Saturday, May 19, 2012

My World: Classic Ford

You may remember several months ago,
Well, it happened again.
I was on my way to post a letter and I found this little beauty.
This time I had my camera with me.

Classic Ford Auto

Classic Ford Mosaic

Mosaic Classic Car

Classic Car Mosaic

I never know what I'm going to find on my walks to the post!

For those of you interested in give-a-ways:
mine can be seen here.

Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. Wow, she's a real beauty!

    Wouldn't it be so much fun to ride around in that gorgeous vehicle??

    SO GLAD you had your camera this time! Thank you!

  2. So glad you had your camera this time. I love your mosaic. Wish I knew how to do that.

  3. I love to see old cars and this one is a beauty. It has been done up just right.

  4. What a shiny gem, great find!
    God bless you!

  5. What a wonderful quaint old car!

  6. A corker! And you had your camera! I never have mine when interesting things happen. Well done.

  7. Isn't that car the most gorgeous thing? I'm not into cars but this car...I can hear Katherine Hepburn saying "it's yar" like she said about the boat in The Philadelphia Story.

    Love your photos and what great mosaics they make.


  8. That is a true classic! I carry my camera everywhere but I still miss a lot of good photos! Everything moves so fast in this big old world!

  9. Now there's a classic in pristine condition! I just opened your blog and DH walked by wanting to know what I was doing looking at old cars. :-)

  10. Beautiful !! I love the color...makes such a nice mosaic.

  11. A lovely classic car and a great find. Always nice when you camera is handy. Have a great week!

  12. You are so right about having that camera with you. I bothers me bad when I don't. and it is usually something I can't go back and find later. This is a great find. Love it.

  13. The old cars had so much style!...Wouldn't it be great to take a ride in one of these some summer evening with the top dowm!!!

  14. It`s a beauty!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  15. That is a beauty. I have the same thing happen sometimes. I'll walk past a car and do a double take when realizing it's a classic.

  16. Hi Snap, I enjoy seeing these old beauties. My SIL has an old black chevy that he takes to car shows. It's really cool.

  17. What a classic beauty!

  18. What a beautiful classic car and superb captures!! I do love those old cars! Classy! Hope your week is off to a good start! Enjoy!

  19. What a classy car. I'd love to take a tour around town in something like that, wouldn't you?

  20. Great pics. My OWT pics are up too.

  21. what great shots! very cool and so much round. would be perfect for my *picstory* this week :) so if you like....

  22. Wow, that sure is a beautiful car. Lovely mosaic too.

  23. A real beauty and white wheels as well!

  24. Now, I am not into cars, but oh my, what a great looking old car. The images are wonderful and I will have to share with my husby, he will like them very much~

  25. Snap~ Don't you love it when you spy something and actually have your camera?!! Fun, fun classic car :)

  26. What a great subject for a mosaic!

  27. Wow, looking so luxurious! And then it's a convertible too! Can imagine it made your day with this capture!

  28. wow, yes this is a beauty. Nice to see people taking care of them. :)

  29. This is really a cool car. I posted some, too, this week, but I like yours better than mine. the color is nice as well as it being a convertible. Great find. Keep on mail in those letters. genie


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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