Sunday, July 11, 2010

Mosaic Monday

Mosaic Monday is hosted by the lovely Mary.
Be sure to visit to see what's happening in blogland!

Mr. Dragon says he can tell when I get cabin fever staying at home with him.
There is a look in my eyes.
Thankfully, my sister by choice comes around and we head off on an adventure.
Our adventure last week was a new to us yarn store, Knitting in The Loop.
We liked it so much (there was a sale going on), we visited twice.
The second time I took my camera.

Mosaic Yarn Shop

Knitting In The Loop celebrated their grand-opening on March 13, 2010.

Mosaic Yarn Shop

Here's a little information about the little yellow house from Knitting in The Loop's Ravelry site.

"THE LITTLE YELLOW HOUSE at 2801 Bammel Lane is now home to Knitting in the Loop. Gideon G. Westcott built this house three miles North of Houston city limits in 1917 for his widowed daughter, Almira Giles. We don’t know if it was yellow then or not. In 1944 the house was sold to Mr. and Mrs. Guy Power who raised 5 children here – giving new definition to a closely knit family. On November 28, 1984, the house was moved from 6815 Jensen to its present site and restored with an upstairs addition. We know of two previous businesses in the house – a shop for formal dresses and counseling for the treatment of eating disorders. I hope there is some good karma left."

Yes, we both bought yarn. No, I don't have any photos. With a kitten in the house now, yarn projects are ongoing when she is asleep which is, right now, not often!!!!!!

Have a wonderful week!

Do something you love or try something new!


  1. I love how it looks like a regular little house!

    So what's the weather like there?

  2. Looking at that sweet blue-eyed Cassie, I can't imagine she'd ever get into any mischief, Snap! Love the color of the yarn house - it looks like a cheerful place.

  3. the colorful yarns remind me of a brand new box of crayons!

  4. Beautiful mosaic, very colorful.

  5. Love the colorful yarn and the pretty house, makes such a nice mosaic!

  6. What a fun place to spend some time! Even the house is full of color.

  7. Wonderful mosaic, the color of the yarn are lovely. Have a great week.

  8. Great mosaics ... all those pretty colours ready for the taking. It was also interesting to hear about the house. Thanks for that.

    Thanks also for visiting my Mosaic Monday and leaving your kind comment ... much appreciated.

  9. Very colourful selection of wool on offering. Looks like a great place to shop.

  10. Oh the beautiful colors!!! Looks like a marvelous place, especially with a sale going on. Thanks for sharing at MM. :)

  11. Beautiful mosaic, the different colors of yarn are pretty.

  12. What a neat place for a sweet shop!

  13. I am not a knitter but I really liked this post. Interesting history of the house and so many colourful yarns.
    Happy crafting.

  14. A pretty mosaic filled with creative inspiration! Hope your cabin fever is gone :)

  15. Love the yarn colors and wish I could knit. Fun to know the history/karma of the house.

  16. A yarn store is such a great place to look for yummy colours and interesting textures!

  17. Snap, the yarns look like specialty yarns. I do not know how you could manage your projects, but I have quit crocheting since I learned how to blog a year and a half ago. Plus our two cats are a handful! And i have two blogs (hehehehe)

    That is a cute little house for a yarn shop.

    Mosaic Monday

  18. What a delightful looking shop. Would love to visit!!! We have one in downtown Newburgh! Love to shop there!!! Cathy

  19. Oh boy, do I love a good yarn store! I visited Purl the other day just to see what their new space looked like. It was very hard, but I left without buying anything because my stash is unruly.

    Happy Monday!

  20. I love it when they turn the little old houses into stores... Knitting in the Loop looks like a fabulous place ---and they have done so much with that little house... How NEAT.... Going to that store is a knitting lovers paradise!!!!

    Thanks... Great mosaics.

  21. What a perfect place for a yarn shop! ::Jill

  22. Looks like a neat store. I wish I could knit!..Christine

  23. Yarn shops are like fabric shops. so easy to linger and buy lots of stuff. Cute house it's in.

  24. Oh, I really like that end quote. The photos of that yarn makes me want to jump into it as if it was a pile of leaves. I don't know why, but it always makes me feel that way. I always though it strange to move a house. But that one has some history.

  25. A yarn shop: the perfect path. Loved your mosaics of yarn [be still my heart!!]
    Hope your week is just as lovely.

  26. I wonder if my daughter the knitter knows about this place. I'll have to mention it to her. It sounds like her kind of place.

  27. A yarn store is a perfect place to go when bored. Knitting in the Loop looks wonderful.

  28. What a lovely little place. The wonderful yarn shop in Tacoma, Wa won't allow photos. Isn't that strange?

  29. There is nothing like a good yarn store to lift your spirits and spark the imagination. Even if you don't buy anything (does that happen?)....touching each and every skein feels SO good!
    Lovely shop and thanks for telling us about the history.
    Stay cool and knit something wonderful!

  30. There's a series of books about Victoria, called "If These Walls Could Talk" and I immediately thought of it as I finished reading the story of this sweet little yellow house.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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