Friday, January 24, 2014


It's been busy and noisy around here.
The kitties have been hiding on the bed under the covers or under my feet.
I have a new roof -- just in time for the winter storm warnings.
New covers for the outdoor faucets.
A new toilet (the old one was leaning).
Some other minor *stuff* that was bugging me. 
I thought as long as the guys were here -- I'd put them to work.


Talking about winter storms -- how about another snowman?!


Reproduction vintage postcard - no artist or date listed.
He seems so happy -- his feathered and furry friends too.
I love his sandals! 
(Sandals and gloves sounds like the Gulf Coast.)
Too bad all our winter storms aren't this happy.

Thanks to Beth for hosting Postcard Friendship Friday each week.


My Christmas decorations are finally put away.
Valentine's Day is just around the corner.
While it is cold and miserable outside, I think I'll hook some hearts!

Valentine's Day

One large hot pad heart and a smaller one in the works.
Cotton yarn, doubled...hard on the fingers, but a quick project.
I'm using stash yarn - Sugar 'N Cream - hot pink and white.
The pattern is from a Leisure Arts leaflet 2741.

Houston is all iced in.
There are still folks who are trying to drive on the icy freeways.
Not me! 
I'm happy to stay at home with the kitties, hot tea, a good book or two, with plenty of yarn.

Thank you to Nancy for hosting Random Five Friday.

Wishing YOU well and much joy!


Buttons Thoughts said...

Love your Valentine creations and snuggled warm in the house with tea and kitties sounds perfect it sure is nasty here too. Cold yet sunny. B

Stephanie said...

I've been staying indoors a lot too. Hate the cold and snow. My Christmas decorations were put away this week and I thought about getting the Heart stuff ut for Valentines. When I went grocery shopping they had the Easter candy out and that's not till April.

Stephanie said...

My Christmas decorations were put away this week - finally. No Valentine stuff up yet but the grocery store has Easter candy out already. Geez, rushing the season a bit?

Maggid said...

Houston is Iced? Who woulda thunked it?
What a winter we are having.

Happy Friday!

Pondside said...

It sounds like a good day to stay inside with one of your pots full of tea!
Sandals and gloves? That's a Pacific Northwest combo too!

Sue said...

Lovely hearts, I have finally got all my Christmas decoration packed and put away. I agree with the cold weather, your plans sound wonderful and cozy! Enjoy your weekend,

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i went out yesterday get some must needed groceries & my parents were not happy with me. i said but we needed groceries. see my parents are usually the ones out & about. it was funny to see that their daughter was the one running this time. the temps are we having around here are nuts. suppose to be a bit warmer over the weekend & then back down in the lower numbers next week. it is wild. you stay warm & inside. enjoy! hope you have tea, books & crafts to work on. ( :

Maria said...

This is the only snowman with feet that I've ever seen Snap! :)

Nice crafted heart for Valentine's! It makes me ponder whether I still know how to crochet... I used to when I was in my teenage years to make dresses for my dolls but now my fingers are more skilled at typing down my keyboard! :p

Happy weekend!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I have to say it never iced in Houston when I lived there. Love your hearts!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I think you're handling the cold and ice perfectly--tea, cats, books and yarn! :-) Those are pretty hearts. I've never tried crocheting with double yarn--I'm afraid I'll get tangled up. lol

Jim said...

Hi Neighbor ~~ Stay warm!! I had to unfreeze two faucets this morning. Now I will run the all day and tonight unless the sun comes out. We are off 1097 between Willis and Montgomery and have snow on the roof tops and in the mulch around the trees. The grass is frozen and Katrin didn't like that one bit. She got out in the yard and stood and barked.

I like your vintage postcard. The hot pads are too pretty to use except for company. You will have to do a Valentine's party. :)

Jim said...

I am missing Kelley and Michael this morning.

Anonymous said...

Ice is the worst, keep cuddling with those kitties....Cute crochet, something I always admire and will never do.....Glad you got your repairs in before the ice. xox

Anonymous said...

Your heart pads look beautiful, and stay indoors with plenty of things to do is best.

Our school closed today because of frigid temperature!

Postcardy said...

Happy PFF!

Karen said...

Sandals and snow, that's my kind of snowman. Your hearts are cute!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Stay warm..your crochet is lovely :)

Beth Niquette said...

I adore this postcard--especially that darling puppy! lol Not snowing here--as much as I would wish that. This is our second day of sunshine after weeks of dank fog. We are having a drought here in Oregon. We're almost 15 inches short of our normal rainfall.

I would sure welcome snow...or even a good old rainstorm!

Nancy said...

I'll take snow and cold over ice any day! Stay warm and safe -- and enjoy all of your new "stuff." :)

Veronica Roth said...

So good to be snuggled up at home on frosty days. Lovely valentines project. I can't knit or crochet to save my life, but I keep My Japanese flowers (for a Japanese flower scarf) look like anemones with awkward tentacles. Oh well, it'll be a unique scarf, that's for sure. Hope you have a lovely weekend. :)

Ingrid said...

No snowflake in view to make a snowman ! I don't know when winter will arrive, probably in spring,lol !

Vee said...

It just seems so odd for you guys to be getting snow and ice storms today. Glad that you are cozy and warm at home! Sounds as if things are all set at your place!

Dotti said...

Good for you ... putting those guys to work! Love your hearts and postcard.

Unknown said...

I enjoyed my first time stopping by your blog! I did not notice the sandals until you pointed them out. Did stop by Postcard Friendship Friday.

Kristin_Texas said...

Oh, yeah. It is freeeezing today. I LOVE it!

Although I'm terribly upset all we got at our house is slush. No snow at all. I hear parts of Austin got 2 1/2 inches.


Rose said...

I love old greeting cards...they were just so different to what we get today. Not that we don't have pretty ones...the old ones just seemed more magical somehow...

I like the hearts...

Hootin Anni said...

Love your heart hot pads!! Beautiful color you chose. It's hard to believe that Valentine's Day is so near already. I'm one of those that is still in the Christmas it was yesterday. Silly me.

Sounds like you're getting a lot of things back in order? The toilet was leaning? Now, pray tell, what causes that you wonder?

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Oh, that ice doesn't sound good. Stay safe and warm with your tea, kitties, books and yarn!

Sarah Huizenga said...

Yay for the new roof and the new toilet.

Barb said...

Sounds like you've done a remodel, too, Snap. Enjoy your snug home while it's icy and cold outside.

Sharon said...

The vintage snowman is certainly charming. Stay warm and cozy! I was surprised to hear shops and offices were closed in Houston today. Sounds like a good time to stay home!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh no! Not the Leaning Toilet of Pisa! Enjoy the new one!

podso said...

I'm with you, inside with a hot cup of tea and a good book. Your crochet valentine hot pads are really nice, I might head that way with my crocheting next.

Pat - Arkansas said...

Bitter cold here, also. Thankfully, no ice! Hang in there!

My Little Home and Garden said...

I was playing with yarn too, doing a bit of knitting while the wind blows and the snow falls. It's a day to enjoy being snug at home. Enjoy creating your pretty hearts.


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

When I heard it was going to sleet or ice in Houston I was astonished. This has been such a strange winter.

Heather said...

I can imagine that sweet snowman getting lost in my back yard this week.

Thanks for the reminder, I printed out a crochet heart pattern this week, now I need to remember to make some.

I have started a new feature on my postcard blog and am hoping that you will drop by. here's the link to the details.

EG CameraGirl said...

Crocheted hearts from stashed yarn - fabulous!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

oh my a leaning toilet?? Sounds very precarious. I peeked down a post and have to say I just love that mug and tea canister. I am going to keep my eye out for something like that....'cause I really need another mug ;)

Claire said...

I've just popped over from the Liberate Your Art participants' list - nice to meet you and to see your beautiful kitties :)

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you have a purrfect plan for weathering the storm. Stay safe!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

It sounds like you've made your house very snug and warm, Snap! Did you get any snow? We get about 4-5 inches weekly and then it will melt quickly in a day or two.

I loved your Emma tea pottery in your prior post!