Monday, May 14, 2012

Tea, Cookies and a Give-a-way

A dear friend gave me a Marshall's Gift Card for Christmas.
It has been burning a hole in my wallet for months.
I finally made my way to Marshall's to see what goodies I could find.

What do you think? 

And, I had $$ left on the gift card!

Tea and Cookies

The only marks on the bottom of the mugs and plates are:
Food and Microwave Safe.
I'm very pleased with my Marshall's find.
The mugs are very large -- perfect for the first tea of the day.

The cookies are Carr's Ginger Lemon English Tea Cookies.
Delicious with Honey Lemon Ginseng Green Tea!

Tea and Cookies


It's nearing that time of year again.
My birthday is at the end of the month and my blog-birthday is in early June.
So, it's time for a give-a-way and I'm calling this one my Summer Curiosities Give-a-way.

I'm going to pick one name on May 29 during my birthday week
and another name on June 5 the week of Twisty's birthday.

The winners will split the curiosities you see in the photo.
As you can see, Cassie has given her seal of approval to all the items.
I'm sure there will be a few extra goodies thrown in.

The rules:
Leave a comment on this post.
That's all you need to do.

If you are a winner, it would be nice if you were a follower, too! 


Wishing YOU well, much joy and a wonderful cup of tea!


  1. I love that mug...and the sound of those cookies...wish I was there and we could share a cup and some biscuits!!

    You've lots of lovelies there for you birthday/blog birthday giveaway...and you know what it makes me think? YeeHaw!!!! :)

  2. Hello Snap,
    I love your tea inspired mug and plates from Marshalls! Are they ever cute! That is a generous Giveaway too. Thanks for linking up for tea today and enjoy your week.


  3. Hi Snap
    It never fails to amaze me that I think I'm following certain blogs, and it turns out I'm not. I guess there's more than one way to follow.
    Aren't those the cutest plates and mug with the tea things on!
    I have been meaning to get 'Chocolate Chocolate' on my ereader, so to win it in print form would be even better. Lots of goodies in your giveaways.
    Any hints if it's a special number BD coming up? :-)

  4. Oh, I am drooling over those dishes!! I just LOVE them....the tea cookies sound yummy.

    I am a follower, Thank You for the opportunity to win part of your giveaway. Have a wonderful week!

    Aledia @ Plum Perfect

  5. What a wonderful giveaway!!! Thank you very much for this opportunity!

    I am your newest follower. So glad I found you through A Delightsome Life's "A Return to Liveliness!"

    I have a giveaway going on too, should you be good turn deserves another, definately!!

  6. Holy moly, that's a generous giveaway! First dibs on Cassie, LOL!

  7. What great dishes! I was at Marshall's yesterday and didn't see these.

    Robin Flies South

  8. I love your Marshall's finds !I love the mermaids in your give away too!

  9. This is so sweet! I love shopping at Marshalls - what a thoughtful friend - LOVE the mug. You are a dear to offer this giveaway - I am a happy follower - I would love for you to link your giveaway with the others on my blogiversary giveaway - you can find it by clicking the pictures on top under May Giveaway
    I appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,

  10. Hi Snap, Your tea-themed plates and mugs are really neat! Thanks for sponsoring your Summer Curiousities giveaway. You have some nice items!

  11. Cute! Cute! Cute! Love that tea mug and plate. Please throw my name into the cup for your generous give-away. Hugs, Deb

  12. I love your giveaway items! I would love to win. Thanks for the chance.

  13. Hi There, I'm trying to catch up after being gone for a week.

    Congrats on your Blogaversary and your upcoming birthday. I don't participate in Giveaways anymore ---so please give my vote to someone else.

    Love what you got at Marshall's. I too would love the size of that teacup.


  14. love your new tea dishes! Marshall's is a great place for a find!

  15. What a lovely thought, sharing your birthday. I wish you a very Happy Birthday.

  16. Hi Snap,
    So cheerful and so nice to start the day with pretty goodies around you. Being passionate about china and earthen ware I would have fallen for these just the same!
    Have a wonderful time in preparing the birthday celebration preparations.
    Love from Holland,

  17. Hi Snap,
    but Cassie is not on the list of giveaways? No, you wouldn't - she is so cute. Anyway your giveaways are amazing and will make the winners happy. Such a gift card is a nice thing. Your purchase is great.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  18. wow adorable gifts, they are all beautiful!
    Cassie is doing a great job supervising everything there!Cute girl!
    Hugs and purrs
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA

  19. Such a lovely giveaway. Thank you so much!

  20. Hi Snap,
    Whata lovely china you found to share with us!
    It could only be teapots and tea cups, what else !!! :)
    And lovely gifts, too!

  21. fHi Snap,
    What darling tea dishes you found! I like to go to Marshalls when we go to a big city. Its a fun store to shop in. Have a good week!

  22. O, Snap, this is such a great giveaway.
    Thanks for giving us a chance to win...

    I sure like your tea set you found at Marshalls. We don't have that store here but we do have a TJMAXX. :)
    XO bj

  23. Well Happy Birthday soon and to your Blog too! I wish I lived closer as I would love to go shopping with you. You find the most fun things. Your tea dishes are cute too.

  24. I love the mug and plate! What a lovely design. I don't get to Marshall's very often, but they do have some great tea things.

    Jocelyn @

  25. Hi Snap,
    I love your tea inspired set from Marshall's. That's an amazing selection of giveaway's. I'm your newest linky follower. Have a wonderful week.

  26. Wow! That would be FUN! Happy Birthday to you early! I hope you have started celebrating already! Hugs!

  27. I'm definitely a follower and what a lovely tea set. I would love to win a prize. Put me in please.

  28. Hi, Snap. I was just checking out your blog and noticed that you were having a give away. Such lovely gifts. I would like to enter, please. I am already a follower and enjoy Twisty Lane a lot!!
    Here's to your health!

  29. Hi Snap...I'm leavin' a comment....and I'm a long time follower too.

    Hope I win.



  30. HaPpIesT Birthday Wishes Snap!
    HoPing your week is all you're hoping For :)
    I adore your Marshall's finds !
    Great shopping FuN !! and now the FuN of using them :))


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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