Saturday, October 30, 2010

We Said Goodbye Today

We said the final goodbye today to little Miss Riley.

She had enough.

She had the most beautiful green eyes.
In true Riley fashion, she had the last say in the matter ...she stuck her tongue out at us during her last moments!
She left us laughing, once more, at her antics!

She quit eating and taking her medication.

Our wonderful vet assured us we had gone above and beyond.
That everyone was surprised her heart had lasted this long.

With sadness we say Goodbye to the little Impress.
She and her brother Rocky are playing together once again.

I'd like to leave you with one of our favorite kitty poems.

The Singing Cat

It was a little captive cat
Upon a crowded train
His mistress takes him from his box
To ease his fretful pain.

She hold him tight upon her knee
The graceful animal
And all the people look at him
He is so beautiful.

But oh he pricks and oh he prods
And turns upon her knee
Then lifteth up his innocent voice
In plaintive melody.

He lifteth up his innocent voice
He lifteth up, he singeth
And to each human countenance
A smile of grace he bringeth.

He lifeth up his innocent paw
Upon her breast he clingeth
And everybody cries, Behold
The cat, the cat that singeth.

He lifteth up his innocent voice
He lifteth up, he singeth
And all the people warm themselves
In the love his beauty bringeth.

~Stevie Smith 



  1. I am so very sorry to hear about Miss Riley. It is so very sad and difficult to lose a beloved pet; they are a very important part of ones family. Please know that my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. And remember all the wonderful and fun things you did with Miss Riley, as they will, in time, give you much comfort. I know only too well what it is like to lose a beloved kitty, as I have had to lay to rest 2 of our precious Persians in the past, and to this day I still sometimes feel the loss and pain.

    With warmest hugs to you, Brenda

  2. I came across your post and am so sorry for your loss. Our pets are so much a part of our family, and are so missed when gone. I pray you have many happy memories and photos to keep her memory close to your heart.I have lost several pets, and I feel your pain too.

    I also would love to know how you got the "button" of the Dali Lama on your side bar.

  3. My warmest and most tender thoughts are with you, Snap. Each kitty-life is precious. I hope my cats outlive me. I've laid two to rest in my back garden, and the thoughts of those occasions still sadden me; I'm not ready for another one anytime soon. Hugs, Pat

  4. So hard to let them leave us, I know too well. My heart is with you in your grief. She will remain with you in spirit always. xox Corrine

  5. I'm so sorry you've lost your lovely Miss Riley - certainly an exceptionally lovely gal from what I've seen and what you've written. She will be a big piece of your family lore - I'll be you've got lots of stories about her antics. It's so hard to lose a beloved pet - big sympathy.

  6. Dear Snap, Hugs to you and Mr Dragon as you remember you little imp, Miss Riley.

  7. Oh, Snap. Such a time for you. I remember when Rocky left, so suddenly without warning. I know you know you gave Rocky and Riley such a wonderful, love-filled life. It is never the right time to let them go, though, is it? Even though you "know", it still makes you heart-heavy. They have their own paths to follow, though, and I imagine you giving them both so much while they were here with you. I don't think there was any mistake that you took them in as family, loved them and now you have to let them go. In a way I think you are also letting a part of Rocky go too. We are not to know, to understand all the reasons and nuances. The injustices of age (both young and old). What can I say but I hope you know you played such an enormous part in their lives. I think you called out to each other and clasped on. And now the impossible part, letting go of their bodily presence. My heart is with you. Much love, Kim.

  8. This is the second blog post in a row that I've read where a family pet has died. It was sad to read about Riley but she had a good life with you and Mr Dragon. And now she can be with Rocky. It's never easy to lose a pet but you can rest easy that she didn't suffer a lot. You and Mr Dragon gave her such a good life. My thoughts are with you as you grieve.

  9. Oh Snap---You've lost another kitty? I am so sorry--but Rocky and Riley are now together....

    God Bless You... I know you two are grieving.


  10. It's so sad...I'm sending love and purrs to you all!
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA

  11. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's so hard to lose a little friend. Big hugs!

  12. I am so very sorry. She was a beautiful girl.

  13. Oh Snap I am so sorry. She was so beautiful. I know how hard this is.

  14. I'm sorry to hear about Miss Riley.I am glad to hear that she went peacefully. Thank you for sharing the beautiful poem. Sending you lotsa of love.
    Peace, love & light

  15. So sorry to hear about Miss Riley Snap. Sending peace your way.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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