Monday, July 5, 2010

Teacup Tuesday

Teacup Tuesday is hosted each week by Martha and Teri.
Be sure to visit to see the other teacups on parade!!!!

I've had a love affair with hand-made for what seems like my whole life.
Mr. Dragon and I lived in New Mexico for many years.
The Land of Enchantment.
Hand-made heaven!

One of my favorite tea pot and tea cup sets was made by a potter by the name of Jenny Lind who lives (in 1977) in LaCienega, New Mexico.

It is a porcelain set with eight cups.

Please excuse the reflection, but I wanted to show you the base of the tea pot.
It is has a beautiful magnolia motif circling the base.
I don't know if Jenny is still in LaCienega.
I can only say that her tea pot makes a fine pot of tea. The tea cups are perfect for holding in the palms of your hands, feeling the texture and thinness of the cups, the heat of the tea, the ceremony of drinking tea.

Happy Tuesday!

Joy to You!


  1. Oh, they are very pretty!
    Teacup Tuesday, you say?
    I just invited you to tea on my balcony!

    ♥ here

  2. This is beautiful. It looks like it's made of stone and the magnolias blend in so well. I was given several pottery pieces for my wedding. They are all like old friends to me, warm, beautiful, and comfortable. I can see why you love it so much. Take care.

  3. What a lovely tea set! I appreciate handmade pottery very much. Each piece is unique, even if the potter tries to make them the same.

  4. What a beautiful piece. The best thing about hand made things is the energy that is put into them.

  5. Hi there,
    Thanks for stopping by. Your tea set is very pretty! Ms. Cassie is just adorable with her big blue eyes! Wishing you a lovely day.


  6. What a beautiful and interesting set! And i do agree, the hand made things are so much nicer! Great treasure!

  7. Jenny Lind's tea pot is beautiful. I like the luster of the glaze and don't usually see it on tea pots. Everything about the tea set is beautiful and looks like it would be a tea set well accepted by men folk too.

    Jenny Lind, the name of a famous Scandinavian singer in the 1800's!

  8. Good afternoon! I love your tea set! Thank you for stopping in to visit me today..take care.


  9. Hello :) What a very lovely set this is!

    Happy Teacup Tuesday!

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  10. Hi Snap, I think I've told you this before but I have a good friend who also collects tea sets... She has several beautiful ones in her home. AND--she has tea parties every once in awhile --and invites different groups of friends... Did I say that she's also a good baker? SO--we not only get some delicious hot tea, but we also get some delicious goodies!!!

    Love that tea set made by Jenny Lind. How gorgeous. You are lucky to have it.


  11. How beautiful and I love your description of it. I'm a coffee drinker but you make me want to have a cup of tea!

  12. Hello Snap and thank you for your visit and comment!
    I just love the photo you took and although I have not heard of the lady in question I love artful things and the colors and design in the photo is very appealing on many levels. I can see why you wanted it! Have a wonderful evening.....oh and hi to the kitties!
    Tina xo

  13. What a work of art! You must take special care of it since the set looks perfect after all those years.

  14. What a beautiful tea pot and tea cups!


  15. I love handmade pottery as well. Your tea set is exceptionally beautiful, the coloring, the flowers, the glaze. Just lovely!

  16. Nice detail here. I, too, am a tea person. Today I bought a "small" amount of green gunpowder tea to add to my usual iced tea mixtures. It was a specialty shop and a bit pricey but I'm sure it will be smooth and very delicious. Tea is a lost art now finding new lovers.

  17. Hi: What a beautiful set! I have never seen one like it. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  18. Very beautiful! I love the design on the pot.
    Thank you for sharing such a lovely set.

  19. What a beautiful tea set! Love the lustre!...Christine

  20. Thank you very much...your tea set is really original and pretty

  21. So elegant!
    Just perfect for a special tea, this porcelain is adorable!
    purrs and love
    mommy Léia and little Luna - We love Luna

  22. Thanks for stoping by my "porch" and leaving a comment. Your tea set is lovely, magnolas are such grand flowers. Your new kitty is adorable, makes me want another one, but I have promised my honey NO MORE. we still have four.
    Be blessed.

  23. That is a gorgeous tea set. I love magnolias on just about anything and they look especially lovely here. And it's handmade which makes it even more special.

  24. What a lovey set and wonderful colours too

    Love DAwn xx

  25. Your handmade tea set is beautiful and it sounds like you really enjoy using it.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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