Thursday, August 24, 2017

You Are Never Too Old to Blow Bubbles

I've been a little grumpy.

First, Trader Joe's discontinued their Wasabi Mayo.

I love TJs Wasabi Mayo.
Apparently, I may have been the only one who did.
But if that is the case, why did they carry it for the last four years?
Thankfully, I have an unopened jar in the pantry.

Wasabi Mayo

The weather hasn't helped.
UGHUST has arrived in all her hot and humid glory.
In addition to sunscreen, one needs something to keep themselves cool.
Fruit bars help.
The creamy coconut is delicious.

Coconut Fruit Bars

Hurricane Harvey doesn't help.

Since it is too hot to be outside,
I took the opportunity to finish a shawl.
This was a Marley Bird KAL.
The pattern called for chunky Red Heart yarn.
I don't "do" chunky ... I'm too short.
I look swamped by "chunky"!
I made the shawl in Red Heart Soft and repeated a couple of sections.

Dreaming about cooler weather!


It was hard to be grumpy when the kitties Kit Nip Box arrived.
They always enjoy new toys -- at least for a couple of days!

My Texas Market Box arrived at about the same time.
I really enjoy this box.
Each box includes the best small-batch,
artisan goods from farmers' markets and local Texas businesses.
The Texas Market folks make monetary donations to the Houston Food Bank.
Double win!

There is a theme for each month and this one was Gulf Coast Summer.
Garlicky Greengo Sauce, Gulf Coast Fish Fry, Sea Salt Soap Bar,
Island Seasoned Sea Salt and Organic Watermelon Lime Tea.


Nothing can chase the grumps away faster than a new mug and tea!

The Watermelon Lime Organic Green Tea came in the box.
I'm going to try it next -- iced. 
The mug is from Susan Branch.
The Blue Bird is one of her new designs.

Do you have the grumps?
You are never too old to blow bubbles!

Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. Trader Joe's is the best! Write them and let them know your disappointed!

  2. That shawl is lovely! Now that fall is coming, you must be excited to wear it! I, too, am a huge fan of wasabi mayo. Dietz & Watson makes a good one when you are completely out of your Trader Joes's!


  3. Savor that last jar of wasabi!

  4. #1 I've never been to TJs.
    #2 the weather is fine here, but the fruit bars look darn good!
    #3 nice to plan ahead.
    #4 buy local.
    #5 tea makes my grumpy!

  5. Your Texas food box sounds interesting with all the local treats

  6. You and I both. How could they discontinue the wasabi mayo? And the dulce de leche jars earlier this summer... Glad that the 1000 days aged Gouds is still available.

  7. I like the idea of that Texas Market Box, Maine sure could do it too there is so march artisan food around here. Cute mug, not fun Ughhhhs though...xox

  8. We all get a little grumpy sometimes, don't worry, it will pass! Hope you can find a substitute for your favourite mayo, I hate it too when they stop making things I like!

  9. Oh how I love Trader Joe's! They always have something new to try. The shawl is lovely! The weather has cooled slightly and yesterday morning it was the autumn season! Have a beautiful weekend!

  10. You gave me such a good laugh when you called August Ughust. That is exactly how I feel about it. I spent half the month just wilting from the heat. There are some people who love this kind of weather but not me. Stay safe if you are in Texas!

  11. Your shawl is so pretty, and the tea sounds perfect. I'm sorry about your favorite mayo being discontinued at TJ's. I hate when that happens.
    I hope that you are safe with the hurricane. Sending hugs your way...

  12. The heat can be rather trying. The box of local goodies and especially the flavoured tea in your pretty mug must have cheered you up. Enjoy your treats and the new shawl. I hope all is well with you during this latest hurricane threat.


  13. Well, I don't really care for Wasabi anyway.
    Oh the tea goodies are just great, along with that cute mug and the lovely shawl... yes, you are ready for Fall dear friend.

  14. Since we are having the perfect summer I won't tease you with it. We spent 3 years in Kansas when Don was in college and summers there were miserable - hot and humid or tornadoes or thunderstorms - or bugs - glad we don't live there anymore. A new mug and new tea would be the perfect thing to cheer the grumpies. Hope you get the cooler weather you want, very soon.

  15. I'm intrigued by the creamy coconut ice bar and the watermelon lime tea.

  16. You have always been the one to leave cheerful comments for other people, so if you are grumpy, that's serious! But it sounds like things turned up for you - nothing like a 'surprise' to get us in a better mood! We went to our farmer's market today and came home with lots of goodies - can't wait to enjoy them all! I've always noticed in parades - when a float has bubbles, it makes everyone smile!

  17. Lovely mug. Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home.

  18. Love your blue bird mug,so cute!I also love creamy coconut ice bar,so delicious!And yes,I do have the grumps !But anything goes...Hugs!

  19. Oh Snap...I do symapthize and empathize...been a challenging week. But...I do not share your sadness over the wasabi mayo! Lol! My husband would love it though. The tea sounds delicious! We are always looking for green tea choices, so this is now on the Find list! Love your cute mug too. Your are clever to knit so well...I can't stay to guage, so cross stitch instead. Maybe our coming week will be better. Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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