Friday, September 11, 2009

Camera Critters

Visit Camera Critters to enjoy more critters this weekend!

Mr. Dragon and I are at a special camera day at the zoo.
I prepared today's Camera Critters from some old photos (film not digital)
I came across recently. I knew I wouldn't have time for a *new* critter post.

I took these pictures about 10 years ago when we went to Florida to see a shuttle launch.
I love the turtle with the *plant* growing on his back and the green stuff he was living in.
I didn't see him until he moved. Really blended in the algae.

A white Egret.

My favorite shots were of the Night Heron.

I made 8x10's of both shots intending to frame them and never did.
I have the frames.
Maybe it's possible they'll hang around to be enjoyed!

Enjoy your weekend.


Cezar and Léia said...

Hello dear friend!How cute are these pictures, you did a great work with this post.Thanks for sharing!
purrs, love and Happy Camera Critters

eileeninmd said...

Zoo visit are always fun. Love the turtle and the herons and the egret.

JD and Max said...

Hi - thanks so much for dropping by our 100th post and leaving a comment! We LOVE the photo of the turle hiding in the algae, really wonderful. The bird shots are great too - sadly, if we saw birds like that we wouldn't be able to help ourselves and would end up woofing at them and probably scare them away....sigh! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

Hi there,
are you doing ok?
A turtle with things GROWING on its shell?! Strange! I went to a market today and saw a huge mushroom with lingonberries growing on top of it. That was pretty strange too. Then I saw those two huge dogs with the sunglasses and seatbelts and this time I had my camera! Yay! They will be blogged.....

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

p.s. The last photo is so postcard beautiful!

Carletta said...

I think that turtle needs to move more in the algae water!
Lovely film shots!

Carletta’s Captures.

jabblog said...

The Night Heron is so beautiful - very elegant - but the turtle! - is it common for them to have foliage growing on them? Perhaps they like to develop their own camouflage!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Snap, Hope you enjoyed the zoo. I remember taking my grands to the zoo at Houston. VERY nice!!!!
I'm sure you will get some great 'camera critters' photos from there.

BUT--today's pictures are great also. Love that turtle --who was really disguised there.


Norm said...

perfect capture! I love those series of photos, happy weekend.

Sherry said...

Great shots Snap (snap shot, shots can see what kind of day I'm having!! lol!!). That turle was amazingly chamoflouged (forget spelling today!) and the bird shots are so close up. I hope you do put these into frames!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Snap: Very cool snaps from Florida. I had a snapper last week that had leaves on its back.

Oskar said...

Nice shots!

Anonymous said...

Just lovely shots!

Pretty Things said...

I love turtles! We see them poke their noses (snouts?) up when we go kayaking.

Janet said...

That turtle is amazing! And the birds are beautiful, too. They have such long graceful necks.

Anonymous said...

Very nice post! I never saw a night heron before....I actually never even heard of them before. Thanks for sharing.

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

Terrific camouflage for that turtle. I have to admit I love Florida birds, there is something magical about them. You should get those 8 x 10's into some frames and see them every day, now that you've rediscovered them yourself.

Anya said...

Very lovely pictures all
hugs to all
kareltje =^.^=

mimi said...

such a cutie white egret, night heron and green turtle.

Squirrel said...

Wonderful Captures!!

storyteller said...

What WONDERFUL shots ... timeless actually. I've played at Small Reflections this week.
Hugs and blessings,

sweetbay said...

These are gorgeous shots! I never would have guessed they weren't digital. Beautiful subjects too! The Snowy Egret looks beyond graceful.

Ingrid said...

This turtle is really amazing ! Looks like a piece of moss with a head, lol !

Flying Solo said...

I specially love the turtle. Wish i have patient to scanner my old photos.