Sunday, October 10, 2010

Mosaic Monday: A Walk Around the Block

I thought I'd take you on a walk around my block.
It's still a wee bit early, but the Halloween decorations are coming out.

(Love the bones on the wreath and the black birds.)

I have a theory about Halloween decorations.
I believe people down here (where it is hot 9 months out of the year),
pull out all the decorating stops when the Fall arrives.
We don't have the wonderful color of the changing of the leaves.

But we can sure decorate starting at Halloween!

Mosaic Monday is hosted by the lovely Mary.
Each mosaic is different and each has its own story to tell.

Wishing you well and a JOY filled week!


  1. Great decorations, Snap.... I love the sign saying to fasten your broom straps... Cute!!!!

    Have a great day.

  2. I love all the Halloween decorations up this time of year! Especially pumpkins!

  3. Hi Snap, Love that "Fasten Broom Straps" warning! I am not even thinking of Halloween yet - at least I wasn't until I visited you here.

  4. I really think your neighbors have outdone themselves with decorating! How pretty! It's my favorite time of the year, too.
    Thanks for showing us that even in warm areas of the country, it STILL is Fall!
    Have a great week,

  5. Lots of Halloween fun ideas here!

  6. How wonderful! I love holiday decorations and your blog looks like so much fun! ♥

  7. What a fun treat to see Halloween where you are. Maybe this week I'll check out what's in MY neighbourhood. LOVE that giant candy corn!

  8. Very creative front door that someone did...kind of creepily elegant.

  9. Oh how wonderful! LOVE that door! thanks for sharing at MM. :)

  10. Love the crows & grapevine doorway~ your neighbors have the Halloween spirit :-)

  11. That's a great explanation why our southern neighbours deocrate like mad. :-) Very rarely do I see homes decorated for Halloween in my neighbourhood and come to think of it, Christmas is rather sparse too.
    Nice mosaic,enjoyed seeing what you've shown.

  12. Thank you for including me on your walk to see the fun decorations! They make great mosaics!

  13. Hi Snap!! Oh, what a fun neighborhood you must have! I'm sure the children love all of these Halloween decorations.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  14. Your block is definitely ready for Halloween! Looks like a fun place you live in!

  15. Those are just wonderful. I love the vines twinning around the post of the porch. Have a wonderful week.

  16. Very fancy decorating neighborhood, Snap. It looks like it would take time to keep up with the Joneses. Do you get lots of kids on Halloween?

  17. Cute! We don't see much Halloween here in my southern corner yet, but we will soon! Unless people are paring down this year.

  18. I love the door decor in that first shot! What a great neighborhood you have!

  19. Fabulous Halloween decorations! Uncommon sights around my part of the world.

  20. Wow - your neighbourhood pulls out all the stops! It must be so much fun for the kids.

  21. Must be great to walk along your street to see the decorations. In our neighbourhood there is no many. Wonderful mosiac.

  22. And why not, I ask? We put ours out this weekend too, the multiple skulls, skeleton hands, severed fingers, hairy spiders, snarling rats. Gotta let a little fun in your life I say!

  23. You have found adorable decorations, it's beautiful and your collage is perfect!
    purrs and love
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA

    I love your blog. The sidebar is wonderful to stroll through and I am going to hop around and look some more.

    Your Mosaic Monday photos are fabulous. What a great idea to go walking around the neighborhood taking photos of everyone's decorations. You know, it's sad, our neighborhood doesn't decorate too much for Halloween or Fall. Christmas is another story, but this time of year, it's pretty limited. Oh well, I will have to pick someone else's neighborhood to go walking around. ;-)

    I hope you have a joy filled week as well,

  25. Halloween is a fun time to decorate. Your neighborhood looks like a fun place to live. Great mosaic.

  26. Thanks for sharing your neighborhood decorations. I need to change my wreath out on my front door.
    Have a great week.

  27. Fun post! Loved the mosaics.

    Pat@Back Porch Musings

  28. Both of those door displays are lush. I think you are right about warm climates, lavish decorating lets you celebrate. Thanks for sharing. xox Corrine

  29. Your neighborhood is way ahead of us! It has been unusally warm here in NY so it seems to have taken everyone longer to decorate for Halloween this year. I'm sure everyone will get busy soon! Fun mosaics!


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