Friday, July 30, 2010

Postcard Friendship Friday

Postcard Friendship Friday is hosted each week by the lovely Beth.
Each week you can see a variety of postcards from the old to the new, the comic to the serious, a true variety. Be sure to visit!

I have one more of the linen postcards to share with you.

Lunch Room

Lunch Room, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico
It is numbered: 1B-H180
This is the only one of the linen postcards I've shared with you that says:
"Santa Fe Railway Photograph"

Lunch Room

Lunch Room,
Carlsbad Caverns Nat'l Park,
New Mexico

Carlsbad Caverns Nat'l Park is located at White's City, N. M.
Luncheons are served daily in the spacious Lunch Room, 750 feet underground.

Happy PFF!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Joy To You!


  1. Wow, a lunchroom in the caverns. Must not've been worried about damage to the caverns.

  2. I think I will skip lunch underground, but as usual, the post card is fantastic. xox Corrine

  3. Underground culture...having lunch is SO easy, a caveman can do it.

  4. You can feel the texture - even through the web. Brilliant

  5. Wow, what a great card! I didn't realize they had a lunchroom underground.

  6. I love the colourful card and all the people, guess it was popular place to eat, and no need of air conditioning.

  7. Wow---wonder if they still have the restaurant (lunchroom) in the caverns??? That would be so neat!!!!

    Great postcard.

  8. Very cool card. This is one of the caverns I've not visited - bucket list for me!

  9. I love this card! Usually, linens rarely show so many people.

  10. I'm not sure I could do lunch underground either, but love the card.

  11. For some reason having a meal 750 feet underground doesn't appeal to me. I think I'd feel claustrophobic. All the same, it's a fantastic card!

  12. Great colors, very different from most linen cards that show scenery or monuments.

  13. Wow-and lookit how chic-ly dressed everyone is, enjoying their meal, down past the hedgehogs and moles, ha!

    I went to Carlsbad Caverns during one of the moments in time when all Federal Parks had been temporarily closed down because due to the funding freeze-in the 90s-and the guy I was traveling with who could talk his way into *anything* (except me marrying him, haha)convinced one of the park rangers to let us go down..we had to walk down because they weren't allowed to run the elevators and the lights weren't on, except for a few spotlights so we went with flashlights and WOW, it was incredible! Obviously, we didn't stay down there, for a very long time, it was a pretty quick tour, but the girl who came all the way from FL had an adventure she'll remember :)

    But i didn't even know there was or had been a cafe! COOL!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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