Sunday, August 19, 2018

Fairies In The Garden

This time of year the dragonflies are plentiful around the pond.
They are so small I call them fairy-flies.
It's easy to believe that they are fairies flying around the garden.
I've never been successful in catching a good shot of them until this year.


Fairies in the garden! 


I had to shoot through the glass patio doors.


Tiny little things guaranteed to make one smile!

Dragon Fly

I made my weekly trek to the grocery
and this is the first thing I saw.


Guess I'm not the only one anxious for fall! 

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Mosaic Monday

Keep In Touch

Share Your Cup Thursday

Little Things Thursday


  1. Wow, Tinkerbell lives in your garden, so pretty. Wonderful shots and a super collage to kick start Mosaic Monday on Sunday!

  2. Oh Snap!!!! Beautiful! Great shots through the glass. You caught the colors in the wings perfectly. Oh LOVELOVELOVE the grocery store display. It makes my heart skip a beat. I love Autumn.

    Love to you, My Friend,

  3. I adore dragonflies but have not seen many this summer. Wasps, on the other hand, are EVERYWHERE.

  4. Delicate creatures that my grandmother always called, "snake doctors."

  5. Great pictures!When I was child,there were lots of dragonflies,butterflies and fireflies...Now they are rare here where I live.Hugs!

  6. You got some great shots of your fairy-flies. The first one looks as if he's smiling!
    And fall will be very welcome in my neck of the woods, too.

  7. Nice to meet you on MAGIC MONDAY... Great captures. I love dragonflies. Our cat catched them with endurance.

  8. Hello,

    Pretty captures of the dragonflies. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead!

  9. The wings are irredescent...misspelled! heehee! But oh so pretty. Hope the fairies don't mine that I can't spell! Hugs!

  10. Happy Mosaic Monday. Your fairy flies are adorable. Luv their see through wi ngs


  11. Oh my goodness, I am not ready for autumn - yet! Great captures of the 'fairies' - they are usually moving much too fast for me!

  12. What beautiful iridescent wings they have! They do truly look like little fairies

  13. Beautiful pictures of the dragonflies. I love to watch them.

  14. What great captures of the fairies in your garden! My attempts at photographing dragonflies hasn't been very successful yet. It's hard to believe that summer is almost over, but I'm clinging to it while I can. Hope your week is going well, Snap.

  15. Beautiful pic of the dragonflies. Wow they do look like fairies. I must try to take some pics of the ones in my gardens.

  16. ...every garden needs a fairy or two.

  17. You really got some wonderful shots of the dragon flies. We have a lot of them this year. We're not sure why but they're fun to watch. I'm not anxious for fall because once it arrives our temps begin to dip quickly and then winter sets in rather early. Thanks for your visit and enjoy your weekend.

  18. Hi there, your dragonfly reminded me of one that I found on my radio antenna on my car recently. That little buggar held on for dear life for several miles but then he let go. I felt sorry for him. I would have pulled over and took him off there but there was no place to stop.

  19. I always have problems taking photos of dragonflies because they never stay still for me. I was at the zoo with our grandson today and a beautiful dragonfly with blue landed on my arm and then flew off. Definitely no time to get a photo. I just started hauling our fall decor out and can't wait to get things put up!

  20. I love watching dragonflies. I think they are so interesting. We have them around our garden. I love when they land on me.

  21. Beautiful little fairies indeed! I'm so glad you captured them. They are delightful! Fall is running rampant everywhere I hear. :) Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  22. Love your fairy photos, Snap! I'm ready for cooler Fall temperatures, but not ready for Fall decor yet. Happy Saturday to you!

  23. Is that a Tom Thumb? I saw the same thing at ours yesterday. They seem to be rushing things a bit. I don’t need Halloween out for eight weeks. Your insect photos are amazing. Thanks for linking to Keep in Touch.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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