Thursday, September 14, 2017

If We Would Enjoy Ourselves

From the Farmer's Almanac

"If we would enjoy ourselves, we must take the world as it is
mix it up and a thousand spots of sunshine, a cloud here and there,
 a bright sky, a storm today, calm tomorrow, the chill-piercing winds of autumn, and the bland, reviving air of summer.
–The 1854 Old Farmer's Almanac"

I love the Old Farmer's Almanac, their daily emails and words of wisdom.

The Sun is Shining.
Our brief glimpse of Autumn has ended.
Heat and humidity are back.

Musashi's Garden has been busy.
This little Painted Lady made a visit.
After remodeling the garden a couple of years ago,
one of the best things I did was put in lantanas.
It takes awhile, but the butterflies and bees find the lovely blooms.

Painted Lady

Painted Lady

Painted Lady

Painted Lady collage

Painted Lady

I love peaches.
Peach season comes to an early end here.
I rarely buy peaches this late in the summer.
The grocery peaches are hard and have no taste.
But, I was craving a peach smoothie.
So, I bought California peaches from Trader Joes.
I've been patient, letting them ripen slowly.
This morning I had smoothie number one!
Looking forward to smoothie number two!


The hat is a must now that summer is back.

New Work In Progress

The new Michael's ad had Caron Cakes on sale.
They were calling my name.
I love the fall colors and there is a nice shawl pattern on the label.
It will be my next project.
Getting into the fall spirit!

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Willy Nilly Friday

Amaze Me Monday

Make It Pretty Monday

Home Sweet Home

Mosaic Monday



  1. My garden, too, has been visited by a number of Painted Ladies this week. 'Tis the season!

  2. Beautiful photos of the Painted Ladies. Thank you.

  3. Saw a monarch today which made me happy, not sure I've seen these guys around here. We are 80 and humid too. Nices peachy drink. xox

  4. it's still summer here in the PNW and peaches are just now reaching their peak! I love them too and that smoothy looks amazing.

  5. Sweet photos of the Painted Ladies!

  6. The butterflies here like the lantana too. We bought a couple when we first moved here and then found that they grow wild he r e. They're all over our yard now.

  7. Oh the peaches, the yarn, the butterfly, the flowers - wonderful. Great saying - sometimes I need to be reminded. Happy yarn!!!

  8. Hello, love the quote. The Painted ladies are lovely butterflies. I have seen a few too. The peach smoothie looks yummy. Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  9. ...oh how I love your butterflies, I haven't seen many this summer.

  10. Love the butterfly pictures. You were fortunate to get so many nice pics.

  11. Lovely series of beautiful visitors.
    And I like the colors of the wool. Would like to have such a shawl, our summer is over (which summer in this year?). Please show a photo, when it is finished.
    Enjoy the last summer days

  12. Those are some giant hay bales. - Such pretty shots of the butterfly. Lovely color of yarn too.

  13. I've been seeing these yarn cakes all over the internet and they are just delicious! Yours are in fantastic colors! Happy weekend!

  14. Isn't it awful when fall starts to slide in and then it does a back slide and the heat comes back. You and me! I may be half way around the world but we are doing the same dance step. And it is awful. Too much heat makes for a grumpy DIYer! Those peaches sure help the mood.

  15. Love the yarn color. I bought a box of peaches... we had them in our fruit smoothies for about a week. Yum!!

    Your butterfly pictures are great.

  16. Lovely butterflies! I have seen just a few this summer. Our leaves are turning colors now. "The chill-piercing winds of autumn" are here, but refreshing anyway.


  17. Butterflies are beautiful. I see them sometimes in the condo's garden.
    I love the quote too.
    Hope you are enjoying the weekend.

  18. The Painted Lady butterflies are beautiful...great photos. Fall teased us the first part of the week and now there is heat and humidity!

  19. There is certainly a bookful of wise wisdom in those old Almanacs! Your painted Lady pics are great!
    Wren x

  20. Our weather has taken a very sudden U-turn into autumn. Hiking with Spousal Unit yesterday, we saw several puddles that had lots of dead moths/butterflies (hard to tell) in them. Frost hit hard and quick! Hopefully we will get warmer temps again, but we are so grateful for the rain. Our neighbor gave us a huge bag of plums from his tree; we will be trying our hand at plum jam soon! Thanks for your lovely pix!

  21. Peaches are one of the best things about summer, I think! Love the 'Painted Ladies' and that yummy yarn! x Karen

  22. We saw a bed of Lantanas at the lake and I had to ask the park lady what they were. I am definitely going to plant some this next spring. They were beautiful and the buterflys love them. Hopefully fall will be back..I was mad it only stuck around for a week, but we enjoyed camping while it was here. Have a great day!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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