Monday, October 25, 2010

Tea Tuesday

I'm sitting here with my tea and Halloween decorations
listening to Mannheim Steamroller's HALLOWEEN.
I love Chip Davis and Mannheim Steamroller and had no idea he had a Halloween CD.
Where have I been?! What fun!

I've been thinking about Spiced Tea.
It's just about time, don't you think?
I know, it's still 90 degrees here, but sooner or later it will cool down
and spiced tea sounds good to me.

Do you have a recipe for spice tea?
I was looking for mine (with Tang ... do they still make Tang?!) and couldn't find it.
So, I googled on Spice Tea and the first recipe that came up was from the Hillbilly Housewife!
Really! Here's her recipe:
  • 2 to 3 cups of sugar (depending on your sweet tooth)
  • 2 packets orange kool-aid mix
  • 1 or 2 packets lemon kool-aid mix (depending on your sour tooth)
  • 1/2 cup instant tea
  • 1 or 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
Get out a large dry bowl. Measure the sugar into the bowl. Open up the kool-aid packets and add them to the sugar. Stir well with a wire whisk or a clean dry fork. Add the instant tea, cinnamon and cloves. Stir again to mix well. This makes about 4 3/4 cups of mix. Store it in a well sealed container.
To Prepare: Combine a tablespoon of Spiced Tea Mix with hot water in a cup or mug. Stir to dissolve. Serve hot.
Be sure to use the small fruit flavored soft drink (kool-aid) packets, the ones without any sugar added. I buy an off brand at 10 for a dollar. The name brand ones are about a quarter each. Regular recipes for Russian, or Spiced tea usually call for lemonade mix and Tang. I developed this recipe using the same flavors, but without the higher priced, sugar added, mixes. Use your own sugar, and save a bundle. This mix may be packaged in small plastic bags and given out as a gift at Christmas. Be sure to include instructions on how to prepare it.
Note: I prepare this recipe with 4 cups of sugar and 2 packets of lemonade mix which makes it very sweet. When I make a cup of it for myself I add a large dash of bottled lemon juice for flavor and tang. The rest of my family prefers the tea plain and sweet. I note this for reasons other lemon lovers will understand, especially if they have been subjected to over sweetened lemon concoctions as often as I. The extra dash of lemon juice gives this beverage just the right amount of “pucker”. It tastes especially good on a sore throat.

Chip Davis and Mannheim Steamroller HALLOWEEN

I found another recipe that looks what I remember mine to be:

Spiced Tea Mix
1 1/2 cups instant tea powder
2 cups orange flavored instant breakfast powder
1 (3-ounce) package lemonade mix
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground cloves
3/4 teaspoon ground ginger
  1. Combine all ingredients until well blended. Store mix in an airtight container.
  2. To make 1 cup of spiced tea: Place 2 teaspoons tea mix in a cup, add boiling water, stir and enjoy!
Makes 64 servings or 3 1/2 cups mix.

I'd love to know if you have a recipe for spice tea! There are so many tea parties on Tuesday and not enough time! Teacup Tuesday is hosted by Martha and Terri.

There are four major tea types - black, oolong, green and white.
Black tea undergoes the longest process of oxidation.
Wishing you well, a JOY filled day, and a wonderful cup of tea!


  1. I haven't had this kind of tea in years. I think mine was called Russian Tea for some crazy reason..but it was made with Tang.

    Now I use Pumpkin spice tea or Harney's Cranberry autumn or similar ones.For caffeine free evenings I us an Apple Cider herbal by Republic of Tea that is very good.

  2. Never knew Manheim Steamroller did a Halloween CD either, spiced today, no thanks, but spiced wine, ok. xox Corrine

  3. I remember the recipe made with Tang - we called it Russian Tea.

  4. Hi: Wonderful tea pots! Everything is ready for the spooky day! Have lots of fun. Blessings, Martha

  5. You must be really happy to celebrate yr halloween. Thanks for sharing and have a nice day.

  6. To answer your question; yes, they still make Tang....I buy it to clean my dishwasher! Works like a charm!

    I'll have to try using it to make spiced tea!

  7. A perfect tea for Halloween for sure! I love the sweet decoration, it's beautiful!
    I think this tea can be also a good medicine for some "cold"! ;)
    purrs and love
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA and hugs from mommy Léia

  8. What a great post for a Halloween Tea!!

    I had no idea the Manhattan Transfer had a Halloween CD!!

    Interesting!! Thanks for the info on it!!


  9. I used to love the spiced tea mix. I think it used to be called Russian Tea. So nice to warm you up on a cool winter day.


  10. Your spicy tea sounds delicious! Thanks for stopping by.


  11. Ooohh...yes, thanks so much for giving us the recipe for spiced tea! I can use it for my Halloween High tea.

    Happy Tea Tuesday!

  12. Cute Halloween teapot and the fabric pumpkin too.

    I have many books that include recipes for spiced tea mix. Gooseberry Patch books come to mind, also many Christmas cookbooks and mags. Adding ginger sounds good to me - thanks for the recipes.

  13. Thank you for the recipe! Looks great!
    Thank you also for your visit and sweet comment. Hope you'll come back again soon :)
    I'm having a giveaway soon that you may be interested in.

  14. I loved your tea post. Your witchy teapot is awesome.
    I remember Spiced tea - thanks for researching the recipe for all of us.


  15. The spiced tea recipe is wonderful! Sounds so good to share with others, too! I love M. Steamroller...didn't know they had a Halloween CD! I'll look for it! Sounds interesting! ♥

  16. Hi Snap, After being gone a week, I'm trying hard to catch up.... BIG job!!! ha

    I love Mannheim Steamroller --and had no idea there was a Halloween CD... I'll have to check that out. Thanks!!

    I used the 2nd recipe for Spiced Tea... And I used Tang... I think you can still get it... Not sure where though.... Good Luck!!!

    I will do it the easy way sometimes though and heat up some Apple Cider ---and add a few spices... It's not tea but is very good also.

  17. The spiced tea sounds refreshing and I love your pumpkin decorations! Thanks for the good wishes for my mom. She is still a little weak but I am hoping she'll be better soon.....Christine

  18. Oh, I love your Halloween decorations. Thank you for the recipe.

  19. Hi Snap! I am your newest follower. Thank you for visiting Rose Petals from Heaven. *hugs*

  20. Your Halloween Tea Cup Tuesday is really nice and funny

  21. spiced tea! Just right for this time of year.

  22. Here it is Thursday, and I'm still making the Tuesday tea party rounds. Sorry to be so late visiting!!

    When I was growing up, my mom made a spice tea mix with Tang. I had totally forgotten about it until your your post took me down Memory Lane.

    Have a lovely day,


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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