Monday, September 11, 2017

Bobbing For Apples

The week after Harvey's visit,
the Houston Zoo decided to "proceed as scheduled"
with their annual Asante member dinner.

Believe me,
we all needed the break.
A lovely break it was.

Do you remember bobbing for apples?
I do!
It was one of the fun things that happened in the fall.
Well, elephants enjoy bobbing for apples, too!

Asian Elephants

Miriam is getting ready to toss apples into the pool for
Baylor and Duncan.


And, BOB they did! 

elephant collage

I'm not sure who had the most fun,
the elephants or the folks watching!

elephant mosaic

It was a lovely evening,
 a wonderful dinner,
fun time with the Asian elephants
and with friends.
A wonderful break from all Harvey wrought.

collage elephant

Back to the real world.


Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Mosaic Monday


  1. Hello, Yes I am sure Houston needs a break. Visiting the zoo and seeing the elephants bobbing for apples is fun. Great series of photos. I hope things are getting back to normal for Houston. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  2. How good it is to know that the Houston Zoo was able to return to "normal" just days after Hurricane Harvey passed through. The elephants seemed to be enjoying themselves and I'm sure the audience did too.
    Happy Mosaic Monday.

  3. I've never been to a zoo where I've seen them have so much water

  4. LOL! Elephants bobbing for apples! God bless the Zoo for carrying on - when in crisis, normal is what we humans crave the most. So glad they were able to continue with the event!! Have a peaceful, restorative week.

  5. Nice to see the elephants enjoying some fun.

  6. What fun, good to hear you are safe.

  7. I’m happy for you that you could have fun even after the hurricane attack. I hadn’t known “bobbing for apples” till now. Watching people as well as elephants must have enjoyed.


  8. Hello, Snap.
    It is good to know that Hurricane passed. It had to be a difficult time for the people.
    How fun to see the elephants bobbing for apples! I am sure the audience enjoyed so much and so did I!
    Take a rest and enjoy your time.

  9. Who knew!!! would love to have seen them. Hope things are coming together for Houston.


  10. I'm so glad you were safe at Houston dear friend. Those elephants are so cute bobbing for the apples, didn't know they liked them !

  11. I hope things back back to normal for all you guys over there. I didn't know that elephants eat apples! Enjoy the rest of your week, and thank you for stopping by my blog this week.

  12. Oh my gosh those are wonderful -- thanks for sharing this lovely event. Wow. i'm so glad you are safe after your hurricane. And i forgot to say in your later post that your garden/yard is looking wonderful.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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