Friday, March 2, 2018

Steep Right Up!

The sun finally came out 
and I enjoyed the day by walking up to the Village.

Book and Starbucks

A stop at the new Starbucks for a Green Tea.
Sitting outside with my book.

The book, LADY COP MAKES TROUBLE by Amy Stewart
is the second book in the Kopp Sisters Novels.
GIRL WAITS WITH GUN was the first in the series
and I loved it. The books are based on the Kopp sisters'
real life adventures in New York in 1914.
Great covers, too!


Painted in Rice Village after Hurricane Harvey 
by street artist Gonzo247.
This hand embodies the resiliency of the Houston spirit
and even has a little Texas embedded in the center of the palm.

Bunny Teapot

Speaking of tea (!),
I wanted to share my new tea cup.
A dear friend surprised me with this cup and spoon 
from Mud Pie.
"Steep Right Up" to spring!

Opening Day

"Steeping Up" to spring also means
it's time for college baseball!
This was opening night at Reckling Park.
I like to get to the ball park early!

That's my This and That for the last week. 
Wishing YOU well, much joy and sunny skies!

A Nice Morning
Easter is Coming

Willy Nilly Friday

Amaze Me Monday

Mosaic Monday

Tuesday Cup of Tea

Keep In Touch



  1. I haven't been to a baseball game in a long time

  2. That book series sounds intriguing! I'm going to check it out!

  3. Still to chilly here to sit outside, but it's stopped raining and the sun is shining! Lucky you! Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Wonderful post Sharon. I'm grateful for your book recommendation and will be checking our library for it the next time I'm there.

  5. Thanks for the book recommendation - sounds good!
    The mural is the American Sign Language for 'love'
    Have a great weekend!

  6. Love your new blog header - so appropriate for March!

    OK - even though it's still cold here, you have put me in the mood for a Green Tea Frapp at Starbucks!!!

    Play ball!

  7. The book sounds great! I love vintage mysteries and I love your spring things!

  8. OOOOOoooo I love the Easter vignette you created! So delightful. Just seeing it made me happy.

    Wishing you a DeLovely weekend.


  9. Luv all the images; especially "steep right up"

    thanks for dropping by my blog today

    much love...

  10. I'll see if my library has those books! Sounds like a series I would like. LOVE your cute bunnies and pretty flowers! Enjoy your week! Hugs!

  11. Your blog is looking positively spring-y, and is a welcome sight these days as winter lingers on. What a cute mug your friend gave you. Enjoy the baseball games!

  12. Your this and that this week made me smile, what fab mosaics they made. Love your bunnies and new mug, the spoon is so cute.
    Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.

  13. Hopefully sitting outside will be possible here soon....waiting patiently for sunshine and flowers. Your collage is lovely, so bright and spring like.
    Happy Tuesday!

  14. Hello Snap,
    How wonderful!A book and Green tea of Starbucks,they are always good friends!
    Such a pretty cup and spoon!Do you see me dancing with that boy and girl in your new header.Your header is always Lovely!🌷

  15. Love your bunny teapot, and the cup and spoon is so cute! Love the saying! I will look for the book...haven't heard of it before. Am an avid reader, so, that goes on my list! I am not a matcha fan, but it always looks so inviting! Have a great week and thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  16. Hi!Your header is just wonderful!Love the cute bunnies and teacup too.Beautiful flowers.Hugs!

  17. Ah, looks like my old hometown.....HOUSTON!

  18. Green tea frappucino is one of my favourite Starbucks drinks. Your new cup and teaspoon are adorable. The dancing rabbits teapot also made me smile. Thanks for stopping by.

  19. Such a exciting cup of Green Tea with so much to ‘ Show and Tell” ... Love your little bunny teapot...I guess we all know where the Easter Bunny is stopping( ha ha) ... Thanks for sharing your activities..It was fun !!!

  20. Thanks for visiting the Garden Spot. Love you bunny and Easter inspiration. I am ready to get my Spring decor out of storage.

  21. I just love your new tea cup! Mud Pie products are so much fun. We have the canisters. They are too pretty to use...can't believe I said that but it's true. :)

  22. "Steep right up" - that is adorable! I'm going to look for those books - I've never heard of that series and I've just been looking for something new.

  23. I love your Bunny teapot and pretty new mug with its own spoon, Snap. I have not had a green coffee drink at Starbucks as yet this season--hopefully, I can try one soon as it looks like a great treat!

  24. The books sound great and I just went to the Library and put myself on the wait list for the first one (in Kindle format). I love being in Florida and checking out a book from our Oregon library! Thanks for the recommendation. Almost forgot to come back and thank you -- and tell you I enjoyed the rest of the post too. Spring looks lovely at your home!

    Walking to the coffee shop/market area reminds me of my summer life in Oregon, where we live downtown. Not so easy to do here in Florida, but there are compensations. (This is the time of year when I start to get homesick though.)


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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