Thursday, July 22, 2010

Postcard Friendship Friday

Postcard Friendship Friday is hosted each week by the lovely Beth.
You'll enjoy visiting to see what great postcards everyone comes up with!

Beth has posted a wonderful card on baseball and hot dogs -- two things that definitely go together in the summer.

Those of you who have followed Twisty Lane for any length of time, know that Mr. Dragon and I are big baseball fans -- especially college baseball. The subject of baseball is right up my alley! The fondest memories I have of my Daddy are all baseball related. He took me to baseball games and gave me my first softball and bat. I remember all the time he took with me, teaching me how to hit the ball and he was successful. I didn't run well, but I could catch the ball (didn't throw well), but I was on the team because I could hit! For the Dragon Family, baseball is a rite of summer -- along with hot dogs and beer!

America Plays Ball/Kids

(Choosing sides, Washington, D.C.)

The postcards I'm sharing with you today are from Pomegranate. They publish books of postcards on a wide range of subjects. AMERICA PLAYS BALL: Historical Baseball Photographs from the Library of Congress is one that Mr. Dragon gave me for my birthday.

"I see great things in baseball," wrote Walt Whitman in 1846. "It's our game -- the American game. It will take our people out-of doors, fill them with oxygen, give them a larger physical stoicism. Tend to relieve us from being a nervous, dyspeptic set. Repair these losses, and be a blessing to us."

America Plays Ball/Coast Guard

(U. S. Coast Guard sailors play ball on shore-fast ice in a bay in the Bering Sea, winter 1953)

"The photographs collected in this volume, taken from the 1900's to the 1950's, illustrate arguably the largest role baseball has ever played in the United States: not as a commercial sport, but as a pastime enjoyed by people young and old, male and female, East and West."

Walt Whitman also wrote that "the game of ball is glorious," a sentiment I have to agree with.

Happy PFF!

Have a wonderful weekend.
We will be watching the weather channel to see where *Bonnie* is going to go.

Joy to You!


  1. Great postcards! The little kids are so cute, and the guys playing in the snow and cold are an example of how much we love baseball in this country!

  2. Baseball - all ages and in all seasons! Have a great weekend, Snap. Are you and Mr Dragon going to be outside hitting balls or inside drinking beer (and tea)?

  3. Give me some peanuts and Cracker Jack . . . .

  4. I love the haircuts on those post card kids, and it's funny to see all the girls in dresses, like I wore as a kid too....and those scratchy ankle sox with lace! Not sure I would want to play baseball in the Bering Strait though! xox Corrine

  5. Great postcards, Snap... I love baseball also.. I got my love of baseball from my Dad. He LOVED the Yankees --and used to keep up with all of their games... When I was a teen, I was a Brooklyn Dodger fan...

    I'm an Astros fan now---but they haven't done very well the past few years.... I loved them when Bagwell and Biggio both were playing..


  6. Yea, more baseball cards! We are big fans of the game too. I just love that first card...too cute!

  7. EEK! Where are you Snap? I'm in North FL, and I think we're pretty safe from Bonnie...

    That first postcard is just the epitome of perfection-and the quote is right on too!

    (Now i am singing take me out to the ballgame, take me out to the crowd, by me some peanuts and crackerjacks...)

  8. These look like stills from old movies, so much action going on in each one! Black and white is so evocative. Happy PFF.

  9. Baseball - the national sport of Cuba, Japan, Romania (oina is the precursor of modern baseball)...
    I DON'T love baseball, but that's OK.
    Viva variety. :)

  10. well done for keeping so in tune with the PFF theme this week! i just LOVE the sailors playing ball on ice...what a great find! happy PFF!

  11. I know next to nothing about baseball I'm afraid, but I love the cards. The first one is adorable and the second reminds me of the cricket matches they used to play each summer on the Goodwin Sands.

  12. Baseball is great!
    I've just added word verification to my postcard blog b/c of spam. Sigh. be careful!

  13. What wonderful, evocative cards. Almost makes me want to rush out and swing a bat, although being a Brit only ever played rounders. I enjoy the baseball matches they show on TV but of course, like all sport, not as good as seeing live.

  14. Great postcards, Snap.

    I admire anyone who has talent with a ball and bat - mostly because I have none. I step up to the plate, grip the bat, and freak out when the pitcher fires the ball in my direction. My usual instinct is to duck. (I guess you figured out I was always chosen last for the teams, huh?)

    Enjoy your weekend. I hope Mr Dragon is doing well...


  15. You brought it home with this double!

  16. Baseball is the only sport I'll watch and enjoy!

  17. This is a confession, I am not proud about. We dont play baseball in the Netherlands. At school we did something like it, called 'softball', but after school everyone played volleyball, basketball, the typical Dutch Korfbal, and of course soccer. However, I liked your postcards. The first picture reminded me of the Our Gang film series. Happy PFF!

  18. My Dad also took me to baseball games. I was in charge of marking the score cards, drawing those triangles for each base. I was a fan of the Hollywood Stars, Pacific Coast League. I enjoyed the book with postcards that you shared.

  19. What a relief when I find someone's comment window Pops Up then I can write. I feel unwanted by those whom I can say Hello!

    Guess who introduced us (my friends and I) to Postcard? An American Peace Corp! Since then, I become crazy with postcards that even Ads in postcard cuts I collect!

    It is fascinating how people in all walks of life, in different traditional and cultural orientation connect with sports and other stuff like hotdogs and who knows what else!

    I played softball in my elementary years and in our community fun day! Oh boy, this brings good memory!

    Thanks for the visit.

  20. Love the postcards you featured! I was at a baseball game last night and will post about it on Outdoor Wednesday. We had a great time. You may find this hard to believe, but I don't remember ever being at a professional baseball game before.

  21. I absolutely love that first postcard!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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