Thursday, May 3, 2012

Good Morning!

Destined For Greatness T-Shirt


  1. Always...thank you for the laughter. You put some sunshine into my dismal week of cloudy skies. Now...I NEED this t-shirt!! :)

  2. Great way to start the day. Go - as a person think as so shall they become.

  3. =^.^= we agree!It's wonderful!
    Léia and Luna

  4. That's another one to embroider on a cushion!
    When our son was an adolescent and I worried about his less-than-stellar marks in school, my wise sister told me that we 'don't want him to peak too early'. Indeed! He peaked in time for graduation and had his pick of universities, and I've used that advice to many worrying mums.

  5. I love thsi shirt, Snap! I'll probably be pacing myself all my life :)

  6. LOVE it!! I'm definitely pacing myself...must be a snail's pace!

  7. Ha ha, yeah . . . ANY DAY NOW it will happen!

  8. These texts are so meaningful!
    I loved your previous rose post, the picture with the buddha at the back meditative. Is the mystery one not Amber Queen, or one of the Pemberton roses?
    Happy day!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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