I really enjoyed my visit to Raleigh, North Carolina
to see my BGD (Beautiful God Daughter), her handsome fella
(AKA The Kids) and to attend their confirmation.
One afternoon, BGD and I set out to find Tin Roof Teas
and boy, did we find tea!
BGD is a coffee drinker, but she was a good sport
and tasted all the samples of the day.

I think BGD liked Pineapple Mimosa Fruit the best.
My favorite was Arabian Night.
We enjoyed China White Monkey and to be fair,
it was a warm day so the cold tea was really good!
There were rows of tea and colorful teapots, tea mugs, tea bag holders.
All sorts of tea utensils.
I didn't get a picture of the tea bar where they make their own blends.

Matcha sets, more pretty tea cups and
they have wonderful tins and ceramics for storage.
If all else fails, and you don't find any tea that you like,
perhaps some chocolate will do!

Be sure to visit Tin Roof Teas if you are in the Raleigh, North Carolina area.
Wishing YOU well, much joy and a wonderful cup of tea!
Big thanks to the hosts of:
Mosaic Monday
What a sweet shop. You must have been like a kid in a candy"tea" store. What a marvelous trip. Sounds like it was idyllic all around. xox
What a surprise to see a place familiar to me! I'm so glad you enjoyed your visit. Cameron Village is one of our favorite places to visit, eat and see what's new. Thanks for your visitor's perspective!
Oh, I just love the mugs. Aren't they gorgeous. Glad you had a fun time. Deb
That place looks so fun and colorful!!!!
I am usually more of an old pink and lace Victorian proper afternoon tea - but these fun modern places can be such a neat change of pace. Thanks for the inspiration and recommendation. Love the colorful pics!
Have a wonderful week. Hugs.
I'd like to try the pineapple mimosa fruit iced tea too!
What a lovely shop and such nice colourfull tea ware I love doing little trips and finding new shops.
Tea offerings sound very tasty...would like to try them!!! Have a wonderful day!
What a lovely post! The tea shop looks so nice already seen from outside and I fall in love immediately when I see beautiful items in many happy colours. :)
Their tea samples sound very interesting too.
Thank you for sharing and have a lovely new week!
That sounds like great fun to be taste testing teas. New tea drinkers probably are drawn to the sweeter flavors. I think I would be!
What a fun place to enjoy a cup of tea. So many fun colours in tea wares. Glad you enjoyed your outing with your BGD and thanks for joining me for tea. Happy 4th of July!
I like my tea hot, quite strong with a splash of milk, no sugar. Preferably with a slice of hot buttered toast for breakfast or a piece of cake in the afternoon.
Herb and fruit teas don't really have the same appeal but this gorgeous little tea shop could tempt me.
Thanks for stopping by in Normandy today.
What a pretty tea shop, Snap! I love all those colorful cups and tea pots. I'd have a hard choice choosing only one color!
Have a very happy 4th of July!
Hi, Happy Mosaic Monday to you too! I love your colorfilled tea shop and pretty pictures. I just bought some green tea, they say that it helps for losing weight. And it tastes good too!
I like the idea of tea samplings and although the mall tea shops will let you try something new, it would be nice to sit at a table and compare notes with a friend, or BGD like you did.
Did you notice if the colourful teapots (yay, purple on the end) had infusers in them?
A cool tea store to visit, thanks for sharing it for Mosaic Monday Sharon.
Lots of flavours to choose from!!! xx
Tea room looks like a fun place to go. i love all the color. I guess you were here when we were having the heat wave.
That looks like a lovely tea shop. I love cold ice tea on a hot day.
What a fun tea shop to visit. The pineapple mimosa sounds really good. These days it's so hot that cold tea is most appealing.
Looks like a wonderful tea room, and I love the name!
How wonderful to have fun time with your lovely daughter.
You visited such a pretty tea shop. Looks like they have many nice colorful tea wares!
I do not like to have so many stuff, but always like to look around tea wares very much. They are arts in everyday life.
Have a good new week.
My this is a lovely shop to sample tea. The colorful teapots are very attractive and would be great to use. I'm glad you could share this shopping tea shop with your GBD! Have a great week! Thanks for sharing and thanks for the kind comments!
Take care, Pam
Hello, what a nice tea shop. I love the colorful cups and teabag holders. I know you were happy to spend time with your BGD too. Have a happy day and new week ahead!
Such fun to visit the Kids, Snap! Tin Roof Teas looks like a tea lover's heaven. Thanks for sharing with us to enjoy.
Thanks, too, for your kind comments on my post. I know that you understand about the bittersweet times. Hugs sent to you.
What a greats top!! Love to shop for things like this!
Hi Snap,
I would love to visit Tin Roof Teas. It sound like you have a lovely holiday! Happy Tea Day and have a wonderful week! Karen
what a great place. I so miss having a tea shoppe nearby.
What a fun spot to explore!
What a fun tea shop! The teas that you sampled sound exotic and intriguing. I'm also a fan of the colourful teawares.
A shop filled with colourful and, I imagine, some wonderful tea scents. What creative names for the teas too.
What a fun visit to this shop. It looks very contemporary. It is always fun to see the many styles of tea shops and tea rooms.
Dearest Snap; What GORGEOUS shop and fun time to spend there♡♡♡ I LOVED the way yiu said 'BGD'♪ I wish I was able to bless with a child:-)
Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*
That looks like my kind of place. Pretty colorful teapots and mugs. And I love the look of the outside of the building.
What a fun place to visit! Any excuse for free tea tastings :)
oooH, I would have loved to be there too... pretty shop!
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