Friday, February 16, 2018

This and That

The sun came out yesterday.
It brought 100% humidity and record temps.
It's a little too early for me for sticky weather and running the AC.
So I went across the street with my book and had a cup of tea!

It was nice to get out after all the rain
and I picked up some meringue hearts.

Always Time for Tea

I'm getting ready to put up my Valentine decorations,
But I think I'm going to leave the Lori Mitchell figures out for awhile.
They are just too cute!
The Emma Bridgewater teapot and mug have been put away in 
my Grandmother's buffet -- a place of honor.

Valentine Day

Today is the Lunar New Year - the Year of the Dog.
Traits of those born under this sign are:
Affectionate, Faithful,
Courageous, Smart,
Inspirational, Loyal,
Honest, Trustworthy,

Lunar New Year

The table is all set except for the water glasses.
Mandarin Orange Chicken will be the main course. 

Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year

World Market had these cups in all the Chinese Astrological signs.

Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year

If you didn't celebrate the New Year in January,
or even if you did --
here is the chance to celebrate again!

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Lunar New Year


  1. Pretty place setting!
    Have a great day!

  2. ...tomorrow, Maui will be celebrating 'The year of the Dog.' Happy New Year!

  3. Happy Chinese New Year! Love the table setting! xoxo Su

  4. oooo I'm in love with your queen of hearts. I collect these figures. The teapot, and meringue's and teahouse mysteries. I am so happy to report I am only a little past midway through the series so I have plenty left to read lol
    LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  5. The queen of hearts figurine is darn cute! Your place setting is quite enchanting.

    Thanks for your recent recommendation of the book Endurance by Scott Kelly - it is an inspiring read!

  6. I am absolutely in love with your beautiful ceramics! Such a lovely post!

  7. Hello, I love exploring in the World Market. What a cool store! Love your table setting. The tea set and doll figures are so cute! Have a happy day and weekend!

  8. Lovely! I adore your hearts -- your Queen is really fun! I have some other figures like this that are Halloween and Wizard of Oz oriented. And what a beautiful place setting! I'd sit down there in a heartbeat!

  9. Such a pretty post!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  10. What pretty table settings. I would leave those figurines out too, so adorable. Stay cool I guess. We are getting a bit of snow tonight. xox

  11. I didn't even bring my Valentine decor out this year (don't know why but I just wasn't in the decorating mood for the holiday this year.) - Love your pretty heart teapot & cup. - Oh those are some colorful and pretty oriental dishes. Weather here was spring like in January but back to winter cold for February.

  12. I love those darling Valentine figures!! I still have my Valentine decor out. Your Emma Bridgewater teapot and mug are my favorites, and they deserve a place of honor, for sure. I've never read a Laura Childs book, but I really need to!

  13. oh wow, i really love your place settings and you have such cute valentine decorations!! thank you for linking up and i hope you had a wonderful weekend :)

  14. The adorable hearts teapot and mug. My favourite today.
    Happy you dropped by my blog today


  15. Perfect way to celebrate and honor The Year of the Dog. I love the pretty table setting, and may need to see if World Market still has a mug or two available. They would make fun gifts. Like you, a few of my valentines things are still lingering. I, too, have the Lori Mitchell Queen of Hearts. She makes me smile. Your EB tea pot and mug are delightful! I would keep them out year round.
    Love post! Happy Year of the Dog!
    PS ~ Your banner is a perfect tribute to February. Well done!

  16. Happy Chinese New Year and year of the dog.

  17. You always have the cutest cups and mugs! Makes drinks taste better too I think! Hugs!

  18. Happy Year of the Dog! I love your pretty Asian decor dishes--very festive. Those meringue hearts looked delicious-- a nice treat!

  19. ooh I love that orange plate. So pretty.

  20. Love the Chinese New Year decorations -- I am more than a little bit envious of your ability to perfectly celebrate every occasion (I'm lucky if I remember to do something special for people's birthdays). Nice that you could get outside and across the street for a bit of a weather break. I know that if I were still spending winters in Oregon I would make huge use of the coffee and tea shops that are within easy walking distance of our home (apartment) there.

  21. What a wonderful table setting to celebrate the New Year, Gong Hei Fat Choy from Normandy!

  22. I do love your Emma teapot... my holly one is put away for a bit. What a wonderful and colorful setting for Lunar new year. beautiful!

  23. Gung Hay Fat Choy, Snap! Your tablesetting is so beautiful with the colours and the lines of the chopsticks. Love it. Mandarin Chicken for dinner also sounds delicious. Have a great week.

  24. Such a happy posting... and those Lori Mitchell creations are so darn cute...I would love a cup of that tea and lemon ... It just looks so relaxing ... but my favourite is the little heart mug and teapot( SWEET).

  25. Hello,Snap,
    Your table setting is always full of joy and pretty.
    The chopsticks is very colorful with details design.
    Again your header is quite lovely. Happy day to you!

  26. What a cheerful post.Love the dishes and love the beautiful header too!

  27. Terrific post to honor the Year of the Dog! Have a fine day!

  28. You have such a fun blog Sharon. I'm following through my blog. ~I'm letting you know I received your HeART exchange card. It's absolutely beautiful. I sent you a thank you post card. You should receive it in the mail sometime this week. All the best. Terri

  29. Your Valentine's figurines are precious. They deserve a little more attention. Your Chinoiserie is beautiful. Thanks for sharing at Keep In Touch. I loved your visit.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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