Sunday, August 12, 2018

Another Row, Another Row

It's much too hot to do anything but stay at home.
So, I've been working on holiday gifts.
I finished knitting this scarf.


I used a free pattern called Honeycomb that I found at
Mama In A Stitch.

Honeycomb Scarf

The yarn is Scarfie, the Charcoal/Aqua color way
by Lion Brand.
It's so soft, I may not be able to give it away!


I've been singing this all day!
I hope it will make me feel cool.



  1. The amended song lyrics made me smile too, glad to see that you're getting a head start on your gift giving. Have a great week, hope you can stay cool, here in Normandy it's raining again!

  2. The scarf is beautiful -- I love that pattern!

  3. Hello, pretty color of yard. I have been reading a lot more on these hot and humid days. Enjoy your day and new week ahead!

  4. That is a great hot weather version! And a beautiful scarf you are creating as you sing (or is it the other way round?j....take care and stay cool if you can.

  5. You are such a talented knitter, Snap! Lucky are those on your holiday gift list. I laughed at the "another row" song lyrics!

  6. I learnt knit and purl years ago inmy youth but never got very far. Crochet on the other hand i 've done from tiny book marks to bed spreads.
    Happy mosaic Monday

    much love...

  7. I'll be singing that song today too. I bought some yarn to crochet something small and easy! lol Too hot to be outside! Hugs!

  8. Your knitting looks perfect! I really admire beautiful knitting, especially as I don't have the staying power.
    Happy Mosaic Monday!

  9. Now I'm giggling at the song, too. What a beautiful colour you chose for the scarf. Lucky is the person who will wear it!

  10. What a beautiful scarf! I would also be tempted to keep it.
    I hope that a silly song makes you feel cool, too!

  11. Love the change of words in the familiar song, Sharon! How wonderful to get a head start on gifting. You're keeping busy in this heat.

  12. That was really beautiful, I love the color you've chosen..

  13. Hi Snap. Oh, so pretty. I envy you being able to knit. It is something that I could never get the hang of. Thanks for your visit. For some reason, your comment and Janice's didn't show up in my inbox. Maybe it takes awhile to show up?? But, I didn't mean to not answer I just happened to go over my post and there it was. Maybe something left over from when we had that problem a bit ago..Hope you are having a great week so far..xxoJudy

  14. The knitting looks great but I don't think I could knit in summer. Currently I am making crochet flowers for a project for a friend. Have fun! and thank you for stopping by my blog this week.

  15. Very nice. I love the color! It's been hot here too, but I don't knit. :) Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  16. Good for you. I thought about Christmas gifts the other day. I groaned a little. Thanks for linking to Keep in Touch. Congratulations on your early start.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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