Monday, July 31, 2017

Today Is The End

Today is the official end of ICAD
(Index Card A Day).

Tammy started this challenge in 2011 and I've participated every year.

Some years more successfully than others.

The ICAD challenge is about doing a tiny creative project each day for 61 days (June-July). It's not an art challenge and you definitely do NOT need to be an artist to participate. Instead, it's a creative challenge. 
The project must be done on an index card.
Tammy provides prompts for each day.
Participants can follow the prompts or go their own way.
A friend of mine used the prompts and wrote a haiku each day.
I went my own way trying to do more collage.

This year I'll be playing catch up.

I've made 40 cards so far.
I hurt my hand (wrist and thumb) several weeks ago.
That slowed me down.

Here are a few of the Index Cards (all 3x5) I've made this year:

ICAD Collage

ICAD Collage

ICAD Collage

ICAD Collage

I've had people ask what I do with the cards.
Some of my favorites I have framed and they are scattered around the house.
I scan all of the cards as I finish so that I will always have a record of them.
Some have flown off to new homes because someone has done a lot of begging! 
Many just continue to live in a decorated box I have.
Looking over six years worth of cards I can can say my "art" abilities have come a long way!

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Mosaic Monday


  1. Hello, I love you images and index cards. You are creative. The owl is adorable. It is great you framed and hung some around your house. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  2. Love your index cards! They remind me a little of the scrap book tags that I make, like you I have given them away as gifts/bookmarks etc., but also have them decorating my craft room and I have to admit stashed in pretty boxes under my desk!
    Happy MM, see you in September, I hope.

  3. Your tiny pieces of art are very creative, Snap. You've tried a lot of different techniques, with great success. Will you keep making them although the challenge is over?

  4. How interesting and very nice. I do think you have to have some artistic ability to do these cards. I used to do the smaller cards and don't remember what they are called---but although I like doing them I did give it up. Maybe I will try gain

  5. Your cards are very pretty & joyful. I love the graphics and the bright colors.

  6. Snap - I am not sure why, but looking at your cards made me a bit emotional. Perhaps because you 'let go' and created your own interpretation of the theme, which I am trying hard to do - to not be constrained .... So thank you for letting me think outside my box in such a beautiful way. Also, I love the comments you make on others' blogs - they are always funny and full of joy - you are special and it is appreciated!

  7. How fun as well as allowing those creative juices to flow. I have done some similar cards using just plain white card stock and then on the back, writing either Bible scriptures, words of encouragement, etc and then sending them in thought notes to those who may need a lift.

  8. Snap, What a nice project. I love the collages. I guess every year you can choose a different direction in being creative. Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Sylvia D.

  9. Your index cards are always a delight to see, Snap! It's fum to have a creative outlet. I hope your wrist and thumb feel better soon!

  10. Your cards are so creative! You now have a beautiful collection for every occasion. xx K

  11. Your cards are so beautiful.. love looking at them

  12. What a great challenge ... your artwork is beautiful..... and I like that the small size makes it seem like a reachable goal!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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