Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mosaic Monday

Mosaic Monday is hosted each week by the lovely Mary.

Each mosaic is different. Each a story to tell.

You'll enjoy visiting - I promise!

In a way, this is a continuation of the previous post about baseball.

We went to the Astros baseball game Friday night.

Poor Astros. They've had two bad years in a row and should be in the rebuilding mode.

Time will tell.

But that didn't keep us from enjoying the game with the Cincinnati Reds.

It was a pretty good game and the Reds won.

(One of the Astros announcers said, "the best thing about this series is that it's air conditioned.")

But that was okay, because Paul Janish is on the Reds team.

Baseball Mosaic

Paul went to Rice University and played on the baseball team that won the College World Series in 2003. It is always nice when *our* boys come home!
Friday night at Minute Maid Park (also known as The Juice Box)
is fireworks night and they were beautiful.


The roof to the ballpark is opened and the fireworks begin.
Part of the ball park is attached to the old Union Station.
That's why there is a train at the park (filled with giant oranges).

But the most important part of the night--
it was our first really long night out since Mr. Dragon's cancer diagnosis
and the end of all the treatment.
We had a lovely time.
The game was entertaining.
Mr. Dragon enjoyed the food (a stuffed baked potato).
He didn't get too tired or too hot.

Wishing all of you a wonderful week.

Joy to You!


  1. What a fantastic mosaic! Fun and festive, love the fireworks at the ball park! Enjoyed your mosaics!

    Glad Mr. Dragon is doing well :)

  2. Great shots from the baseball game. Your fireworks photos are wonderful!

  3. I love the nicknames that fans give to their stadiums -- "the Juice Box -- *snort!* Glad you and Mr. Dragon had a good time.

  4. Oh how cool. You got some really great shots of the event. I've never actually been to a big baseball game. Just my cousin's high school baseball games. Wow... from the looks of it I've been missing quite a bit.

    Hope you have a lovely Monday,

  5. You were able to capture the fireworks magnificently. Nothing like a ball game to cheer a guy up.
    Nice mosaic.

  6. Oh, summer isn't summer without a good baseball game. Your stadium looks amazing. I love that train. That must be spectacular when the roof opens to view the fireworks. I am glad that Mr. Dragon had a great time, a stuffed baked potato sounds good to me!

  7. Beautiful mosaic, love those crackers.

  8. The Juicebox sounds like a lot of fun. Happy your hubby is feeling well!!!
    I love your blog, especially the warning at the end of the page!!!

  9. There is nothing quite as wonderful as a night game... and fireworks, too! Wow! thanks for sharing your terrific images at MM. :)

  10. What a wonderful outing, the fireworks are fantastic. Have a wonderful week.

  11. EXCELLENT. I am glad Mr. Dragon enjoyed himself and a good time was had by all-not too hot or too tired is really hard for me lately because it is soooooo darn hot! The temperatures hovers at uggy muggy with a touch of oven-baked :p

    I didn't know they had baked potatoes and fireworks! Eeks! i need a team! ;-)

  12. I have never been to a baseball game. You sure make it look exciting. A great blog with much to see...

  13. Wow, what a fun time you have at your ball games! We never have fireworks like that at any of our games.

    Best wishes,

  14. Hi Snap, I remember going to games there --when that beautiful stadium opened up... Sorry the Astros lost ---but glad you got to see Paul... Too bad the Astros didn't get him!!!!!!!

    Beautiful pictures... Brought back memories!!!! Thanks!!!

    Glad your Sweetie is doing so well.

  15. Perfect mosaics for you! I'm so glad that Mr Dragon was able to get out and enjoy the game. I'm sure he'll be enjoying baseball games for many, many years to come.

  16. Great fun ... thanks for taking us out to the ballgame! Loved that train full of oranges. Glad to hear you both had a fun night.

  17. The shot of the train with the oranges looks like something out of a book - it also looks miniature in size as if it is a toy train. Are those fireworks being launched from inside the stadium? Incredible!

  18. I like your mosaics. Baseball is so much more fun at the stadium. Have a grand day!!! Cathy

  19. Neat post! The fireworks are awesome!

  20. Hello Snap, my first time to visit. I love the ball games. Getting too old to go though. Liked your mosaic. Some great shots you have there. I am happy to read your Mr. Dragon is better. Don't know about you folds but always glad to hear a story of recovery. May I add him to my prayer list? Blessings

  21. I love baseball!
    And although we're diehard Sox fans here, I can still appreciate another stadium!
    The fireworks are beautiful!


  22. I love baseball...for me, this was an inspired mosaic!

  23. Love it! How great that you got to enjoy that game in person. It was a good game, even though our team lost. Not as good as Sunday's, of course. I love the "Juice Box". It is a beautiful park.

  24. The juice box, I am giggling now. Great photo's Snap and great to hear Mr. Dragon is doing so well.

  25. What a great way to celebrate! Glad it was fun--for both of you.
    Our Twins finally won a game this weekend, beating the Orioles 10-4. Minnesotans are in love with their new open stadium.

  26. Looks as if you had a great time at the game...enjoyed your mosaics.
    Thanks for enjoying my mosaics and commenting on all my genealogy posts...sometimes it seems to bore people who aren't that interested in ancestry.

  27. Nice mosaic. Love the fireworks at the ballpark. How cool is that!
    Thanks for stopping by.

  28. Sound you all were having a great night, good for you!! Love the fireworks pics.

  29. These mosaics just make me smile! I can hear the roar of the crowd at the crack of the bat - great photos!

  30. Oh, what a fun post! Guess what? We went to a Phillies game Friday night! I am posting it tonight for Outdoor Wednesday. I don't remember ever being to a professional game before. It was lots of fun!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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