Sunday, October 3, 2010

Mosaic Monday: Soiree with the Sea Lions

This last week we partied with the sea lions at the Houston zoo.
Unfortunately, by the time the sea lions came out to entertain us, it was too dark to take photos!

It was a beautiful evening, not too hot, and the zoo was lovely in the late evening light.

The blue tablecloths made it seem more *sea* like!

Zoo keepers brought out some of the smaller animals to visit with us.

The top images are two different lesser hedgehogs -- tenrecs from Madagascar.
Cute little guys!

The spiny coat is used to deter predators and is vibrated for communication with other tenrecs. When threatened, the lesser tenrec will roll into a ball, hiss and grind its teeth.
Lesser hedgehog tenrecs are one of 30 species of tenrec found on the island of Madagascar. These small mammals are adapted to fill the role of mice, hedgehogs, shrews and opossums found in other parts of the world. This species is found living both on land and in trees and is nocturnal - spending its days sleeping and its night foraging for food. 
Although tenrecs have lived on Madagascar for some 60 million years,it is possible that some will not survive more than a few decades more. Habitat loss is the greatest threat to this and other tenrec species.

The bottom images: bearded dragon lizard and owl. 
The owl was very nervous. The grackles were *grackling* and she didn't like them one bit.

We enjoyed the evening.
The setting was gorgeous.
We learned more about animals in the care of the zoo.
The appetizers were delicious.
The wine and beer flowed.
The sea lions put on a fun show.

Mosaic Monday is hosted by the lovely Mary.
Each mosaic is different. Each has a story to tell.

Wishing you well and a JOY filled week!


  1. When I lived in Monterey, CA, we were quite intimately aware of sea lions! You could see (and smell!) them from an astonishing distance away! And in San Francisco, they'd take over people's boats!

  2. Those hedgehogs are adorable!Sea Lions always make me smile~ sounds like a fun soiree :-)

  3. Wonderful photos, sounds like a fun evening at the zoo. Love the closeups of the animals.

  4. Lovely setting Snap, and the hedgehogs are darling.
    Looks like you are cooler too, thank heavens. xox Corrine

  5. I have to admit those hedgehogs don't look real - they look like caricatures of themselves. Love the toes on them.

  6. Looks like you had a fabulous time at the zoo event, Snap.... The hedgehogs are so cute...

    Have a wonderful week.

  7. Those little hedgehogs are adorable! Sounds like a fun evening at the zoo...

  8. How lovely Snap. I love that little Hedgehog too. I am so taken with them. All of your photographs are lovely as always, I especially love the ones with the candlelight.

  9. P.S. As I visited a few blogs, I stopped dead in my tracks when the word verification popped up Zooerster. I said that's what Snap is a Zooerster. Someone who loves to take photos at the zoo.

    Don't you just think we should have a book of these word verifications? Who thinks of these words?

  10. Hedgehogs are so cute looking. Great mosaic. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your week.

  11. What a fabulous time at the zoo! Looks like a great evening! Love those hedgehogs, too cute!

  12. Hi, Snap! Sorry I haven't been by in awhile. I hope you have been well.

    I'll bet everything looked so lovely with all the candles as the sun went down. How fun to have an opportunity to get up close and personal with some of the animals!

  13. Looks like a great day at the zoo. I love the zoo too and really should go more often!

  14. It sound slike a wonderful evemt at your zoo! The hedgehog has a cute face in that photo :)
    I hope the tenrecs can be saved from extinction!

  15. Hi Snap! Great photos and those little sea lions have the sweetest little faces!
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  16. Beautiful shots. Animals look great.

  17. I just love seeing hedgehogs!! too cute!

  18. How wonderful. The pics of you "littler critters" is grand! Wishing you well! Cathy

  19. Looks like a very elegant setting and it sounds like you had a wonderful time. Thank you for sharing your photos.


  20. So beautiful pictures, and adorable critters there!
    purrs and love
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA

  21. Sounds like a fun evening - Thanks for sharing it with us.

  22. What a fun post! The little hedgehog is adorable! I really love your furbabies on your sidebar. Cats rock!!!

  23. I think I would enjoy visiting the Houston Zoo! Thanks for the taste of what can be seen there!

  24. Beautiful captures - Looks like a wonderful time at the zoo.

  25. Love the little hedgehogs, Snap. Sorry it got too dark to "snap" the sea lions, but it looks like they were feted in a lovely setting.

  26. What a wonderful event! The tables are beautiful and I would have loved to see those adorable little hedgies.

  27. A most adorable mosaic ~ love those little hedgehogs!

  28. What a beautiful evening - and not like anything I've ever experienced at a zoo, where it's mostly been hand in (sticky) hand with a toddler!

  29. What a wonderful experience! I would love to do something like that. Maybe I should visit Houston when I visit New York next year! Thanks for telling me about this.

    Best wishes,

  30. Great pictures! Love that little hedgehog!

  31. That sounded like it was a really fun and enjoyable time! Your pictures are just wonderful!

  32. Awww, love the little hedgehogs! Looks like a beautiful setting for the evening. Thanks for sharing at MM. :)

  33. I always enjoy your zoo posts. That lizard has quite the "look"! Love it.

    And how nice to have a candlit affair with the critters.


  34. Lucky you, getting to party with the zoo critters. Those hedgehogs are sooooo cute!

  35. Sounds like a perfect evening to me, Snap! Cute critters, too.


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