Thursday, May 31, 2012

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tea, Honey And A Winner!

Tea and Honey for One

This is my TEA AND HONEY Tea For One.
The teapot holds 16 oz and the cup holds 10 oz.
Cardew Design is the distributor.
It was designed in England and made in China.
It is a very happy looking little Tea For One with the little bee on the tip of the lid!
I found this little Tea For One at Tuesday Morning.

Tea and Honey for One

Today I get to announce the first winner in the Summer Curiosities Sweepstakes!
I put numbers from 1 to 30 on slips of paper.
Folded the paper.
Placed them in a bowl.
Mixed them up.
Then tossed them into the air.
The piece of paper that landed the closest to Teddy
(who was asleep after partaking of fresh catnip)
was the winner -- number 11 --
 Beth at Beyond The Garden Gate.
Beth, please email your mailing information to me
and I'll get your box of curiosities off to you.
Remember, there is one more drawing next week.
Cassie is determined that next week, she will pick the winner!

Wishing you well, much joy and a wonderful cup of tea.

Friday, May 25, 2012

This and That

Things have been busy around Casa Dragon on Twisty Lane.
Some work has been done around the house -- inside and out.
Hanging some ceiling fans, painting a bathroom, paving the side yard.
The kitties were busy supervising until they got tired of the noise and they decided to 
huddle under a quilt in the back bedroom and sleep. 
I'm happy with the work that was done and smiling because it is all finished and quiet again!

Mosaic: Curiosities

Some other things that made me smile:
- I made my favorite soup - split pea.  I love how it tastes and smells!
(Soup photo from Google photos)

- On the way to the gym one morning I saw a opossum with her baby on her back crossing the street.
Right here in the middle of town. I know some people don't like the opossum, but I'm not one of them. 
(Opossum photo from Google photos)

- My photo of teacups was selected as one of the winners for My Favorite Things at 
Focusing On Life. I was like Sally Field -- they like me, they like me! 
Many of the ladies there are pros when it comes to photography.
Big smile!

- Musashi's Garden always brings smiles to my face every day. I never know what is going to be
blooming -- in this case the last of the gardenias. Or what bird will be entertaining me in the bird bath.


Friday means it's Postcard Friendship Friday and here are two more Galveston postcards.
As always, thank you to the lovely Beth for hosting.

The first postcard is a modern reproduction of a vintage card featuring the seawall 
and the Hotel Galvez.
I love the fashions and the cars!

Galvez Hotel: Reproduction of Vintage Postcard.

The second card is a vintage linen look card of the Galveston Causeway.
It is blank on the back side except for the description:
"Galveston's great causeway, Galveston, Texas.
Galveston's Causeway is one of the world's greatest engineering feats. This causeway is a three mile structure accomodating two railroad tracks, and electric car line, a driveway and a footway, it's proportion and designs are scientifically accurate, making it a thing of classic beauty as well as"
and that's where the description ends!

The old causeway is still there and it is still used by trains.

Galveston Causeway: Vintage Linen Look Postcard

Wishing all of YOU well, much joy and a fun filled holiday weekend!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wednesday Morning

Miniature Rose in the Rain

"Every morning our first thought should be a wish to devote the day to the good of all living beings."
~Dilbo Khyentse Rinpoche

Saturday, May 19, 2012

My World: Classic Ford

You may remember several months ago,
Well, it happened again.
I was on my way to post a letter and I found this little beauty.
This time I had my camera with me.

Classic Ford Auto

Classic Ford Mosaic

Mosaic Classic Car

Classic Car Mosaic

I never know what I'm going to find on my walks to the post!

For those of you interested in give-a-ways:
mine can be seen here.

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Note Card Party: Butterflies

Every third Wednesday of the month,

The rules are easy:
Search for 4 photographs on your own blog that would make a nice set of Note Cards.
The images must appear on your blog by the time you link up.
Write your post and have it posted before linking up with Vee.

I decided butterflies would make lovely Note Cards.

Monarch Butterfly
Butterfly Mosaic
Monarch Mosaic
Monarch Butterfly

It's fun to visit with Vee and dream about new Note Cards!
How old-fashioned and wonderful!

Don't forget to check out my Summer Curiosities Give-A-Way!

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Tea, Cookies and a Give-a-way

A dear friend gave me a Marshall's Gift Card for Christmas.
It has been burning a hole in my wallet for months.
I finally made my way to Marshall's to see what goodies I could find.

What do you think? 

And, I had $$ left on the gift card!

Tea and Cookies

The only marks on the bottom of the mugs and plates are:
Food and Microwave Safe.
I'm very pleased with my Marshall's find.
The mugs are very large -- perfect for the first tea of the day.

The cookies are Carr's Ginger Lemon English Tea Cookies.
Delicious with Honey Lemon Ginseng Green Tea!

Tea and Cookies


It's nearing that time of year again.
My birthday is at the end of the month and my blog-birthday is in early June.
So, it's time for a give-a-way and I'm calling this one my Summer Curiosities Give-a-way.

I'm going to pick one name on May 29 during my birthday week
and another name on June 5 the week of Twisty's birthday.

The winners will split the curiosities you see in the photo.
As you can see, Cassie has given her seal of approval to all the items.
I'm sure there will be a few extra goodies thrown in.

The rules:
Leave a comment on this post.
That's all you need to do.

If you are a winner, it would be nice if you were a follower, too! 


Wishing YOU well, much joy and a wonderful cup of tea!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

I thought sharing these images from Musashi's Garden
was the perfect way to celebrate
Mother's Day!


Monarch Butterfly
Mosaic Butterfly
Mosaic Monarch Butterfly
Butterfly Mosaic
Monarch Butterfly

Thank you to:

Happy Mother's Day!

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

My World: Public Art - MIrror

A nice walk around Rice University to see the new public sculptures
(before the heat and humidity set in).
This is Mirror by Jaume Plensa.

Mirror Sculpture
Mosaic of Mirror
Mosaic of Mirror
Mirror Sculpture

Mirror is a site specific installation by international artist Jaume Plensa. Mirror features two 10 foot tall figures positioned in conversation with each other.  Up close, their physical forms are an intermingling of white coated marine steel letters from many alphabets. Viewers are provided with an entry point to each figure, where they can physically walk inside the sculpture. One of the new public art works celebrating Rice University's centennial.

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Friday, May 4, 2012

This and That

This and That

It's Friday and It's Becoming a Habit: This and That Day!

Today it is hot and humid and cloudy.
Amazing how much cooler I feel when I look into the garden and see and hear the fountain.
I cut the white roses this morning.
 They are the very first blooms from one of the new roses that I planted this year.
This rose is called Chardonnay and is a hybrid tea.
The scent of this rose is a real delight. 

The hand full of green beans came from my balcony garden and I'll put them into my salad.

The strange looking hook/needle looking thing is a Tunisian Crochet Hook.
I'm taking a class on-line at Craftsy to learn more. 
Now that my special tours are over at the MFAH, I have time to go to  class! 

The Rice Owl baseball team has three games at home against our cross town rival the Cougars of the University of Houston. In between baseball games I plan on reading the next book in the Haunted Bookshop Mystery Series: The Ghost and the Femme Fatale.
Are you old enough to remember the wonderful black and white film The Ghost and Mrs Muir?
You might enjoy this cozy mystery series if you do!


It is Friday and that means Postcard Day.

The first card is a vintage linen look card of the Buccaneer Hotel on the Seawall on Galveston Island.
When I lived on the Island, the hotel was still there, but was retirement facility.
Alas, the Buccaneer is no more. It was demolished to build a better facility.
The back of the card does have a message, but it is written in pencil and badly smeared.
There is a 1937 postmark and the stamp has been removed.

Buccaner Hotel Galveston

The second card also from Galveston Island is a modern one.

Hurricane Ike Tree Sculptures

From the back of the card:

"On September 13, 2008, Hurricane Ike roared ashore on Galveston Island bringing a massive saltwater storm surge that killed thousands of trees, including many of Galveston's stately 100 year-old oaks that had been planted after the Great Hurricane of 1900. Many of the trees have been carved into whimsical sculptures." My favorite is the dog and the water hydrant!

A big thank you to the lovely Beth for hosting Postcard Friendship Friday.

Wishing YOU well and much joy!