safer place. i can't wait to read about your week of nothing!
xo, kaileen www.kaileenelise.com
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