Sunday, October 31, 2010


It finally got cool enough for Mr. Dragon and yours truly to make a quick trip to the zoo to see the dinosaurs.
"Dinosaurs?", you say?!!!

It was a great idea. 
Bring the dinosaurs to the zoo during the summer when folks are looking for something to do with the kids.
Hopefully, there will be a few visitors who haven't been to the zoo before,
will enjoy the dinosaurs and find out that the Houston Zoo is a great place to visit.
It was such a good idea, that the dinosaurs were held over through Halloween.


I loved the setting.
Lots of foliage, trees, flowers
for the dinosaurs to play in.
It was all well thought out.

Dimetrodon, Euoplocephalus, Stegosaurus, Triceratops

We had a great time watching the kids.
They were running and loud and then they entered the dinosaur exhibit
and suddenly, when they come on the first dinosaur ... quiet!
BIG critters and they make LOUD noise. 

At the  every end there was a cemetery.
A cemetery for just a few of the animals that once roamed the earth
on land and in the seas. 

We really don't have a very good record being stewards of the earth and its creatures.

It was a lovely, cool (mid 70's instead of low 90's) way to spend the afternoon.

Mosaic Monday is hosted by the lovely Mary.
Each mosaic is different. Each has its own story to tell.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

We Said Goodbye Today

We said the final goodbye today to little Miss Riley.

She had enough.

She had the most beautiful green eyes.
In true Riley fashion, she had the last say in the matter ...she stuck her tongue out at us during her last moments!
She left us laughing, once more, at her antics!

She quit eating and taking her medication.

Our wonderful vet assured us we had gone above and beyond.
That everyone was surprised her heart had lasted this long.

With sadness we say Goodbye to the little Impress.
She and her brother Rocky are playing together once again.

I'd like to leave you with one of our favorite kitty poems.

The Singing Cat

It was a little captive cat
Upon a crowded train
His mistress takes him from his box
To ease his fretful pain.

She hold him tight upon her knee
The graceful animal
And all the people look at him
He is so beautiful.

But oh he pricks and oh he prods
And turns upon her knee
Then lifteth up his innocent voice
In plaintive melody.

He lifteth up his innocent voice
He lifteth up, he singeth
And to each human countenance
A smile of grace he bringeth.

He lifeth up his innocent paw
Upon her breast he clingeth
And everybody cries, Behold
The cat, the cat that singeth.

He lifteth up his innocent voice
He lifteth up, he singeth
And all the people warm themselves
In the love his beauty bringeth.

~Stevie Smith 


Friday, October 29, 2010

Postcard Friendship Friday

One more Halloween postcard from the New York Public Library digital collection.

Let's see what she sees in the mirror this time!

"The maiden fair had a most romantic soul,
And wished her future husband to behold.
She gazed in the mirror and one glance took-
And beheld her brother kissing the cook.

Hallow'een Greeting."

You'll see a variety of postcards there.

Wishing you well, a JOY filled weekend, and a spooky, treat filled HALLOWEEN!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Good Morning!

Old Cheesehead-- Folk lore proposed that the moon was a chunk of swiss cheese presumably because of the craters that resembled the aged dairy food.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Tea Tuesday

I'm sitting here with my tea and Halloween decorations
listening to Mannheim Steamroller's HALLOWEEN.
I love Chip Davis and Mannheim Steamroller and had no idea he had a Halloween CD.
Where have I been?! What fun!

I've been thinking about Spiced Tea.
It's just about time, don't you think?
I know, it's still 90 degrees here, but sooner or later it will cool down
and spiced tea sounds good to me.

Do you have a recipe for spice tea?
I was looking for mine (with Tang ... do they still make Tang?!) and couldn't find it.
So, I googled on Spice Tea and the first recipe that came up was from the Hillbilly Housewife!
Really! Here's her recipe:
  • 2 to 3 cups of sugar (depending on your sweet tooth)
  • 2 packets orange kool-aid mix
  • 1 or 2 packets lemon kool-aid mix (depending on your sour tooth)
  • 1/2 cup instant tea
  • 1 or 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
Get out a large dry bowl. Measure the sugar into the bowl. Open up the kool-aid packets and add them to the sugar. Stir well with a wire whisk or a clean dry fork. Add the instant tea, cinnamon and cloves. Stir again to mix well. This makes about 4 3/4 cups of mix. Store it in a well sealed container.
To Prepare: Combine a tablespoon of Spiced Tea Mix with hot water in a cup or mug. Stir to dissolve. Serve hot.
Be sure to use the small fruit flavored soft drink (kool-aid) packets, the ones without any sugar added. I buy an off brand at 10 for a dollar. The name brand ones are about a quarter each. Regular recipes for Russian, or Spiced tea usually call for lemonade mix and Tang. I developed this recipe using the same flavors, but without the higher priced, sugar added, mixes. Use your own sugar, and save a bundle. This mix may be packaged in small plastic bags and given out as a gift at Christmas. Be sure to include instructions on how to prepare it.
Note: I prepare this recipe with 4 cups of sugar and 2 packets of lemonade mix which makes it very sweet. When I make a cup of it for myself I add a large dash of bottled lemon juice for flavor and tang. The rest of my family prefers the tea plain and sweet. I note this for reasons other lemon lovers will understand, especially if they have been subjected to over sweetened lemon concoctions as often as I. The extra dash of lemon juice gives this beverage just the right amount of “pucker”. It tastes especially good on a sore throat.

Chip Davis and Mannheim Steamroller HALLOWEEN

I found another recipe that looks what I remember mine to be:

Spiced Tea Mix
1 1/2 cups instant tea powder
2 cups orange flavored instant breakfast powder
1 (3-ounce) package lemonade mix
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground cloves
3/4 teaspoon ground ginger
  1. Combine all ingredients until well blended. Store mix in an airtight container.
  2. To make 1 cup of spiced tea: Place 2 teaspoons tea mix in a cup, add boiling water, stir and enjoy!
Makes 64 servings or 3 1/2 cups mix.

I'd love to know if you have a recipe for spice tea! There are so many tea parties on Tuesday and not enough time! Teacup Tuesday is hosted by Martha and Terri.

There are four major tea types - black, oolong, green and white.
Black tea undergoes the longest process of oxidation.
Wishing you well, a JOY filled day, and a wonderful cup of tea!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Mosaic Monday: Halloween In the Neighborhood

It's the last Mosaic Monday before Halloween so I decided to take another walk around the neighborhood, camera around my neck.

I really liked this house, with the large skull above the entrance,
the black wreath with the smaller skulls on the door,
and the wonderful ghostie ghoulie in the tree!

The BOO ghosts brought a smile to my face
and I thought the hanging ghosts over the door were very clever.

I do love cats!

But I think the ghosts win!


Mosaic Monday is hosted by the lovely Mary.
When you visit you'll see a variety of mosaics:
each different and each with its own story to tell.

Wishing you well and a JOY filled week!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Postcard Friendship Friday

Here is another Halloween postcard from the New York Public Library digital collection.

This one is about precautions to take on Halloween.

Hallowe'en Precautions

If you take ten seeds
From A pumpkin shell
And go to the woods
Where the witches dwell
Plant then in front of the door in A cross
You will be rid of them
Without remorse

Postcard Friendship Friday is hosted by the lovely Beth.
Each week you can see a variety of postcards by visiting:
beautiful, old, new, comic, serious, travel.

Happy PFF!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

This and That

A little fun in a short amount of time.

I took an unfinished page from my journal.
Added a found leaf.
Did a little scanning.
Added a Haiku by Basho.
And this is what I got.

Autumn approaches
and the heart begins to dream
of four-tatami rooms


- We are back to summer here. High humidity and temps in the 90's. 

- I am going to the museum today. It has been a very long time since I've been there.
Having lunch with a museum friend and I'll see the new China Gallery.
Perhaps pick up a research assignment for the Japanese Gallery ... the last to be added.

- Mr. Dragon has taken some steps backward. 
We try to laugh as much as we can!

- The Houston Zoo has been featured on the National Geographic Channel in a program called
Zoo Confidential. Three episodes were filmed here. The second one was last night.
I've enjoyed each one. One of my favorite keepers was on last night ... Lynn ... primate supervisor along with one of my favorite lemurs ... Sifaka.
One more episode next week.

- Almost forgot! The squirrel family (famous for eating the hibiscus blooms), finished off the tangerines yesterday. Little buggers!!!!
The bird food just isn't enough or all the acorns on the ground.
Does this mean a *real* winter is coming?????

Wishing you well!


Monday, October 18, 2010

Tea Tuesday

It's that time of year when the post box is full of catalogs.
I let my fingers do the walking through one of my favorites:
and found some wonderful tea goodies that I thought I'd share with you.
(All of the images are from the Victorian Trading Company.)

A little something for Christmas.
December Scrapbook Porcelain

I may have to order these.
I love to read, love books and having literary quotes about tea
sounds like a lot of fun!

Novel Teas - Quotes About Tea

The teapot cookie cutters made me smile!

Teapot Cookie Cutters

I first found the Victorian Trading Company in Victoria Magazine 
many, many years ago.
It seems only correct that they have the book -
Victoria: The Essential Tea Companion.

Victoria: The Essential Tea Companion

I think this set was my favorite.
Oh, Santa!!!!!

Pretty Bird

*A little tea trivia for you:
In early eighteenth century Britain, tea was served in coffeehouses, which were restricted to men only. If women wanted tea from these locations, they had to have a man purchase the tea for them.

Teacup Tuesday is hosted by Martha and Terri.
Be sure to stop by and see the tea cups on parade!

*Keenum is from China and is known as the "burgundy of teas." 
It is full-bodied with a light taste.

* From 365 Things Every Tea Lover Should Know

Wishing you well, a JOY filled week, and a great cup of tea!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mosaic Monday: Tasty Treat!

Mr. Dragon and I have been wondering why all the blooms on the hibiscus have been disappearing.

Jane Cowel Hibiscus

I think we've figured out what is happening.
Apparently, the blooms are a tasty treat for our local squirrel families.

Mary is our hostess for Mosaic Monday.
Each mosaic is different. Each has its own story to tell.

Wishing you well, a JOY filled week, and a tasty treat!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Postcard Friendship Friday

There are five Friday's in October.
That's a good thing, because I've really enjoyed this series of postcards from

I laughed out loud when I saw this one and I hope you do, too!

(Image from the New York Public Library)

"She was filled with romance, and deemed it good sport
To look in the mirror and see it's report.
She gazed quite awhile, then a loud voice heard;
'Come do the dishes now, and don't be absurd.'"

Hollow'een Greeting.

Postcard Friendship Friday is hosted by the lovely Beth.
When you visit you will see a variety of postcards from the old to the new,
the comic to the serious, travel to new places. Enjoy!

Wishing you well and have a wonderful weekend!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Tea Tuesday

I found this little book: 365 Things Every Tea Lover Should Know.
It's just one of many small tea books on the market from Harvest House Publishers.
I thought I'd start sharing some of the tidbits from this book every week on my tea post.

1. When making a great pot of tea, pour hot water into the teapot to warm it while the kettle of water is heating.

2. "My dear, if you could give me a cup of tea to clear my muddle of a head I should better understand your affairs." ~ Charles Dickens

3. Iced tea was invented at the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair by an expatriate Englishman named Richard Blechynden. His hot tea wasn't selling so he poured it over ice and had an instant success.

I have some fun teapots and mugs that I like to use when Halloween is on the horizon.

The dragon teapot with the wizard.

The dragon mugs are from the Texas Renaissance Festival.
When we first moved to Texas some 20+ years ago, we went to the Festival every year.
Fifty three acres of New Market Village, filled with food, beverages, shops with unique arts and crafts, games of skill and human-powered rides.

This year there are eight themed weekends: 
Octoberfest, 1001 Dreams, Pirate Adventure, All Hallows Eve, Roman Bacchanal, Highland Fling, Barbarian Invasion and a three day Celtic Christmas celebration.

Anyone getting into the holiday spirit?!!!

I'm linking to Teacup Tuesday hosted by Martha and Terri!
They host such lovely tea parties. Be sure to check out the teacups on parade!

Sandi hosts Teatime Tuesday.
So many tea parties.
So little time!!!

Wishing you well, a great cup of tea, and a JOY filled week!

"The path to heaven passes through a teapot."
Ancient Proverb

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Mosaic Monday: A Walk Around the Block

I thought I'd take you on a walk around my block.
It's still a wee bit early, but the Halloween decorations are coming out.

(Love the bones on the wreath and the black birds.)

I have a theory about Halloween decorations.
I believe people down here (where it is hot 9 months out of the year),
pull out all the decorating stops when the Fall arrives.
We don't have the wonderful color of the changing of the leaves.

But we can sure decorate starting at Halloween!

Mosaic Monday is hosted by the lovely Mary.
Each mosaic is different and each has its own story to tell.

Wishing you well and a JOY filled week!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

I Love Breakfast

I love breakfast.
I love spinach.
 I love easy.
When I saw this recipe in the October issue of Eating Well, I knew I would try it.

Image from Eating Well


Heat 1 teaspoon olive oil in a small nonstick skillet over medium heat.
Layer in 1/2 cup each frozen shredded hash browns and frozen chopped spinach (from a bag).
Crack 1 large egg on top; sprinkle with a pinch each of salt and pepper and 2 tablespoons shredded sharp cheddar cheese.
Cover, reduce heat to medium-low and cook until the hash browns are browned, the egg white is set and the cheese is melted, 4 to 7 minutes.
Makes 1 serving.
Per serving: 226 calories along with some Vitamin A, Folate, Calcium and Iron

I wasn't disappointed.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Postcard Friendship Friday

I returned to the New York Public Library for this weeks Postcard.
Everyone enjoyed looking in the mirror last week for their true love.

What if this happens??!!!!!

Notice that last week it was Hallowe'en
and this week it is Hallow'een.

Postcard Friendship Friday is hosted by the lovely Beth.
Each week you'll se a variety of postcards from the old to the new,
the comic to the serious, a true variety.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Mosaic Monday: Soiree with the Sea Lions

This last week we partied with the sea lions at the Houston zoo.
Unfortunately, by the time the sea lions came out to entertain us, it was too dark to take photos!

It was a beautiful evening, not too hot, and the zoo was lovely in the late evening light.

The blue tablecloths made it seem more *sea* like!

Zoo keepers brought out some of the smaller animals to visit with us.

The top images are two different lesser hedgehogs -- tenrecs from Madagascar.
Cute little guys!

The spiny coat is used to deter predators and is vibrated for communication with other tenrecs. When threatened, the lesser tenrec will roll into a ball, hiss and grind its teeth.
Lesser hedgehog tenrecs are one of 30 species of tenrec found on the island of Madagascar. These small mammals are adapted to fill the role of mice, hedgehogs, shrews and opossums found in other parts of the world. This species is found living both on land and in trees and is nocturnal - spending its days sleeping and its night foraging for food. 
Although tenrecs have lived on Madagascar for some 60 million years,it is possible that some will not survive more than a few decades more. Habitat loss is the greatest threat to this and other tenrec species.

The bottom images: bearded dragon lizard and owl. 
The owl was very nervous. The grackles were *grackling* and she didn't like them one bit.

We enjoyed the evening.
The setting was gorgeous.
We learned more about animals in the care of the zoo.
The appetizers were delicious.
The wine and beer flowed.
The sea lions put on a fun show.

Mosaic Monday is hosted by the lovely Mary.
Each mosaic is different. Each has a story to tell.

Wishing you well and a JOY filled week!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Postcard Friendship Friday

October arrives bringing cool weather and Halloween.

I visited the New York Public Library for this postcard.

A Happy Hallowe'en
He is your fate
Whose face you've seen
 in the mirrow's face
On Hallowe'en.

Postcard Friendship Friday is hosted by the lovely Beth.
On your visit you'll see a variety of  postcards: funny, serious, old and new.

Wishing you well and a JOY filled weekend!