Monday, August 6, 2018

This and That

A little This And That from last week --


One of my sisters by choice and I celebrated National Margarita Day 
with a Margarita at one of our favorite local spots 
 along with some chips and dip.


Are you following the Great American Read at PBS?
There is a list of 100 favorite books there and THE MARTIAN
is one of them. 
I hadn't read any Sci-Fi in awhile and since it was on the PBS list,
I decided to try it and I'm very glad I did.
There was just enough science to not overwhelm
and humor to break the tension.
Take your vitamins before reading -- it's a ride! 
No, I haven't seen the movie.

The peaches are very good at the local grocery store.
I was surprised they've been this good for this long.
I normally buy peaches at the farmer's market.
This year, I've bought more at the grocery 
and that meant more peach smoothies!

My beautiful Summer Mug designed by Susan Branch.
They are expensive, but so pretty and a great size.

Blue Jays

The blue jay on the bird bath had just completed his bath.
The jay on the left was begging to be fed.
A parent's work is never done!
(Wonder where I put the tiny towels?)

Blue Jay

A butterfly visit to Musashi's Garden and the lantana.



Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. Now, how did I miss National Margarita Day, dang! Great bird and butterfly captures you must be a very patient snapper.
    Happy MM.

  2. Wow! What fun! You brought the joy back to summer during these brutally hot temperatures.
    Great post!!

  3. Yeah the butterflues luv Lantana. They afe good for attracting them intonyour garden
    Happy Mosaic Monday


  4. I missed Margarita Day. Love the blue jays and the butterflies. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and week ahead!

  5. What a beautiful week Snap! A little of everything ... and I love every single thing you showed. I miss lantana up here in the PNW ... it is such a cool flower and the butterflies love it. Didn't know it was national Margarita Day, but we might have celebrated it anyway ;>)

  6. I just saw the movie version not long ago


  7. Yes to Margarita's, Snap! A favorite hot summer day drink here.

    I read The Martian and saw the movie, and equally enjoyed both.

    Beautiful birds and butterfly photos! I wish Susan's mugs were a little more affordable--I love her drawings as they are so pretty, but I have too many expenses right now to indulge

  8. It's so very hot, so hot. that margarita looks so refreshing.

  9. Snap, I love the butterfly. The antics of birds is always entertaining. Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Sylvia D.

  10. Great capture of the blue jays. Adult birds must be exausted by this time of year. Lovely photo!

  11. Wonderful butterfly captures. I haven't read The Martian nor seen the movie; now I'll add it to my reading list.

  12. A great post with lots of my favs - books, a drink, birds and flowers.

  13. Susan's mugs are my favorites (I have two and I treasure them!) I know whenever I see someone post one that they are a kindred spirit!

    Margarita day -- how did I miss it??!!!

  14. Love those birds! Tiny towels would be adorable

  15. ...delightful collection, I'll stick with diet Pepsi.

  16. I love the Susan mug. Enjoyed reading with my coffee. Happy Saturday!

  17. Love the butterfly photos! Haven't heard of that book. I will look into it.

  18. I too love to read Science Fiction but I don't have enough time these days. Nevertheless, you have to tell us how the book is. Enjoy your weekend and stay cool. Those are gorgeous shots of the pretty butterflies.

  19. What a wonderful week! I especially loved the Blue Jay and butterflies. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  20. Man - how did I miss National Margarita Day? Tomorrow we might be going out for Mexican so I will make up for lost time! Love the blue jay series!

  21. I love your photos. I haven’t read that book. My husband liked it. Thanks for linking to Keep in Touch.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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