Friday, February 7, 2014


I finished one postcard swap and can now show you the cards.
This is the one I sent:

Year of the Horse

and this is the postcard I received in return:

Deb's Card

Isn't it fun?!!
I love the little feet.
It makes me smile.
Thank you, Deb!
You can meet Deb at Learning To Just Breathe.


Talking about postcards:
It's February and time for Valentine postcards.


A reproduction vintage Victorian Valentine postcard.
No artist or publishing date was given.
Cupid is in attendance with his box of hearts.
Take care, Cupid!

Thanks to Beth for hosting Postcard Friendship Friday.

I watched the first half of the Super Bowl and then switched to Downton Abbey.
In case you were wondering if the kitties and I had a favorite team
 -- this should answer that question.


My BSD (beautiful step daughter), her knight in shining armor and my amazing grandson live in the Seattle area. 
But I've been a Seahawks fan for a long time. 
I love the colors and the mascot! 


Not everything is baseball or football around here.
I attended part of the women's tennis match at Rice and came home with a new T-shirt.
A girl can never have too many Rice University T-shirts.
This one says Rice - Women's Tennis. 
The match was between the Rice Owls and the Stanford Cardinal.
Stanford is ranked #1 and the Owls #22.
Stanford won, but it was fun to watch the Owls give the Cardinal a good match.


Still cold and damp and cloudy here.
A little sleet yesterday morning. 
I'm still doing some odds and ends around the house.
I was in bed, looking at the ceiling and the smoke detector and thought
"Yikes -- something else to do -- change out the batteries in the smoke detector!"
Do you do that, too -- have your best thoughts and ideas when you are almost asleep?!

It's always fun to visit with Nancy and the Random 5 bunch.
Thanks, Nancy!

Wishing YOU well and much joy!


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Yes, I always remember what I was supposed to remember earlier in the day..It's like that part of my brain reboots or something! Have a great weekend!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I love your postcards!

I have never been to Seattle. I'd like to go sometime. I'm not much for sports though ;-)

Jeanne said...

I just love the postcards that you did! So creative. Hope you have a wonderful day! Big hugs from Texas!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh your post card is beautiful and what nice ones you received. B

Claire said...

Love the postcards! I've also entered Liberate Your Art 2014 - sent mine to Kat the other day.
It's my first Random 5, so lovely to 'meet' you :)

Anonymous said...

The Super Bowl game couldn't keep my interest even if they pay me. I thought the commercials this year were all lame too..

I did jump over to Downton Abbey too :-)

Hootin Anni said...

LOL....I'm one who likes the Bronco Blue and Orange. But in all honesty, I also have a 'hawks throw that I use when I need to have some warmth on the couch when reading or watching a movie.

LOVE the postcard your created for the year of the horse. How ingenious.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

wow, that is a lot of hearts. 8,000,000. i could use a few to make some cards but that is a ton. wow!! i love vintage postcards. since i send them all the time i wonder where to buy? i have found a VA place that sells normal postcards 4 for a $1.00 that is the cheapest so far. i keep looking though. ( :

Nancy said...

We watched a little of the Super Bowl -- I watched all of the Puppy Bowl. I cried. Such a sap, I am. :)

Viv@Thoughts from the Desktop said...

Great cards, so pretty have a great weekend..

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Ha ha either that or in the middle of the night! :) Your cards are so cute!

Deb from Homespun & Frugal Little Bungalow

Anonymous said...

I saw Deb's post card on her blog, it is so fun! Hope it warms up a bit for you, you all look so cold today, you might go into shock! xox

My Little Home and Garden said...

The postcards are fun, Snap! Some people are so darn creative.


Dotti said...

Beautiful postcards, Snap! I love that Vintage Victorian!!

Karen Lakis said...

The postcards are great! I enjoyed the superbowl, and cheered on Seattle, but didn't really care too much - now I've got Downton to catch up on!

Postcardy said...

I like your horse card.

I wasn't really very interested in the Super Bowl, but I watched the second half and enjoyed it. I wish I could just watch all the commercials and skip the game.

Sarah Huizenga said...

More great postcards. Love them!

Pat - Arkansas said...

I enjoyed seeing your postcards. I do like your horse!

Tip I picked up from an email: If you recycle the batteries from your smoke detector, run a strip of electrical tape over the contacts before adding to the stash (if you have one). There's enough residual electricity in a 9V battery to cause a fire if the contacts touch another battery's uncovered contacts. If you care to do so, visit my Pinterest board "Other Interesting Information" for more information.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Love the new header too! All that red.

abrianna said...

Like that Victorian post card. There is always figure skating to watch in winter!

Beth Niquette said...

These are just wonderful! lol Thank you so much for posting.

Have a lovely weekend and Happy Postcard Friendship Friday!

Janet said...

Your "year of the horse" postcard is great! And I like all those little feet on the other one.

Yes, many of my best thoughts come when I'm almost asleep. I keep paper and pen beside my bed for those moments.

Unknown said...

Your postcard looks awesome, I ❤it!.

Vee said...

Your postcard is really cool celebrating The Year of the Horse. And Deb's card to you is cute. I do have some thoughts as I am falling asleep, but they are not usually particularly productive.

Unknown said...

Enjoyed the handmade post cards. I made it to halftime then fell asleep.

Rose said...

I was for Broncos, simply because of Peyton Manning playing for our Indianapolis Colts for so long. But I am here to tell you, the Sea Hawks were fun to watch! I don't think any other team plays as hard as they play.

Randy said...

I like the idea of a postcard swap. I might have to try this with my City Daily Photo blogging friends.

Sharon said...

I enjoy your vintage postcards so much! And the one you received with those little feet is delightful! Hope your weather warms up a bit soon :)

Heather said...

I like your year of the Horse card. Very nicely done. I posted a year of the rabbit card today that I had purchased.

Ingrid said...

I guess in the rest of the world people gets hysterical and crazy when it comes to soccer, we call it football, lol ! I like the postcards !

Linda said...

Beautiful postcards. The vintage one is divine.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love that Lao Tzu quote and your postcard is wonderful. I love the colors. It must be fun to participate in this.

Postcardese said...

Great post! And a great postcard swap

Margie said...

Love your postcards so nostalgic. I never think of anything before I go to sleep, but if I wake up in the middle of the night I solve all the world's problems. Great post.

EG CameraGirl said...

The postcards are wonderful! Looks like a fun swap!

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

The cards for "Liberate your Art" are wonderful, both the one you sent and the one you received. I wish I had the ability. I love the Valentine card too and wonder how they arrived at the figure of 8 million hearts.

jinxxxygirl said...

I'm so glad you like your postcard ! You know i LOVED the one you sent to me! Its up on my Inspiration board!!! Hugs! deb

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I like the postcard you made, and yes good thoughts come at night. I've put the light back on to jot something down on the pad I keep on the night table.

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

AWESOME postcards - so talented you two!

Love the repro Victorian St. Val card - even Cupid is donned in riding boots, how perfect.

Thank you for being such a loyal reader - sorry I have been so absent. Been a rough week. Hugs.

Donna Heber said...

Wonderful postcards and a great idea to swap them.