Today my Camera Critter post is in memory of
May 1990-April 25, 2004
May 1990-April 25, 2004

Whatever he could get himself into, he used as a toy.

The dining room table wasn't used for dining!

Majestic kitty he was.

Ruled over his staff wisely and with love.

Followed Mom from room to room.

Read? Nope. Rub!

Ceiling Fans ... hmmmm.

Musashi with his buddy Quinn (who passed at age 16).
Musashi with his buddy Quinn (who passed at age 16).

He had his own basket.
Mushashi was bigger thsn life I see .Have you replaced he and Quinn with others ?/Sandy
A wonderful tribute and collection of photos for a cute kitty.
A kitty life well-lived.
What a cutie! I have a tabby too.
I played too :)
Mushashi was a gorgeous cat! I know you miss him. Love the baby photo. My Squeak was a bottle baby and has grown into a BIG cat. He's now 9 years old.
wonderful shots of a beautiful cat.
I could feel the love in every photo and caption. Our pets really bring out the best in us.What beautiful kitties they were. The joy they bring to our lives. Warmly, Sharon.
Musashi will never be gone because you will keep him in your memories forever! Great tribute:)
What a pretty cat Musashi was...kind of looked like me:) Nice of you to remember him with all these nice photos!!
Awwwww - he looked like he was quite the character! All of these photos are so fun - you obviously gave him a great life.
What a great tribute!
Snap: What green eyes he had.
Great shots! Love kitties :)
What a cute cat he was, :) You must miss him a lot. Pets change our lives forever, don't they? They give us their unconditional love all the time and make everything fun.
Thank you muchly for your visit. I'm fascinated by sunflowers - They are the happiest flowers ever (my opinion!)!!!
Wishing you all the best. Kisses!
Aww such a gorgeous kitty. Love the purposeful look he has on his face following you from room to room. They all have their own special little corner in our hearts.
Thanks for stopping by
Aw. Great photos of a wonderful pet. I love that picture of him in the paper bag. everything about pets is wonderful except that they don't live long enough and we miss them so much when they're gone.
Oh, no! Another delightful blog I have to 'follow'! Thanks for visiting My Muskoka
Animals have a special place in our lives. That second shot is great.
Beautiful cat. In our house it is the same, the nicer I make the table, the more the cats want to sleep on it! We have four cats, but soon we will be having to find new homes for 3. It breaks my heart.
The flamingos were CHATTERING up a storm the day I took my photo. There was definitely something going on that day amongst the member of the flock!
lovely touching tribute
his personality shines thru in the photos
they are all memorable our dear animals
I can see why you honor him. Oh but they can still make us cry.
I am so tearfuly happy that you loved Mushashi and he loved you back..what a nice post, that is making me cry because I loved a Tabby named Mike Madiosn Cat and it does sneak up on me to think of how I do miss him sometimes~
Thanks for stoppin' by today to see my Longhorn that you may get to see more often than I where you live! I love them..they are so cool.
What a wonderful tribute. Very adorable photos.
Wonderful photos - his character shines through. The one in the paper bag is priceless.
The photos are all great but I especially like the first one....peeking out of the bag. Cats are so cool! He may be gone but he will always be in your heart.
Aww, that was such a lovely post and I love the one of him in the basket. I have 3 cats - they really do get inside your heart and stay there.
Musashi was adorable. It is not easy to loose special members of the fam. I know how it feels. We had 3 and when the last one went. I was not going to get another. Then Crash came along and I fell in love and now I have 2 Reba tugged at my heart too.
Very nice pictures, I'm a cat lover so thanks for sharing!
He was a beautiful kitty and judging by the pictures, not camera shy at all. I'm sorry for your loss.. because as a pet owner, I know we never quit mourning the loss.
What a sweet tribute to your beloved Sashi. I really enjoyed the collage and the precious photographs.
Thanks for visiting my blog!
Truly loved and adored. They always find a place in our hearts...great tribute!
What a waonderful tribute to your beautiful boy..
You must really miss him..
This is a lovely tribute to your pet. I smiled when I saw the one of him looking up at the ceiling fan.
What a beautiful fellow! Thanks for sharing!
Awww...what a sweet kitty cat! :)
Oh, he was so beautiful ! I have a big tabby too - Aslan, or Azzy or Poo-poo Head as he is known around here. They do bring us so much, those glorious kitties, don't they ? So glad for the lovely memories you have for his furry, wonderful life.
Sashi was a beautiful kitty and this is a lovely tribute to him. Such great images. I love the paper bag one, and also the one where he is getting his head scratched. Great expression on his face. All your photos are great!
What a great tribute to your beloved one!
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