Friday, September 1, 2017

Fair On September First

Fair on September first,
Fair for the month.

Sun Shine
September 1, 2017

I certainly hope that is true.

As most of you know,

Hurricane Harvey hit the Texas Gulf Coast causing massive damage.
The rains from Harvey inundated Houston -- my home.

I'm pleased to report that I am fine.

I remained high and dry.

Hurricane Harvey



Kids really should not be in the flood water.
Nasty stuff. 
Kids will be kids, I guess.
Stir crazy, too.

Harvey Collage

Things are getting back to the new normal in my area.
People are going to work.
Grocery stores and restaurants are opening.
Schools will be opening in two weeks.

Friends invited me out to lunch and grocery shopping yesterday.

What a treat!


I'm so very lucky.
So many have lost everything.

If you wish to donate, I recommend donating locally.
The Houston Food Bank is excellent.
Friends For Life is helping pets.
There is link at the top of their page for donations for Hurricane Harvey.

Meanwhile, back at home, Mina keeps me smiling. 
She loves her tunnel!


Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Amaze Me Monday

Mosaic Monday

Willy Nilly Friday


  1. Hello, I am so glad you stayed dry and safe. There were warning about walking in the water, it is not safe. I hope the children playing were ok. I donated using your facebook link to the Friends for Life.

    My prayers continue for the the storm victims in Texas.

    Cute shot of your Mina. I hope you have a good day and holiday weekend.

  2. ...I'm glad to hear that you are high and dry, a have a canoe that I could send to you if needed. Stay safe.

  3. Thank you for your terrific attitude. I'm grateful you stayed "high and dry." I need to find a tunnel like that for my kitty boss . . .

  4. Praying for all of you in Texas.
    Sweet kitty!

  5. I am so glad to read that you are alright. I may not be around much due to big family responsibilities, but I think about my blog friends and drop in once in a while. Take care of yourself!

  6. Glad to hear you suffered no real damage from the storm. Same for us.

  7. Glad to hear you are safe and sound. Prayers and donations are going out to all those who have been hit by this devastating hurricane.

  8. So glad you did not have damage. I have a nephew in Houston and his pictures of his street are very similar in terms of water level - he never lost power and house stayed dry. A blessing for you both. Was the first picture from a previous September?

  9. Glad things were not worse for you during the terrible storm!

  10. So thankful you were safe & dry. Seeing this has really been an eye opener on being thankful for what I have and not what I think I need. - That food sure looks yummy and your kitty is adorable.

  11. So good to hear you got through this terrible storm. Amazing photos of the water on your street. Adorable kitty pic.

  12. I am glad to hear you are safe! It was most definitely a scary time for all of us!

  13. So glad you are safe. Thanks for sharing the photos. And your kitty is so cute. Hope your week gets better and better.

  14. So glad to hear that you are safe. Such a tragedy.....and now Irma is set to hit Florida with two other hurricanes on the way. Thank you for sharing the links. x Karen

  15. Hello Snap.
    So glad that you got through the storm!

  16. It's so good to know that you're safe, Snap! My DIL's mother lives in Houston, and all is well with her, too.

  17. Thank you for your Harvey update. So glad you were okay. We too were blessed to be high and dry. Our street didn't even have water. I absolutely love the photo of Princess Mina in that tunnel. Our long-haired tuxie Barleigh enjoys his tunnel too...but he is almost too big for it! Keep writing your blog. It always brings me joy, especially your excursions to the zoo.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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