Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sunday Morning

Adopt the pace of nature:

her secret is patience.

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, July 30, 2010

Postcard Friendship Friday

Postcard Friendship Friday is hosted each week by the lovely Beth.
Each week you can see a variety of postcards from the old to the new, the comic to the serious, a true variety. Be sure to visit!

I have one more of the linen postcards to share with you.

Lunch Room

Lunch Room, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico
It is numbered: 1B-H180
This is the only one of the linen postcards I've shared with you that says:
"Santa Fe Railway Photograph"

Lunch Room

Lunch Room,
Carlsbad Caverns Nat'l Park,
New Mexico

Carlsbad Caverns Nat'l Park is located at White's City, N. M.
Luncheons are served daily in the spacious Lunch Room, 750 feet underground.

Happy PFF!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Joy To You!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Teacup Tuesday

Our hostesses for Teacup Tuesday are Martha and Teri.
Be sure to visit to see the Teacups on Parade!

I have a soft spot in my heart for Belleek, perhaps because of my Celtic background.
Their work is gorgeous and the Parian porcelain so thin that the cups are perfect for tea leaf reading, but that's a whole other post!

I'd like to share with you my Belleek Shamrock teapot and teacups.

I love the distinctive harp shaped handles, the hand painted Shamrocks, the rounded edges of the cups in the Shamrock shape.

Tea Set

You can see the shell pattern on the teapot and cups.

Teacup Tuesday Mosaic

I also have a set of 4 mugs hand painted with the Shamrocks and with a woven embossment.

In 1849 John Caldwell Bloomfield inherited the Castlecaldwell estate, which encompassed the village of Belleek, from his father. Mindful of the plight of his tenants in the aftermath of the potato famine he sought to provide some form of worthwhile employment. An amateur mineralogist, he ordered a geologic survey of his land. To his delight it revealed the necessary raw materials to make Pottery - feldspar, kaolin, flint, clay and shale.

Porcelain was featured by Belleek for the first time at the Dublin Exposition of 1872. Their display was the largest in the Irish and English industrial areas. Among the pieces listed in the catalogue for the event are Parian china statues and busts, ice buckets, compotes and centerpieces.

The history of Belleek is interesting and you can read more here.

Have a wonderful week filled with tasty tea!

Joy to You!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mosaic Monday

Mosaic Monday is hosted each week by the lovely Mary.

Each mosaic is different. Each a story to tell.

You'll enjoy visiting - I promise!

In a way, this is a continuation of the previous post about baseball.

We went to the Astros baseball game Friday night.

Poor Astros. They've had two bad years in a row and should be in the rebuilding mode.

Time will tell.

But that didn't keep us from enjoying the game with the Cincinnati Reds.

It was a pretty good game and the Reds won.

(One of the Astros announcers said, "the best thing about this series is that it's air conditioned.")

But that was okay, because Paul Janish is on the Reds team.

Baseball Mosaic

Paul went to Rice University and played on the baseball team that won the College World Series in 2003. It is always nice when *our* boys come home!
Friday night at Minute Maid Park (also known as The Juice Box)
is fireworks night and they were beautiful.


The roof to the ballpark is opened and the fireworks begin.
Part of the ball park is attached to the old Union Station.
That's why there is a train at the park (filled with giant oranges).

But the most important part of the night--
it was our first really long night out since Mr. Dragon's cancer diagnosis
and the end of all the treatment.
We had a lovely time.
The game was entertaining.
Mr. Dragon enjoyed the food (a stuffed baked potato).
He didn't get too tired or too hot.

Wishing all of you a wonderful week.

Joy to You!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Postcard Friendship Friday

Postcard Friendship Friday is hosted each week by the lovely Beth.
You'll enjoy visiting to see what great postcards everyone comes up with!

Beth has posted a wonderful card on baseball and hot dogs -- two things that definitely go together in the summer.

Those of you who have followed Twisty Lane for any length of time, know that Mr. Dragon and I are big baseball fans -- especially college baseball. The subject of baseball is right up my alley! The fondest memories I have of my Daddy are all baseball related. He took me to baseball games and gave me my first softball and bat. I remember all the time he took with me, teaching me how to hit the ball and he was successful. I didn't run well, but I could catch the ball (didn't throw well), but I was on the team because I could hit! For the Dragon Family, baseball is a rite of summer -- along with hot dogs and beer!

America Plays Ball/Kids

(Choosing sides, Washington, D.C.)

The postcards I'm sharing with you today are from Pomegranate. They publish books of postcards on a wide range of subjects. AMERICA PLAYS BALL: Historical Baseball Photographs from the Library of Congress is one that Mr. Dragon gave me for my birthday.

"I see great things in baseball," wrote Walt Whitman in 1846. "It's our game -- the American game. It will take our people out-of doors, fill them with oxygen, give them a larger physical stoicism. Tend to relieve us from being a nervous, dyspeptic set. Repair these losses, and be a blessing to us."

America Plays Ball/Coast Guard

(U. S. Coast Guard sailors play ball on shore-fast ice in a bay in the Bering Sea, winter 1953)

"The photographs collected in this volume, taken from the 1900's to the 1950's, illustrate arguably the largest role baseball has ever played in the United States: not as a commercial sport, but as a pastime enjoyed by people young and old, male and female, East and West."

Walt Whitman also wrote that "the game of ball is glorious," a sentiment I have to agree with.

Happy PFF!

Have a wonderful weekend.
We will be watching the weather channel to see where *Bonnie* is going to go.

Joy to You!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Mail Call!

You all know how much I LOVE Mail Call -- especially when there are surprises.
This week has really been a lot of fun.

The first to arrive was this lovely piece of Mail Art from my friend, Sharon, at WildflowerHouse. It was a complete surprise, almost too pretty to open, but I did and this is what was inside.

This wonderful bookmark. Sharon is very talented. She's an artist in many media and her needlework is just gorgeous.

The back of the bookmark with this quote by Anne Morrow Lindbergh
"I feel we are all islands in a common sea."
Sharon knows my love of books and that I'll treasure and put this bookmark to good use.
I promise!


Next to arrive -- this beautiful necklace.
I won Kate's (Shibori Girl) Mad Hatter Give-a-way and what a lucky girl I am.
I wore it all day yesterday and just love it.

The flower pendant is made from individual slices of petal and leaf polymer clay canes. The brass chain is embellished with pretty Alice-blue Swarovski crystals. The chain is 18" long.

Polymer clay is Kate's new obsession and boy, am I glad it is!

Be sure to drop by and visit these two very talented ladies, fellow bloggers and friends of mine. You'll be glad to make their acquaintance!
Say Hello from Me!

Have a wonderful day.

Joy to You!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Teacup Tuesday

It's time for Tea Cup Tuesday, hosted by Terri and Martha.
Be sure to visit to see the tea cups on parade!

It has been raining almost everyday here.
That's good because it keeps the temperature down to 92!
It also means it's a good time to stay home, read, go through the mail and look at catalogs!
I'm going to share my shopping trip through the Old Durham Road catalog.

I have my eye on this tea and toast set and enjoyed reading the description:
"Specially designed saucer-plate to hold your toast and tea cup, with tea and toast graphics (in case you are prone to forgetting what you are doing.)"
Love it!

I like the English Cottage Tea Cozy

Ann Hathaway's Cottage Tea Pot
Ann Hathaway married William Shakespeare in November 1582, this teapot features her family home near Stratford-upon-Avon, a major tourist destination. "Thoughts of Shakespeare will pour out."
(As you can tell, just reading the catalog is entertaining. If you blink you might miss Shakespeare will pour out!!!!)

Isn't this little toile bird covered tea set cute?
It even has a strainer.

Do you need a Buckingham Palace Imperial Crown Tea Caddy?

How about a recipe book with "over 150 step-by-step recipes for delicious homemade teatime treats"?

I haven't placed an order yet, but I've had a good time letting my fingers do the window shopping!

Hope your week is cool!

Joy to You!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Mosaic Monday

Mosaic Monday is hosted each week by the lovely Mary.
Each mosaic is different. Each a different story to tell.

I hope you are in the mood for a visit to another yarn shop.
All those wonderful colors -- just like a new box of crayons!

It's off to Nancy's Knits we go!

Mosaic of Nancy's Knits

Nancy's Knits is one of the oldest yarn shops in Houston with the largest selection of novelty yarns. It's a great place to sit, knit and share with friends. The first time I was ever in the shop, the ladies were just finishing their meal from the Mexican restaurant just down the way and were ready to hit the needles! Mexican food and knitting...hard to beat!!!!!!!

Mosaic of Nancy's Knits

From Nancy's Ravelry site:
"Nancy's Knits used to be called Turrentine's, but 2 years after my human pet, Nancy adopted me, I was renamed Nancy's Knits. I now live at 5300 N. Braeswood, #30. I used to be on Beechnut. I have LOTS of yarn that is looking to be adopted. These yarns need a good home!"
(I try to help whenever I can.)

Wishing everyone a wonderful week.

Joy to You!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Camera Critters

Camera Critters is hosted every Saturday by the lovely Misty.
If you are a critter lover, you must visit!

In early May, Mr. Dragon and I went to the Houston Zoo for the elephant open house.
Star of the show, was the one month old, Baylor.


Baylor was named for the Baylor College of Medicine where researchers are investigating the elephant herpes virus. Asian elephants are threatened, not only in captivity by the herpes virus, but also in the wild. The research that Baylor is doing is very important for the species.


Baylor with his Mom, Shanti.


Baylor has no fear. He runs right in the middle of the other elephants.
He's a busy little guy.


We took oodles of photos of this little guy.
I put the camera on sport mode and just let the camera go!

I'm sure you'll be seeing more of him in the future.

Postcard Friendship Friday

The hostess for Postcard Friendship Friday is the lovely Beth.
You have a chance to travel and see beautiful people, places, things - by visiting!

Another trip to Carlsbad Caverns and linen look postcards.

Carlsbad Caverns Postcard

Entrance to Cavern, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico
Photo by Kennicott
Each of these cards is numbered. This one 3A-H18

Carlsbad Caverns Postcard

I thought you'd get a chuckle out of the back of this card.
I obviously had very important things to remember about the trip.
So important that I wrote in code! Ha!

Entrance to Caverns,
Carlsbad Caverns Nat'l Park,
New Mexico
Carlsbad Caverns Nat'l Park is located at White's City, N. M., and it is only a 7 mile scenic drive to the entrance of the caverns. The entrance is through a natural arch, 90 feet wide and 40 feet high in the greatest dimensions. Leading to the entrance is an excellent trail, its many graceful curves insuring an easy grade.

Happy PFF!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Joy to You!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Good Morning!

As the news breaks about BP's influence on the release of the Lockerbie bomber for oil, I couldn't resist some wisdom from Maxine.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Stay cool!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Teacup Tuesday

Teacup Tuesday is hosted each week by Martha and Teri.
Be sure to visit to see other Teacups on Parade!!!!

It's hot here! Summer has arrived and the AC is going strong. The feels like temperature is over 100. We went out this morning to run a few errands: bought a new barbecue grill (the old one was losing its legs) and more charcoal (hurricane preparedness); bird food (have to keep the buffet going) and stopped by Targais to pick up some sandwiches and salads. Yes, you read that correctly. Targais makes good sandwiches (the Caribbean chicken wrap with fruit is delicious). It's summer and I didn't want to cook!


I thought it was time to use the green glass. It is so soft and cool looking.
Hot tea or iced is ready. I think I'm going to put my feet up, get a tall glass of lemonade,
munch on these delicious cherries and read a good book.


I also have lemon bites and orange-chocolate scones to go with the cherries and tea.




Summer time and the reading is good!
A garden book, a book of poetry, and a good novel.

Happy Tuesday!
Stay cool!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Mosaic Monday

Mosaic Monday is hosted by the lovely Mary.
Be sure to visit to see what's happening in blogland!

Mr. Dragon says he can tell when I get cabin fever staying at home with him.
There is a look in my eyes.
Thankfully, my sister by choice comes around and we head off on an adventure.
Our adventure last week was a new to us yarn store, Knitting in The Loop.
We liked it so much (there was a sale going on), we visited twice.
The second time I took my camera.

Mosaic Yarn Shop

Knitting In The Loop celebrated their grand-opening on March 13, 2010.

Mosaic Yarn Shop

Here's a little information about the little yellow house from Knitting in The Loop's Ravelry site.

"THE LITTLE YELLOW HOUSE at 2801 Bammel Lane is now home to Knitting in the Loop. Gideon G. Westcott built this house three miles North of Houston city limits in 1917 for his widowed daughter, Almira Giles. We don’t know if it was yellow then or not. In 1944 the house was sold to Mr. and Mrs. Guy Power who raised 5 children here – giving new definition to a closely knit family. On November 28, 1984, the house was moved from 6815 Jensen to its present site and restored with an upstairs addition. We know of two previous businesses in the house – a shop for formal dresses and counseling for the treatment of eating disorders. I hope there is some good karma left."

Yes, we both bought yarn. No, I don't have any photos. With a kitten in the house now, yarn projects are ongoing when she is asleep which is, right now, not often!!!!!!

Have a wonderful week!

Do something you love or try something new!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Camera Critters

If you love critters of all kinds, then you must visit Camera Critters.
Our hostess each Saturday for this event is the lovely Misty.

Back to the Houston Zoo and the Asante Dinner with the small cats.


You can see the male leopard really *got into* his meat treat.


His lady friend, the black leopard (not really black ... up close you could see her spots)
would have enjoyed a little treat herself, but he wouldn't give up! You could hear him growling at her when she got too close.

Interesting about this particular leopard and how his habitat was set up. Like some of the animals at the Houston Zoo, the male was adopted. He had been declawed (horrors) and his habitat was built with that in mind. Leopards love to climb and he does -- with help from the habitat designers.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Stay cool!

Joy to You!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Postcard Friendship Friday

Postcard Friendship Friday is hosted every week by the lovely Beth.
Be sure to visit to see all the wonderful postcards.

I have three more linen postcards to share with you.

One at a time! Two more weeks worth!

Postcard Carlsbad Caverns Elevator Building


Postcard Carlsbad Caverns Elevator Building

In this building, the Government has provided two high speed passenger elevators between the surface and 750 foot level. Many Visitors make the caverns trip down on foot and then return to surface by the elevator.

I googled on the elevator building and things really haven't changed much over the years. From the Visitor's Center, you can choose to take an elevator directly to the "Big Room" (the easy way), or walk into the caverns, by way of the Natural Entrance (the hard way!). If you choose the Natural Entrance, you can still see the "Big Room"... but if you choose the elevator, you'll miss out on the leg-straining mile-long, 750 foot descent.

Some fun facts about the elevators:
- The elevators make the 754 foot trip in 57 seconds
- The two passenger elevators make 49,000 round trips a year, totaling 14,000 miles
- If one elevator fails, visitors can be transferred into the other elevator

Happy PFF!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Teacup Tuesday

Teacup Tuesday is hosted each week by Martha and Teri.
Be sure to visit to see the other teacups on parade!!!!

I've had a love affair with hand-made for what seems like my whole life.
Mr. Dragon and I lived in New Mexico for many years.
The Land of Enchantment.
Hand-made heaven!

One of my favorite tea pot and tea cup sets was made by a potter by the name of Jenny Lind who lives (in 1977) in LaCienega, New Mexico.

It is a porcelain set with eight cups.

Please excuse the reflection, but I wanted to show you the base of the tea pot.
It is has a beautiful magnolia motif circling the base.
I don't know if Jenny is still in LaCienega.
I can only say that her tea pot makes a fine pot of tea. The tea cups are perfect for holding in the palms of your hands, feeling the texture and thinness of the cups, the heat of the tea, the ceremony of drinking tea.

Happy Tuesday!

Joy to You!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Mosaic Monday: 4th of July

Mary is the hostess for Mosaic Monday. Be sure you visit to see all the lovely blogs that participate.

All of us at Twisty Lane would like to wish all of you a very happy holiday weekend.
Our new kitty Ms. Cassie celebrated the 4th of July with a little red, white and blue sparkle!

Cassie Mosaic

She is a perpetual motion machine!


Last week I had a recipe that featured *blue*. This week, here's one of my favorite recipes featuring *red*. Add the ice cream and you have the white!

I love cherries and when fresh cherries aren't available, this hits the spot and it's easy.
An old recipe, probably from my mother. The paper is yellowing, but not falling apart yet!

Cherry Crunch

1 can (21 ounces) cherry pie filling
1 can (16 1/2 ounces) pitted dark sweet cherries, drained
3/4 cup Bisquick baking mix
1/2 cup chopped nuts
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 cup firm margarine or butter

Heat oven to 375 degrees. Mix pie filling and cherries in ungreased square baking dish, 8x8x2 inches; spread evenly. Mix baking mix, nuts, sugar and cinnamon. Cut in margarine until crumbly; sprinkle over cherry mixture. Bake until brown, about 35 minutes. Serve with vanilla ice cream if desired. 6 to 8 servings.

Apple Crunch

Substitute 4 cups sliced pared apples (about 4 medium) for both cans of cherries. Add 1/2 cup packed brown sugar and 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg with the baking mix. Increase cinnamon to 1 teaspoon.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Camera Critters

I'm a little late with my Camera Critters post (hosted every Saturday by the lovely Misty), but I wanted you to meet our new kitty, Cassie. She's a little doll and a perpetual motion machine!

Cassie at Plaay

Do you think she has enough toys?


She can sleep. This time on the back of Mom's chair.

Cassie & Mom

A safe place, on Mom's chair or around Mom's neck!!!

It is never dull and boring around our house.
Teddy and Riley even think Cassie is okay.

Happy Critter Day.

Have a safe and wonderful July 4th weekend!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Postcard Friendship Friday

Postcard Friendship Friday is hosted every Friday by the lovely Beth.
If you like postcards (or even if you don't), you'll want to visit!!!!!

With the holiday coming up,
I went to the New York Public Library site to find a 4th of July postcard.
When I searched on 4th of July Postcards, this is the only one that popped up.

Have a safe, wonderful weekend.
Eat lots of good food (good for you or not).

Happy PFF!