Friday, October 29, 2010

Postcard Friendship Friday

One more Halloween postcard from the New York Public Library digital collection.

Let's see what she sees in the mirror this time!

"The maiden fair had a most romantic soul,
And wished her future husband to behold.
She gazed in the mirror and one glance took-
And beheld her brother kissing the cook.

Hallow'een Greeting."

You'll see a variety of postcards there.

Wishing you well, a JOY filled weekend, and a spooky, treat filled HALLOWEEN!


  1. What a great card - so creative and clever! They sure don't make 'em like that anymore.

    Have a spooky Halloween weekend, Dear Friend.



  2. Adorable vintage postcard!
    We wish you a lovely weekend dear friend!
    And Happy Halloween!
    Luna and mommy Léia

  3. LOL. Spooky doings in your neighborhood with all those wonderful houses I am sure. Enjoy. xox Corrine

  4. Those were the days, when kissing the cook was thought a bit risqué!

  5. Cute poem! I just love that vintage, nostalgic look of the postcard.

  6. I suppose if her brother has to kiss someone, a good cook is an excellent choice.

  7. She should forget about the mirror thingie, and create her own visions. :)

  8. I love all the old vintage cards! Happy Halloween!!

  9. i am enjoying this series.
    Happy PFF!

  10. I love the look of vintage cards. What a great one!

  11. Gave ma a laugh... great card! Happy Pff!

  12. Beautiful but also a bit mysterious card (at least to me). What's the pun? And I do agree with Muse Swings: her brother made an excellent choice. Happy PFF.

  13. A malfunctioning mirror! But it makes a great card, I love it.

  14. This place is a delight! Great to know it dear! Blessings.

  15. I really like this Halloween card. It made me laugh too!

  16. What a beautiful postcard. I just love the artwork on Vintage cards. Happy Halloween.

  17. What a funny postcard! lol I needed that laugh this morning! Thank you so much for sharing this postcard for PFF! lol


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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