I really enjoyed my visit to Raleigh, North Carolina
to see my BGD (Beautiful God Daughter), her handsome fella
(AKA The Kids) and to attend their confirmation.
One afternoon, BGD and I set out to find Tin Roof Teas
and boy, did we find tea!
BGD is a coffee drinker, but she was a good sport
and tasted all the samples of the day.

I think BGD liked Pineapple Mimosa Fruit the best.
My favorite was Arabian Night.
We enjoyed China White Monkey and to be fair,
it was a warm day so the cold tea was really good!
There were rows of tea and colorful teapots, tea mugs, tea bag holders.
All sorts of tea utensils.
I didn't get a picture of the tea bar where they make their own blends.

Matcha sets, more pretty tea cups and
they have wonderful tins and ceramics for storage.
If all else fails, and you don't find any tea that you like,
perhaps some chocolate will do!

Be sure to visit Tin Roof Teas if you are in the Raleigh, North Carolina area.
Wishing YOU well, much joy and a wonderful cup of tea!
Big thanks to the hosts of:
Mosaic Monday