Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mosaic Monday: Tasty Treat!

Mr. Dragon and I have been wondering why all the blooms on the hibiscus have been disappearing.

Jane Cowel Hibiscus

I think we've figured out what is happening.
Apparently, the blooms are a tasty treat for our local squirrel families.

Mary is our hostess for Mosaic Monday.
Each mosaic is different. Each has its own story to tell.

Wishing you well, a JOY filled week, and a tasty treat!


  1. Little buggers! But I guess a squirrel's gotta eat too!

  2. Funny photos of the squirrel eating your hibiscus flowers. The squirrels love my bird food too much to bother my hibiscus plant.

  3. At least you know they are eating well!

  4. Your Mosaic is priceless! I was going to photograph in the woods but the bears have changed my mind, not to mention the large "pussy cat". Snap you are a zoo goer, so come on up, we can safari!

  5. Aha! Squirrels! Love'em and hate'em. That is one bee-u-tifull hibiscus; gorgeous color!

  6. Great capture! You caught him red handed!

  7. Wow, great shots. Lovely color on that flower, but you know squirrels, they will eat anything. xox Corrine

  8. I can't imagine why they would eat the flowers! That's just weird! Don't think I've ever seen squirrels eating flowers before. Maybe you need a little netting!

  9. Who knew?! Little blighters!
    I'm your newest follower - I'm missing too many posts!

  10. I've never seen a squirrel eat a flower before! Hibiscus flowers must be tasty. I usually find the squirrels hanging off my bird feeder trying to eat all the sunflower seeds :)

  11. Oh my goodness...caught in the act! There is a similar hibuscus outside my mother's care center door --so far still alive and well.

  12. Cracks me up! We also have squirrels in the backyard...this was such a well done mosaic.

  13. They can be pesky but I've never seen them eating flowers before!

  14. Love the squirrels! Cute mosaic. Have a great week, and hope you stop by and visit me too! Sandi

  15. What a hoot! That's a first for me, the bloom must be as tasty as it is pretty :-)

  16. Talk about being caught red handed! They can be little devils.

  17. Those little rat bast***s!!! lol Thanks for sharing at MM. :)

  18. Naughty little adorable varmit! ;}

    m ^..^

  19. Cheeky little fellow ... obviously a squirrel with a sweet tooth! Your mosaic is just brilliant ... great shots!

  20. Love/hate! I all depends on their activities, of course ;) I've seen them bite off a tulip and carry into a tree to eat! Great shots, though and you've got to appreciate their resourcefulness!

  21. Hi Snap!! Oh, how funny and cute! I had no idea squirrels would eat hibiscus blooms! :) We have a hibiscus bush too and we have squirrels but the two haven't met yet! :)
    What a precious mosaic.
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  22. Oh Snap! Those little pests! They are shaking the pecan trees in our yard and then jumping on the falling pecans. Sure made a cute mosaic, tho! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on Jack In The Basket...Sue

  23. OH NO! Squirrels can be so naughty sometimes!

  24. Sorry that the squirrels have been doing such a number, but it does make for a great mosaic with those complementary grays and pinks. :D

  25. Oh, you caught him in the act. What wonderful photos. I love it!!!

  26. Little Stinkers! Between the rabbits and deer, we haven't been able to plant a garden in years.

    We had a HUGE squirrel population too, until a pair of coyotes moved into the neighborhood. Not so many since then.

    I have a neighbor who puts silk flowers in pots on her stoop - that must really confound the animals, huh?



  27. Oh my - I try to love the squirrels, but they wreak such havoc!! Poor beautiful hibiscus!!!

  28. great mosaic! Cute squirrel...sorry about your beautiful Hibiscus.

  29. Oh My Gosh..... I know that squirrels can be destructive --but that is terrible. I got so upset with the squirrels this past winter for eating the buds off of our Rhododendron ---that I wanted to find a sling shot --or something... ha ha

    Seems like the squirrels will eat most anything... Darn them!!!

  30. I have squirrels eating everything, but have not seen one eating my flowers. I would be tempted to kill it if I did.

  31. He seems to be enjoying himself at your expense.

  32. Awesome! I didn't know squirrels eat flowers, and I thought they only go after nuts!

  33. they are so adorably but yet can be so disruptive! great shots!

  34. Oh dear! Caught red handed! My sister had all her geraniums eaten by deers...

  35. Now I know why there were fresh and young flowers on the ground! Squirrels...

  36. Snap,
    Never knew they liked anything but acorns. Great shots.


  37. The color in that blossom is gorgeous! And that little guy/gal sure looks like he's enjoying every bit of it.

  38. Great mosaic!

    This is such a fun post-- has everyone thinking.

    Great job.


  39. Bonjour dear friend,
    Please forgive my late comments, I'm doing two different French classes, all mornings and evenings.
    It's a great pleasure to visit your wonderful posts.This one is outstanding! I love your squirrels pictures and collage! :)
    Léia and little LUna

  40. Caught in the act! Great action shots of the squirrel. I never knew hibiscus was an edible treat. I've heard of eating pansies and nasturtiums but never hibiscus. The things you learn when you read!


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