Monday, July 12, 2010

Teacup Tuesday

Teacup Tuesday is hosted each week by Martha and Teri.
Be sure to visit to see other Teacups on Parade!!!!

It's hot here! Summer has arrived and the AC is going strong. The feels like temperature is over 100. We went out this morning to run a few errands: bought a new barbecue grill (the old one was losing its legs) and more charcoal (hurricane preparedness); bird food (have to keep the buffet going) and stopped by Targais to pick up some sandwiches and salads. Yes, you read that correctly. Targais makes good sandwiches (the Caribbean chicken wrap with fruit is delicious). It's summer and I didn't want to cook!


I thought it was time to use the green glass. It is so soft and cool looking.
Hot tea or iced is ready. I think I'm going to put my feet up, get a tall glass of lemonade,
munch on these delicious cherries and read a good book.


I also have lemon bites and orange-chocolate scones to go with the cherries and tea.




Summer time and the reading is good!
A garden book, a book of poetry, and a good novel.

Happy Tuesday!
Stay cool!


  1. What? Did I hear tea or lemonade? Lemon bites and orange-chocolate scones? I'm booking a flight - keep the green glass out.

  2. The green glass is a perfect backdrop for everything pictured.

  3. And life is just a bowl of cherries.


  4. Hi Snap, Love your green glassware. And --that is the perfect meal during SUMMER... I like fruit and light foods myself.

    Glad you got a new grill and charcoal... Also---we can never run out of birdseed, can we??? That would be HORRIBLE... ha ha

    Have a nice evening and stay COOL.

  5. I love that green glass, and the cherries, Targais eh!
    None of the stores like that up here have food, but across the South and Texas you all seem to! Stay cool in your AC, we have the fans going full blast it is still so humid! xox Corrine

  6. This all looks delightful and inviting! We have been having lots of iced tea and books on the deck in this heat...not necessary pretty drinks but refreshing ones!

  7. Looks like you are all set for a relaxing time. Your green glass is very lovely! As are your delicious desserts.
    I have enjoyed my visit : )

  8. Love that green glass! But you really got my attention with the lemon bites and the orange chocolate scones! Yum!!

  9. I just love the green. It is so beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  10. oh yesss! I spy delicious too! cherries, scones and ice tea with green glasses.. means summer and delicious! esp when one can skip cooking.. teehee.. delicous..

  11. wow so charming composition!
    Wonderful idea for these hot summer days!
    purrs and love
    Luna - We love Luna and mommy Léia

  12. Hi :) I love your pretty green glass, and all the food looks delicious, and making me sooo hungry (I've not had my breakfast yet!).

    Wishing you a Happy Teacup Tuesday!

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

    P.S. Give all your sweet kitties a hug from me :)

  13. Ah...a perfect time, indeed! Beautiful green glass to drink iced tea, some yummy treats and a good book! It just doesn't get any better than that!! Thanks for sharing! :)

  14. What a great blog you have! And those green teacups and plates ARE cooling! Something about the color green just makes you feel better!
    And I will be over later to have some cherries. They look perfect!

  15. Hi,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog this morning! Isn't teacuop Tuesday fun? Love your green glass.

  16. Everything you've shown is a favorite of mine. Cherries - check! Iced tea (in green glass no less) - check! Something sweet - check! Books - check!

    On an entirely different subject - can you drop me a line and let me know what mosaic maker program you are using? Thanks.

  17. Just love your green glass pieces!
    So cool and relaxing looking.
    But I am already envisioning them in a wonderful Christmas vignette!!
    Maybe Christmas in July!!


  18. That cool refreshing green glassware is wonderful and did I hear you say Lemon bites!!! Wow my all time favorite flavor is lemon!
    Oh that book "The Fixer Upper" let me know if it is any good I am looking for something good to read as I am running out of Agatha Christie books at the local library.
    Have a super week....
    Tina xo

  19. Now you've done sweet tooth is awake!
    I think the green glass is so pretty and goes so well with a lot of colors. Very pretty.

  20. Oh, your green glasses are beautiful!!

    And are those your own cherries? We have five cherry trees...and we didn't get a single cherry this year. A MISERABLE spring, including a freeze in late April and early May killed our fruit harvest this year.

    Blessings to you,
    Patti (Fill My Cup with Beauty)

  21. That green glass looks so pretty!!! Sandwiches are great for a hot day. Have fun staying cool :)

    An English Girl Rambles

  22. The cherries look scrumptious! I'd like that plateful as I read a good book. :)

  23. Your green glass is so pretty, and I am really wanting one of those chocolate orange sconces. They sound wonderful. laurie

  24. I love glass cups...yours are really pretty,green glass is a beautiful material

  25. Oh they DO look cooling and refreshing. They are lovely I can just picture sitting out on the porch on a host day sipping lemonade with a sprig of mint out of these. Beautiful.. Take care.

  26. Your green glass is very pretty and the teatime treats look delicious.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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